COVID-19 Staff News - December 11, 2020
Today's quote:
The First Nations leaders have continued to be fantastic leaders during this pandemic and so we'll continue to work with them.
- Dr. Brent Roussin, chief provincial public health officer, regarding increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations among First Nations community members
Today's counts
# of lab-confirmed cases in Manitoba: 20,392
# of new cases today: 445
# of new cases yesterday: 292
# of people currently hospitalized: 297
# of people with COVID in ICU: 40
# of active cases:  5,517
# of individuals recovered: 14,410 
# of COVID-19 related deaths: 465 
# of confirmed and probable cases in IERHA: 43 today, 351 active, 1,046 recovered
5-day-test provincial positivity rate: 13.8% today, 13.3% yesterday 
Outbreak Status - IERHA facilities

  • Kin Place Personal Care Home in Oakbank
  • Rosewood Lodge Personal Care Home in Stonewall

In the news:

First Nations Manitobans disproportionately affected by COVID-19
Dr. Roussin shared stats on how COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting urban and rural First Nation Manitobans: In October, there were no deaths in First Nations community members attributed to COVID-19 and First Nation people accounted for one in 10 cases. Now more than one in ten deaths stated are those of First Nation community members and three of every 10 cases reported are individuals who are from First Nation communities. The data below is from this First Nations report dated today.
The death rate has increased by more than nine times since Thanksgiving.

Dr. Roussin shared stats on how COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting urban and rural First Nation Manitobans: In October, there were no deaths in First Nations community members attributed to COVID-19 and First Nation people accounted for one in 10 cases. Now more than one in ten deaths stated are those of First Nation community members and three of every 10 cases reported will be individuals who are from First Nation communities.

Students returning home aren't in violation of public health orders but . . .
For students away from home, nonessential travel is not recommended. Self-isolation restrictions are in place for people returning to Manitoba from east of Terrace Bay. Travelling back home to be with family isn't a violation of orders but the overriding message is to reduce gathering outside of a household.

Vaccination administration
Manitoba is following the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommendations on prioritization of populations for vaccination administration. The shipment being received next week must be administered at the point of receipt so that is why health care workers are receiving the first vaccinations. They will travel to where the vaccine is located as it won't be transported from that site.

Dr. Roussin has verified that the province would not make vaccine available to the Winnipeg Jets outside of prioritization of populations at most risk.

It is likely by fall 2021 that the majority of Manitobans who want the vaccine will be vaccinated.

Implementing the Provincial Capacity Improvement Plan: Four pillars of space, equipment, supplies and staffing

388 people hospitalized related to COVID, 298 of these patients are still in the infectious stage of the virus and 90 are past the infection state.

As of there morning, there were 121 patients in ICU, 40 of these people were considered active COVID infectious and 13 were longer term patients who were past the infectious stage. 48 of 78 have or had COVID-19, this includes 8 of the 13 people who are no longer infectious. This virus can and has impacted Manitobans of all ages. A significant portion of people have lengthy stays that outlast their infectious period.

Isolation capacity is continuing to expand to support needs, in particular people who are homeless, a population that is being hit hard with COVID infections now.

More nurses entering the workforce
The Manitoba government has worked with the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba (CRNM) to expedite the registration of up to 39 internationally educated nurses so they may enter the workforce. Read more

Memo to All Staff
Health and Wellness Resources for Health System Staff
From: Ben Fry, Interim Chief Operations Officer, Mental Health and Addictions & Dr. Jitender Sareen, Provincial Specialty Lead for Mental Health and Addictions

COVID-19 has challenged health system workers to change how we conduct ourselves in the workplace, our homes and within our social connections. With those challenges, it would be natural to feel stress, fear, concern and emotional fatigue.

Now, more than ever, it is important to show kindness and compassion to ourselves and one another. Some of the ways we can manage in these uncertain times is to focus on the positive aspects of our lives and things we can control.

