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Edição Novembro 2022
Artigos em Destaque
Copyright © IEEE
Multiresonant Chipless RFID Tag for Directional Strain Measurement
A RFID sensor tag for real-time health monitoring of the magnitude and direction of metal surface strain is demonstrated. The presented experimental data shows that the average sensitivity of the resonators is -4.94 and 1.14 kHz/με in the electric length and width directions, respectively.
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Load-Modulating Loop Combiner for Linear Power Amplification
This work presents a PA architecture employing a feedforward-like loop structure for the linearization of a load-modulated PA. A hardware demonstrator operating at 3.5 GHz with 42-dBm peak output power and 55% PDE in CW is shown.
MMIC X3 Multiplier Die Delivers 20 to 45 GHz Output
Mini-Circuits’ new CY3-453-D+ MMIC X3 Multiplier die converts input signals from 6.66 to 15 GHz into output signals from 20 to 45 GHz. With an input power range from +12 to +17 dBm, it’s an excellent candidate for frequency conversion in 5G backhaul systems, Satcom, radar and more.
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Wideband Surface Acoustic Wave Filter at 3.7 GHz With Spurious Mode Mitigation
This paper presents a new surface acoustic wave (SAW) filter using a 32° Y-X LiNbO3/SiO2/Si heterostructure with a high electromechanical coupling coefficient of 23%. A SAW filter is demonstrated with a large bandwidth of 730 MHz (FBW of 19.5%) at 3.74 GHz, a low insertion loss of 3.03 dB, and a flat passband.
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W-Band Graded-Channel GaN HEMTs With Record 45% PAE at 94 GHz
This article presents the W-band large-signal power and efficiency performance of Ga-polar graded-channel AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with a 50-nm gate-length mini-field-plate T-gate. The pre-matched GC GaN HEMT devices with on-chip pre-matching networks show a measured peak PAE of 45% at 94 GHz at 2.1 W/mm associated power density.
Accelerate Your RF System Designs
Wolfspeed offers high-quality ECAD symbols, footprints, and models to assist in the design and development of RF systems using GaN on Silicon Carbide (SiC).
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Contactless RF Probe Interconnect Enabling THz Range Broadband Testing
An RF probe technology based on near-field coupling of single-mode dielectric waveguide structures which according to full-wave simulations provide an extremely broad frequency range covering from 0 Hz up to 340 GHz, the largest continuous bandwidth reported to date.
Notícias MTT-S
More Eravant Product Families Ascend to THz Frequencies
Eravant product families continue to expand their THz frequency coverage. A series of Product Updates focuses on specific waveguide bands to illustrate the latest active and passive THz offerings for frequencies up to 330 GHz.
Próximos Eventos/Convites
IMWS-AMP | Guangzhou, China | Nov 13-15, 2022

IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP 2022) é co-organizada pela South China University of Technology, e co-financiada pelo IEEE Guangzhou Joint AP/MTT Chapter. Este evento terá lugar em Guangzhou, China a Nov. 13-15, 2022. Investigadores de peso são convidados a dar discursos chave sobre as tendências tecnológicas e avanços significados em tópicos de relevância.
APMC 2022 | Yokohama, Japão | Nov 29 - Dez 2, 2022

A 2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2022) terá lugar em Yokohama, Japão, a Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, 2022. APMC 2022 irá providenciar um fórum diverso para ambos os participantes académicos como os da indústria trocarem informação, partilharem resultados das suas investigações e negociar colaborações nas áreas de microondas, mmW, THz, e até IV & ondas ópticas. O conceito core da APMC2022 é "Desafios da engenharia de microondas para a sociedade super smart no novo normal".
MAPCON 2022 | Bangalore, Índia | Dez 12-15, 2022

IEEE MTT-S e IEEE AP-S juntaram-se e assinaram uma MoU para combinar as suas duas conferências flagship na Índia, respectivamente IMaRC e InCAP, numa só conferência: Microwave, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON). MAPCON 2022 irá criar uma platforma international para especialistas e técnicos em Microondas, Antenas e Propagação colaborarem e partilharem a sua visão, experiência e conhecimento. Junte-se a nós em Bangalore, Índia de Dez 12 a 15, 2022.
IMS Prazo para Submissões aproxima-se | Dez 6, 2022

Bem-vindos ao IMS2023 no ensolarado San Diego. É a primeira vez desde 1994 que o IMS terá lugar em San Diego, e é o nosso objectivo fazer do IMS2023 um show para ficar na memória. IMS é o evento flagship numa semana de microondas dedicada a tudo o que tem a ver com microondas e RF. Esta semana também inclui IEEE MTT-S Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC) and the Automatic Radio Frequency Techniques Group (ARFTG). Submeta o seu paper até Dez 6, 2022.
Corpo Editorial
Dr. Hjalti Sigmarsson
University of Oklahoma, USA
Dr. Tejinder Singh
Dell Technologies, Canada
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