Some agencies have HUD funding such as Emergency Solutions Grant (Rapid Rehousing or Homelessness Prevention) or Continuum of Care funding that require unit habitability inspections to provide assistance.
Many agencies are not doing inspections during this time.There are several efforts underway to pursue a temporary waiver of this HUD requirement. Efforts include:
- Sending questions for multiple programs through HUD’s online Ask-A-Question help desk.
- Contacting our HUD field office; communicating with other communities that are also working with their field offices.
- Contacting HUD headquarters directly, including this response this afternoon from one HUD official in DC: “We are looking at a litany of waivers right now. I know habitability and HQS have been on the list. I’m not sure what our authority will be to waive but we are certainly asking of this is legally permissible. My understanding is that a listserv will be released with this waiver information as soon as we get cleared.”