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VoltAGE banner - November issue

Front Page

World Pneumonia Day - November 12

"The one who has a healthy mind has an easy breathLyza Sahertian

Pneumonia is a respiratory disease that disproportionately affects older adults and young children. As a member of the Every Breath Counts Coalition, the IFA will share its impact on older adults over the weeks leading up to #WorldPneumoniaDay

World Diabetes Day - November 14

November is Diabetes Awareness Month!

Managing diabetes and appropriate diabetes care is key to preventing diabetes-related vision loss such as diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema.

This November, the DR Barometer calls for action to improve patient-centred diabetes care to prevent life-altering consequences to vision and function. 

November Headline



October was an exciting month for Anna Sangster, Director of Policy and Innovation, and Anusheh Khan, Program Manager, who represented the IFA in Geneva during a series of meetings coordinated by the WHO related to healthy ageing.

Anusheh Khan and Anna Sangster representing IFA at WHO

Advocacy and Knowledge

IFA Brain Health Survey web banner


Braun Health Survey

The prevention and treatment of cognitive decline across our community are crucial to supporting individuals with cognitive decline and their caregivers. As part of this important work, the IFA is gathering views on public perceptions surrounding brain health and cognitive decline.

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Adult Vaccination Advocacy

The AVAT responds to an urgent call from stakeholders and advocacy groups to influence and shape adult vaccination policy. The Toolkit is a collection of authoritative and adaptable resources designed around four key policy issues: vaccine pathways, expansion of the pool of vaccine administrators, effective targeted adult vaccination campaigns, and an environment that strives for vaccination equality.

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Monthly Calendar

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World Pneumonia Day

Fighting Pneumonia: An Agenda for Action

For World Pneumonia Day, the Fondation Mérieux and Every Breath Counts Coalition are joining forces to host a critical conversation on what governments and international agencies must do to reduce pneumonia deaths and the risk of future respiratory pandemics.

Register here

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Health Innovation Summit

Reimagining health systems

Friends of Europe’s 2022 health summit will showcase the innovations creating health systems and services that are green, agile and citizen-centred – ready for the future.

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Adult Vaccination Health Care Professional Education

ECHO Program

AV-HCP ECHO banner

The International Federation on Ageing is thrilled to launch the third unit of the Adult Vaccination Health Care Professional Education ECHO Program (AV-HCP ECHO), a scalable learning curriculum based on the world-renowned Project ECHOTM model, geared toward pharmacists, nurses, community support workers, long-term care staff and physicians. Through a comprehensive curriculum, the development of a learning community will act as a platform for sharing evidence, tools, and good practices needed to empower HCPs to become champions of adult immunization in their communities.


News from the Field

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New Partnership to Increase Vaccine Access and Equity

Vaccine Ambassadors has partnered with Meals on Wheels (MOW) Durham and Meals on Wheels Wake to increase access to routine adult immunizations. Starting this fall AdhereRx will be offering in-home vaccination services to nearly 2,000 MOW clients. “We serve a very vulnerable, elderly population. The majority of our clients are home-bound and may have a difficult time getting to their medical appointments. It’s important for them to have access to vaccines and in-home vaccine services make this process very convenient and safe,” states Sharon Lawson, Director of Program Services for Meals on Wheels of Wake County.

In addition to COVID-19 and seasonal influenza vaccines, clients and those who live with them, will have the opportunity to catch up on all recommended vaccines for their age and health conditions. “We most often associate vaccines with children, but there are many vaccines that are important as we grow older. Over the past 2-years many people have missed routine preventive services including recommended vaccines. We know that those with chronic health conditions are at greater risk of complications from vaccine-preventable diseases. It is our hope that by increasing access to vaccines through in-home services, more adults will be protected. This partnership seems like a perfect way to launch our new Adult Immunization Mobilization (AIM) initiative,” states Jackie Kaufman, Executive Director, Vaccine Ambassadors.

Learn more:

Vaccine Ambassadors

Meals on Wheels Durham

Meals on Wheels Wake


Previously on IFA Global Café

Social Innovations: From Silver Economy to Creative Ageing

"Creative ageing is a process of engaging people in creative activity as they age. It aims to depart from highlighting the problems of older adults to instead indicating their creative capital. It connects art with lifelong learning, community integration and rehabilitation, and therapeutic activities to improve physical and psychosocial conditions, build awareness, and promote the experience of older people, and then transfer it to the younger or future generations."

Dr. Andrzej Klimczuk

IFA Global Café October 21 banner
IFA Global Café register banner
Ritesh Rohan

Meet our Guest Artist

Ritesh Rohan (front page illustration)

My name is Ritesh. I am a doctor – undergraduate in zoology and biotechnology and a Bachelor of medicine and surgery (MBBS) – and an artist with a Diploma in visual arts and communication. Exposure to diverse fields of education empowered me with a passion for life, inspiring me to pursue a path to blend the essence of science and art.


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