COVID-19 Staff News - January 13, 2021
Tudor House resident, 90-year-old Mary Cartlidge, on getting the COVID-19 vaccine today
“I only have my brain and X amount of time left. Being stuck in lockdown is hard. So is not being able to see my family and my cat. I am hoping that this vaccine will help to get us out into the world sooner.”
Today's Counts

# of lab-confirmed cases in Manitoba: 26,695
# of new cases today: 155
# of new cases yesterday: 92
# of people currently hospitalized: 289
# of people with/recovering from COVID-19 in ICU: 36
# of active cases: 2,928
# of individuals recovered: 23,014
# of COVID-19 related deaths: 753
# of cases in IERHA: 7 today, 353 active, 1,582 recovered
5-day-test positivity rate: 9.6% today, 10.1% yesterday

In the news . . .
Interlake-Eastern RHA's focused immunization team at Tudor House today. From left to right are: Deanna Liebrecht, public health nurse (seated); Evange Brook public health nurse (seated); Kelsie Cyr public health nurse (standing); Wendy Fontaine, public health nurse and IERHA immunization coordinator (standing); and Donna Mandziuk public health nurse (seated). 
Resident vaccinations at IERHA personal care homes and affiliate sites
Interlake-Eastern's focused immunization team was at Tudor House in Selkirk today administering COVID-19 vaccine to residents. It is expected that all personal care home residents will receive their first vaccine dose within the next 28 days. As of Tuesday, Jan. 12, 120 residents had been vaccinated. 
COVID-19 Vaccination Progress
As of Tuesday, Jan. 12, 12,409 doses of vaccine have been administered, including 10,749 first doses and 1,660 second doses. The regional percentage breakdown of vaccines that have been administered includes:
• nine per cent in the Interlake-Eastern health region;
• two per cent in the Northern health region;
• four per cent in the Prairie Mountain Health region;
• 10 per cent in the Southern Health – Santé Sud health region; and
• 75 per cent in the Winnipeg health region.

Manitoba's second fixed immunization site will open on Monday in Brandon at the Keystone Centre. Read more
Eligibility criteria expanded yesterday today to include hospital emergency and urgent care departments (no age restrictions) and today criteria were updated to include staff employed in congregate group care settings who provide direct care to individuals in the Community Living disABILITY Services, Child and Family Services, Homeless Shelters and Family Violence Shelters. Staff with the department of Manitoba Families will work directly with agencies to identify eligible staff, and will contact staff directly to schedule appointments. Read the current COVID-19 Vaccine Bulletin
Embarking on COVID-19 vaccination -
a pharmacist's perspective
"On Monday, I got to hold a vaccine for a disease that didn’t have a name a year ago. That has to reaffirm with me that insurmountable challenges can be overcome if we have the will to do it." 

Kurt Schroeder, Regional Director of Pharmacy, Interlake-Eastern RHA
Interlake-Eastern pharmacists routinely handle drugs that can be thousands of dollars per dose or even tens of thousands of dollars per dose. But handling Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine was really different. You have no idea how many times since the vaccine's arrival on Monday that I have logged into to my computer to check the fridge temperature where it is stored.
There is a lot of fear out there about this vaccine being too new or too untested. In truth, the test population was huge by drug trial standards and trials were well done. In pharmacy, we love to pick apart studies and find the flaws but these studies were really good. Drug approval processes demand that drugs show evidence that they work and evidence that they are safe. For new drugs, the approval process is like an obstacle course. Sometimes you clear the obstacle, sometimes you are forced to wait for an obvious delay and, at other times, you wait for delays that aren’t so obvious. Adding to the complexity is each country will have a different obstacle course with different rules for completion.
What we have done is built very quickly on the science that we had and eliminated those pauses to keep the vaccine approval moving forward. It was thousands of scientists who dropped their work and picked up this problem to, piece by piece, find ways to arrive at answers. It shows that we can find ways to scientifically address complicated problems and, if our will is strong enough, we can make the approval system work. We have a new way of thinking about vaccine formats with this mRNA vaccine.
We are so caught in the moment of COVID, we cannot appreciate the sheer power of putting our best and brightest people to the task of solving a global problem. They didn’t deliver one solution quickly, they found many.
COVID-19 vaccine webinar for the
health-care sector
Join medical officers of health, Dr. Tim Hilderman and Dr. Joss Reimer, as they provide background for the health-care sector on the province's COVID-19 immunization campaign, the vaccines being used, priority groups for immunization and your role in the immunization campaign.
In the webinar, Dr. Hilderman urges all staff to familiarize themselves with the COVID-19 fact sheet so you can bring credible information to discussions around vaccination. Click here for more Manitoba COVID-19 resources.

