IFA's 17ᵗʰ Global Conference on Ageing 2025
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The International Federation on Ageing is thrilled to announce the upcoming 17ᵗʰ Global Conference on Ageing! This is an invaluable opportunity for NGOs, academia, professionals, thought leaders, government, civil society organizations and enthusiasts from around the world to come together, share insights, and foster collaborations that will help shape the future of older people.
📅 Save the Date: 9ᵗʰ September 2025, Pre-conference Event
10-12ᵗʰ September 2025, Conference
🌐 Location: Cape Town, South Africa
✅ Themes:
Immunization for all Ages
Long-term Care and Improving Function
Connecting Ageing and the Economy
Improving Practice through Digital Technologies
Building Capacity in Low/Middle Income Communities: Policy and Good Practice
Health Ageing
Family, Intergenerational
Human rights (Ageism / Abuse)
Age-friendly Environments
Prepare yourself for a dynamic program featuring keynote speakers, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities that will empower you with the latest knowledge in the field of ageing. Whether you are a seasoned expert or a newcomer, this conference is designed to cater to all levels of expertise.
Stay tuned for more details, including registration information, speaker announcements, and the unveiling of our conference website. We guarantee an enriching experience that will leave you inspired and equipped with the tools needed to create impact.
Mark your calendars, and we look forward to welcoming you to the 17ᵗʰ Global Conference on Ageing!
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Tackling the Tripledemic of COVID-19, Influenza, and RSV | |
Despite the threat of hospital emergency departments becoming overwhelmed once again due to the burden created by the tripledemic of COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), only 15% of Canadians are vaccinated per recommendations for COVID-19.⁽¹⁾ With this in mind, and recognizing the significant role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in promoting health messaging, the IFA recently facilitated the Adult Vaccination Advocacy Strategies Series to support Canadians in responding to the threat of the ‘tripledemic’ created by COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
This exciting advocacy series included an information-packed session with guest lecturer Dr. Sherilyn Houle, who provided attendees with critical technical information on the impact of vaccine-preventable respiratory illnesses on the health of older adults specifically and Canadians more generally.
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Access a complete recording of Dr. Houle’s lecture entitled, ‘Tackling the Tripledemic and Promoting Vaccination among At-Risk Populations ’ today!
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Do you have more questions about the threats posed by COVID-19, influenza, and RSV?
Consult the IFA’s Tackling the Tripledemic FAQ sheet and learn more about the health benefits of vaccination across the life course.
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Completion of the 2ⁿᵈ English Edition of the Age-friendly Environments ECHO Program
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Throughout October and November the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) and WHO hosted the second English edition of the Age-friendly Environments ECHO Program.
Over 370 age-friendly leaders from 78 countries joined biweekly sessions where expert lecturers —featuring international thought leaders and GNAFCC affiliates with representation from the UK Centre for Ageing Better and the Centre for an Age-friendly Norway — shared their insights on how to approach the four stages of the age-friendly cycle. Case study presentations from Upplands-Bro, Sweden; Sahand, Iran; Penang Island, Malaysia; the Vale of Glamorgan, Wales; and Belfast, UK contributed to a robust and dynamic learning environment for all.
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IFA at the International Symposium for Francophone Age-friendly Cities | |
Staff and members of the IFA had the honour of attending the International Symposium for Francophone Age-friendly Cities in Paris, France in December, hosted by Réseau Francophone des Villes Amies des Aînés. At the symposium IFA Director Dr. Suzanne Garon presented her research on age-friendly environments in the roundtable discussion Territories of longevity while IFA member Dr. Marie Beaulieu presented her research in the discussion Rights, equality, inclusion - What are the benchmarks for taking better account of the demographic challenge in the world?
Conference attendees represented over a dozen francophone countries and were present for the launch of the WHO’s French language translation of the National programmes for age-friendly cities and communities guide, which was promoted alongside the Decade of Healthy Ageing by WHO and IFA staff at the symposium.
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Policy and Project Coordinator Cera Cruise shares her experience:
"Participating in dynamic conversations about what it means to support older persons to age well in the places that matter to them was both inspiring and a reminder of the importance of open collaboration with colleagues around the world. The IFA was thrilled to learn of the impact of the Age-friendly Environments ECHO programme on local action and is looking forward to working with colleagues including IFA Director Suzanne Garon towards the development of a French edition of the AFE ECHO programme in the coming months.”
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Meeting of Affiliates to the WHO’s Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities | |
The International Federation on Ageing has been deeply involved in the World Health Organization’s Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities (GNAFCC) since its inception in 2010. Acting as both an international affiliate and providing direct support to the GNAFCC Secretariat, the IFA plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of the network. Consisting of over 1500 municipal members and 19 affiliate members, the GNAFCC focuses on action at the local level that fosters the full participation of older people in community life and promotes healthy and active ageing.
In December the IFA had the privilege of joining other GNAFCC affiliates for the first in-person meeting of the Affiliates since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Hosted by the Réseau Francophone des Villes Amies des Aînés on the periphery of their International Symposium for Francophone Age-friendly Cities in Paris, France, the meeting of GNAFCC affiliates provided an opportunity to share experiences in supporting age-friendly environments around the world.
Together, affiliates identified shared priorities including improving the knowledge base and action around age-friendly environments; eliminating barriers for participation and exchange and mitigating language and geographic barriers to ensure the sustainable expansion of the Global Network, particularly in low- and middle-income countries; and lastly to foster mentoring activities and peer-to-peer learning across the Global Network.
