Saturday, December 14, 2024
Dear IEA Coaches, Adult Members, Board & Staff:
In reviewing unexpected issues with the live roll-out of the AccessIEA online entry system in the last two weeks, we are addressing concerns as follows:
Effective for shows after December 22, we will return to the "paper system" for horse shows that we used in the beginning of the season. We will not use the AccessIEA system for online entries until the identified issues have been fully resolved. This means that MOST of your upcoming regular season shows, Regional Finals, and potentially Zone Finals will be run the old-fashioned way with entries being submitted directly to the Show Host. It will be very important for shows to submit results immediately following their event(s). The Membership Office will be distributing an updated form to Show Hosts for submission of results for the shows after December 22nd.
Shows WILL use AccessIEA to create their prize list, and the prize list will be downloaded as a PDF and posted on the public calendar. The standard entry form will be added to the prize list so that coaches can print the form, fill it out and return it to enter, along with submitting the requisite entry payment via check.
- For upcoming Regional Finals and until further notice, the coaches can enter teams/riders under the "honor system" so that entries can open up and allow for specific class counts.
Qualifier lists will be sent to the Regional Presidents and will be posted alongside of the online prizelist (PDF) that is on the tentative show calendars on the IEA website. Those qualifier lists will be sent 3 weeks prior to the finals event. (Note: Dressage Qualifier lists/rankings for Dressage Zone Finals will also be posted on the tentative show calendars as they become available.)
- Coaches can contact the membership office to address any discrepancies with the qualifier lists when they compare those lists against their own tracking. Discrepancies will be reviewed in advance of the Regional Finals show, so that all teams and riders who compete will be verified as eligible prior to the start of the competition. Any changes/updates to the qualifier list will be communicated to the Regional President and updated on the posted qualifier list.
We realize that the current issues with the online entry system were adding to the stress of upcoming events, particularly regional finals, and that going back to the prior "paper entry" method will answer many of these immediate concerns. We are thrilled to see our AccessIEA system in use, but admittedly, we have identified issues that need to be addressed before we can successfully implement it to it's fullest capacity.
Thank you for bearing with us on this journey of building brand new technology and navigating different processes. I hope you can focus on the fun of the horse shows ahead. Our future, fully-functioning system will bring ease to future events, but it just isn't ready yet.