Radar Concept for Vital-Sign Detection
A multiple-frequency continuous-wave (MFCW) agile radar system capable of coping with various physiological conditions of a human subject is presented. Even with wooden or brick barriers in the path, the vital-sign detection was successful.
Printable Evanescent Mode Filters
This work presents a new topology of evanescent mode filter that allows for its efficient additive manufacturing. Chamfered ridges are introduced to eliminate the need for support structures when printed vertically. A prototype filter is fabricated using metal additive manufacturing.
MMIC VVA Covers 10 to 45 GHz
Mini-Circuits’ new PVA-453-34+ MMIC voltage variable attenuator provides up to 51 dB attenuation range for applications spanning 10 to 45 GHz. It has a control voltage range of -4V to 0V and achieves excellent IIP3 ranging from +26 to +43 dBm. Fabricated with GaAs HBT technology, the device comes in a 2.5 x 3.5mm QFN or in bare die format.
Dual-Band Filtering Switches Using Multimode Dielectric Resonators
Miniaturized dual-band filtering switches are proposed in this article using multimode dielectric resonators. The planar circuit boards are utilized not only to construct the hybrid EM boundary for quad-mode dielectric resonator, but also to offer the switchable feeding structures with the p-i-n diodes.
Voltage-Controlled Polarization at 0.1 THz Based on Coupled Oscillation
Voltage-controlled polarization at 0.1 THz is demonstrated using a pair of phase-tuned Gunn diode oscillators coupled through a WR10 magic-tee hybrid coupler. By finely tuning the free-running oscillation frequency with bias voltage, the phase difference between the two coupled oscillators can also be controlled.
Ultrawideband Branch Waveguide Coupler With Low Amplitude Imbalance
An ultra-wideband branch waveguide coupler (BWC) with low amplitude imbalance is demonstrated. This design is based on a structure of branch waveguide obtained by symmetrically increasing the waveguide width. In addition, this structure can produce a transmission zero (TZ), and a concept to improve the fractional BW of the BWC.
In The Studio: Silicon Carbide Enabling End Systems
As mass electrification drives the need for cost-effective economies of scale, how do improvements in efficiency and power density play into consideration? Join Wolfspeed’s Guy Moxey and learn how SiC is enabling end systems of the future.
The IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2022) was successfully held in Denver, Colorado, on 19-24 June 2022. Images are available for FREE download. Simply select desired image(s), choose the download product and complete the check-out process to receive the link.
Thank you for attending IMS2022! We look forward to seeing you again on 11-16 June 2023 in San Diego, CA for IMS2023!
IEEE MTT-S IMS2022 Photo Gallery
Images are available for FREE download
IMS2027 General Chair: Call for Applications
The IMS Leadership Search Committee is currently soliciting General Chair applications for IMS2027. The application form can be found here. The deadline for applications is August 31st, 2022.
The IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) is the flagship symposium for the IEEE MTT-S. The IMS General Chair provides the leadership, management, drive, enthusiasm, support, and coordination that is necessary for executing a successful symposium.
The General Chair should be a skilled manager that is familiar with management tools commonly used in business such as basic accounting, databases, and project management.
Introducing the Cadence OnCloud Platform
The Cadence OnCloud Platform offers easy cloud-based access to comprehensive, scalable software solutions for your electronic system design and analysis.
RFIT 2002 | Busan, China | Aug 29-31, 2022
The 14th International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT) will be held on August 29-31, 2022. RFIT will bring together experts and practitioners from a various focus areas including but not limited to device technologies, modeling, CAD, packaging technology, passive circuits and antenna, front-end RFICs, power ICs, mmWave and THz ICs, analog and mixed signal ICs, emerging ICs to 5G/Beyond-5G/6G components, and systems.
IRMMW-THz 2022 | Delft, NL | Aug 28 - Sep 02, 2022
The International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), begun in 1974, is the oldest and largest continuous forum specifically devoted to the field of ultra-high frequency electronics and applications. The 2022 47th IRMMW-THz will be held in Delft, The Netherlands, from Aug 28-Sep 2, 2022. The scope of the conference extends from millimeter wave devices, components and systems to far-infrared detectors and instruments.
10th MRW | Gdansk, Poland | Sep 11-15, 2022
The Microwave and Radar Week (MRW) is a reoccurring series of conference in Poland. It contains two parallel conference: the 24th International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON), which is a traditional conference of the Polish microwave community, and the International Radar Symposium (IRS), which is a successful European radar symposium that dates back to 1998. MRW2022 event will be held in a hybrid manner with the possibility of virtual participation in the conference.
European Microwave Week | Milan, Italy | Sep 25-30, 2022
The European Microwave Week (EuMW) consists of three cutting edge conferences: the European Microwave Conference (EuMC) 27 - 29 September 2022, the European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC) 26 - 27 September 2022, and the European Radar Conference (EuRAD) 28 – 30 September 2022. Additionally, there will be workshops, short courses, and several forums. Among the forum topics are: the Defense, Security and Space Forum, the Automotive Forum, and the 5G and Beyond Forum.
Dr. Hjalti Sigmarsson
University of Oklahoma, USA
Managing Editor
Dr. Tejinder Singh
Dell Technologies, Canada