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In 2024 the IFA looks forward to continuing to support the GNAFCC Secretariat, advocating for age-friendly environments, and facilitating future editions of the AFE ECHO programme.
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Share your experience with Shingles and help support Shingles Awareness Week! |
As individuals age the waning of their immune system can prevent a robust immune-response to the dormant varicella zoster virus (better known as chickenpox), allowing for the reactivation of the virus in later years and resulting in the vaccine preventable disease known as shingles. Older adults are at the greatest risk of shingles, with the highest burden in those aged 50 years and over and with negative health outcomes including bacterial skin infections, postherpetic neuralgia, and hearing and vision complications. The most effective action against shingles is vaccination, yet vaccine uptake rates remain suboptimal at best. Among individuals over 50 years of age, only 27% reported having received the vaccine in Canada.
To raise awareness of the risk of shingles and how individuals can protect themselves the International Federation on Ageing is leading a knowledge mobilization campaign across Shingles Awareness Week (SAW) (26th February to 3rd March) and needs your help!
Recognizing the critical importance of lived experience and the patient perspective, the IFA is looking to identify individuals who have previously had shingles and who would be willing to share their experience and add their voice to IFA’s SAW 2024 Campaign.
If you are interested in adding your voice and helping advance Shingles Awareness advocacy efforts, be sure to reach out to Policy and Project Coordinator Cera Cruise (ccruise@ifa.ngo) to learn more!
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Calling all Civil Society!
Let's help amplify impact this Shingles Awareness Week
Despite shingles posing a significant risk to the health of older adults, shingles vaccine uptake is low in Canada.
To help coordinate a robust civil society response during Shingles Awareness Week (SAW) 2024, civil society organizations interested in engaging in SAW are invited to attend a support session on 6 February at 12.00pm EST hosted by the IFA where representatives can provide brief updates on any planned activities across SAW, learn and support other CSOs in their SAW activities, and receive access to adaptable SAW resources to share with their networks.
Register below to attend this dynamic virtual support session or contact Policy and Project Coordinator Cera Cruise
(ccruise@ifa.ngo) for more information!
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British Columbia (BC) PharmaCare Call for Patient Input! | |
Diabetic macular edema (DME) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) are the leading causes of vision impairment among older people in Canada. Currently, the first line of treatment for these conditions is anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) which is delivered by frequent injections. These treatments are often burdensome to patients and their caregivers as they require frequent visits to an ophthalmologist, resulting in time away from work, loved ones and other commitments that disrupt daily life. A recent global survey conducted by the Barometer Program found that increasing the time frame between appointments (vis-vis a longer interval between injections) is important to patients especially those who are non-adherent to current regimes.
Against this backdrop there was a recent British Columbia (BC) PharmaCare call for patient input as part of its review of aflibercept 8 mg for coverage in nAMD and DME. Incorporating the patient and caregiver experience is crucial and provides important complementary perspective on the translation of the clinical data to the real world.
Your voice can help inform BC PharmaCare in its assessments for coverage decisions to ensure that patients and their families have access to treatment options that address their specific health needs, accommodate their lifestyles, and enable the best vision health possible! To ensure patient voices are heard the IFA is encouraging your organization’s participation in the two surveys provided below on the use of aflibercept 8 mg for the treatment of nAMD and DME.
Be sure to register your organization with the BC Ministry of Health first using the form here and help support improved patient centered care for Canadians living with vision health complications.
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Reframing Healthy Ageing Podcast Series – Release of White Paper
Against the backdrop of rapidly ageing populations around the world and the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing, there is a need for concerted efforts from across sectors and disciplines to advance healthy ageing and improve the lives of older people. To support these goals, the IFA’s Reframing Healthy Ageing Podcast took an in-depth look at the challenges and strategies to improving health and social systems that ultimately impact the function and quality of life of current and future generations of older people.
Featuring esteemed guests from across disciplines, the five-episode series provided a platform for dynamic conversation and examination of the intersecting issues that contribute to the burden on healthcare systems, societies, and individuals. The overarching themes of the series highlight the need for re-orientation of health and social systems towards prevention and healthy ageing, along with multisectoral collaboration.
The follow-up white paper and summary infographic covers in detail key themes and recommendations from the series to advance policy action.
Click on the button below to listen to all the episodes and read the white paper!
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Vaccination is a frontline public health action and one of the most successful public health interventions of our time, preventing up to six million deaths worldwide every year. Today, the need for robust adult immunization programs and research is more evident than ever, with older people and those with chronic medical conditions at higher risk of serious life-threatening complications from vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs).
The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) Vaccine4Life (V4L) program is forging a powerful rationale to build connections between the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (the Decade), the Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030), and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) toward more comprehensive national immunization plans that are equitable across all ages. As part of the V4L database, policy evidence, studies, projects, and resources around key policy issues serve as evidence that underpins advocacy strategies and actions to influence adult vaccination policy and good practice, at a country level and across regions.
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IFA Global Café Archive
If you were unable to attend any of the IFA Global Café sessions, we have great news for you! All past sessions, along with valuable resources and materials, are now accessible on our website. Whether you're interested in exploring specific topics or simply want to catch up on the insightful discussions, you can conveniently view the recorded sessions at your leisure.
We invite you to visit our website to experience the wealth of knowledge and expertise shared by our distinguished speakers and panelists. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with the thought-provoking content from the IFA Global Café series.
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