If you're looking to dive deep into a better understanding of vaccination, the Journal Nature recently published A guide to vaccinology: from basic principles to new developments. The article reflects a UK perspective but it is full of information.
Prepping for your vaccine appointment...
With eligibility criteria for COVID-19 vaccination being expanded almost daily, the time for your vaccination is drawing closer if you haven't already been immunized.
Here is some important information to keep in mind once you have an appointment:

You will be required to bring to your appointment at RBC convention centre in downtown Winnipeg:
 your Manitoba health card
 some kind of proof that you are a health care worker. Your name badge, a note from your supervisor or a copy of a pay stub are all accepted means of proving your employment.

 your completed consent form found here
 It's helpful if you wear a short-sleeved shirt.

People with appointments are reminded to enter through the main doors on York Avenue at the RBC Convention Centre. Indoor parking at the convention centre is free if you present your parking ticket for validation when you check in for your appointment.

To limit crowding and keep an even flow of immunizations, people are asked not to show up any more than 15 minutes before their appointment time.

Any staff member who is eligible for immunization is encouraged to get the shot. If you are not sure if vaccination is right for you, you are encouraged to speak with your health care provider.
IERHA Occupational Safety & Health
All staff members can contact the Occupational Health Nurse by emailing COVID19OCCHEALTH@IERHA.CA or by calling 1-844-940-1993. This email and toll-free phone number are monitored Monday - Friday, 0800-1600 hours and on weekends and holidays from 0800h-2000h for on-call coverage for COVID-19 related issues and emergencies. 

Phone: 1-844-940-1993
For general guidance, contact Health Links at 1-888-315-9257. 

Regional screening/testing activity
Mon-Sat, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
100 Easton Drive

Wednesday, Jan. 13
45 screened, 42 swabbed
Tuesday, Jan. 12
34 screened, 32 swabbed
Monday, Jan. 11
61 screened, 58 swabbed
Saturday, Jan. 9
32 screened, 32 swabbed
Friday, Jan. 8
44 screened, 43 swabbed
Thursday, Jan. 7
42 screened, 41 swabbed
Wednesday, Jan. 6
39 screened, 39 swabbed
Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
35 Railway Ave. (Wellness Cnt.)

Wednesday, Jan. 13
14 screened, 12 swabbed
Tuesday, Jan. 12
11 screened, 11 swabbed
Monday, Jan. 11
23 screened, 22 swabbed


Friday, Jan. 8
17 screened, 17 swabbed
Thursday, Jan. 7
18 screened, 18 swabbed
Wednesday, Jan. 6
11 screened, 10 swabbed
Powerview-Pine Falls
Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
37 Maple St. 

Wednesday, Jan. 13
8 screened, 8 swabbed
Tuesday, Jan. 12
3 screened, 3 swabbed
Monday, Jan. 11
9 screened, 9 swabbed


Friday, Jan. 8
16 screened, 16 swabbed
Thursday, Jan. 7
5 screened, 5 swabbed
Wednesday, Jan. 6
12 screened, 11 swabbed
323 Sunset Blvd.
This COVID-19 testing site is operated by Dynacare. More details.
Visit the Shared Health website for updates and new information.

Your Infection Prevention and Control Team
IP&C Manager, Patrice Lee
P: (204) 467-3386, C: (204) 461-0421
Trina Dillon
IP&C Coordinator
Phone: (204) 904-7487
Fax: (204) 785-4874
Community/LTC Liaison, Antibiotic Resistant Organism Surveillance - Acute Care 
  • Gimli Hospital
  • Lac Du Bonnet PCH
  • Lundar PCH
  • Pinawa Hospital 
  • Pine Falls Hospital
  • Pine Falls Sunnywood PCH
  • Stonewall Dr. Evelyn Memorial Hospital
  • Stonewall Rosewood PCH
  • Teulon Hunter Memorial Hospital
  • Teulon Goodwin Lodge

Amanda Preachuk
IP&C Coordinator
Phone (204) 785-4034
Fax: (204) 785-4874
Hand Hygiene Lead, Outbreak Planning & Influenza Lead, Provincial IP&C Rep, EMS Liaison, Surgical Surveillance 
  • Ashern Lakeshore General Hospital
  • Ashern Personal Care Home
  • Eriksdale E.M. Crowe Memorial Hospital
  • Eriksdale PCH 
  • Selkirk Regional Health Centre 
Kristin Stewart
IP&C Coordinator
Phone: (204) 485-1455
Fax: (204) 785-4874
MDR Lead, Policy Development, Dialysis Liaison, Construction Lead, Waste Management Lead, Outbreak Planning & Influenza Lead, Support Services Lead, Healthcare Associated Infection Surveillance – LTC
  • Arborg Hospital
  • Arborg PCH
  • Berens River Dialysis
  • Beausejour Hospital
  • Beausejour PCH
  • Fisher Branch PCH
  • Hodgson Dialysis
  • Kin Place PCH
  • Selkirk Betel PCH Resource
  • Selkirk Red River PCH Resource
  • Selkirk Tudor House PCH Resource
  • Whitemouth PCH