To help us do so, Shared Health and our Psychological Health & Safety Committee partners have developed three resources for health system workers:
• An online Mental Health and Wellness Resource Finder that provides provincial resources tailored to a number of wellness needs. The tool can be found here.
• A business card sized ‘pocket card’ that provides helpful self-care tips for spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being. Be sure to ask your manager for your copy.
• Staff Booster sessions led by skilled trainers designed to fit busy schedules. The sessions are approximately 20 minutes and include topics such as stress management, self-care and dealing with uncertainty. Sessions will be available at various times weekdays and weekends to ensure staff from across the province are able to attend. All sessions will be recorded and available here.
Regional screening/testing activity
Mon-Sat, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
100 Easton Drive
Friday, Dec. 11
75 screened, 75 swabbed
Thursday, Dec. 10
60 screened, 60 swabbed
Wednesday, Dec. 9
66 screened, 66 swabbed
Tuesday, Dec. 8
84 screened, 79 swabbed
Monday, Dec. 7
125 screened, 122 swabbed
Mon-Fri, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
35 Railway Ave. (Wellness Cnt.)
New hours on Monday:
9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 
Friday, Dec. 11
9 screened, 9 swabbed
Thursday, Dec. 10
17 screened, 17 swabbed
Wednesday, Dec. 9
20 screened, 20 swabbed
Tuesday, Dec. 8
11 screened, 11 swabbed
Monday, Dec. 7
24 screened, 24 swabbed
Powerview-Pine Falls
Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
37 Maple St.
Friday, Dec. 11
34 screened, 34 swabbed
Thursday, Dec. 10
26 screened, 26 swabbed
Wednesday, Dec. 9
22 screened, 22 swabbed
Tuesday, Dec. 8
44 screened, 43 swabbed
Monday, Dec. 7
34 screened, 34 swabbed
IERHA Occupational Health & Safety
All staff members can contact the Occupational Health Nurse by emailing COVID19OCCHEALTH@IERHA.CA or by calling 1-844-940-1993. This email and toll-free phone number is monitored Monday - Friday, 0800-1600 hours and on weekends and on holidays from 0800h-2000h for on-call coverage for COVID-19 related issues and emergencies. 

NOTE: Dec. 25 and Jan. 1 - on-call coverage available from 0800-1600
Phone: 1-844-940-1993
For general guidance, contact Health Links at 1-888-315-9257. 
Website Updates for Health Care Providers
Check the Shared Health page daily for information relevant to your delivery of care in these rapidly changing times of COVID-19.

Your infection prevention and control team

Patrice Lee
Regional Manager, Infection Prevention and Control
P: (204) 467-3386 / C: (204) 461-0421,
Amanda Preachuk
IP&C Coordinator
Phone (204) 785-4034 / Fax: (204) 785-4874
Sites of responsibility:
  • Ashern – Lakeshore Hospital & PCH
  • Eriksdale – E.M. Crowe Memorial Hospital & PCH 
  • Selkirk Regional Health Centre
Kristin Stewart
IP&C Coordinator
Phone: (204) 485-1455 / Fax: (204) 785-4874
Sites of responsibility:
  • Gimli Hospital
  • Lac Du Bonnet PCH
  • Lundar PCH
  • Pine Falls Health Complex & Sunnywood PCH
  • Pinawa Hospital 
  • Stonewall Regional Health Centre & Rosewood PCH
  • Teulon – Hunter Memorial Hospital & Goodwin Lodge PCH
Shawna Ferenc
IP&C Coordinator
Phone: (204) 785-0700 / Fax: (204) 785-4874
Sites of responsibility:
  • Arborg – Arborg and Districts Health Centre and PCH
  • Beausejour - East Gate Lodge PCH and Beausejour Health Centre
  • Fisher Branch PCH
  • Hodgson/Berens - Dialysis
  • Oakbank - Kin Place PCH
  • Red River, Tudor House & Betel PCH Resource
  • Whitemouth PCH