March 2024


Welcome to IFATCA's March Circular, counting down to Conference 2024 in Singapore!


The final preparations are underway. Hotel bookings are secured and soon suitcases will be packed. Working papers have been written and are now being formatted by Tatiana in the office in Montreal. The EB has selected this theme for the Conference 2024:

Invest in People, the Future of ATM

Investing in the people within the aviation industry isn't just smart business—it's a moral obligation. By prioritizing the training, development, and welfare of aviation professionals, organizations not only maintain top safety standards but also drive innovation, boost employee satisfaction, and ensure the industry's ongoing success and longevity.

While technical advancements undoubtedly improve efficiency, human qualities like creativity, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, adaptability, and ethical responsibility are irreplaceable. Therefore, alongside technical progress, investing in the growth and well-being of human capital is crucial for organizational success and, most importantly, for enhancing flight safety in the long term.

At the conference, we will process all the working papers that our hard-working volunteers have written during the year, and based on that work, we will adopt new policies. I am confident that the discussions and insights generated at the conference will further inspire, challenge, and empower us to drive positive change in ATM.

See you in Singapore!


Deputy President

International Women's Day

Joint Statement on International Women's Day 2024

The International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA), International

Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations (IFATCA), International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations (IFATSEA), International Federation of Aeronautical Information Management Associations (IFAIMA), and International Flight Information Service Association (FISA) have come together on International Women's Day 2024 to speak in a united voice to the international aviation community and promote this year's theme to Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.

Women are still seriously underrepresented in nearly all sectors of aviation. Despite thecombined effort to take steps to rectify this, progress has been slow, especially in comparison to other industries. We, the combined voices of the professional staff bodies, cannot force change, but we can commit to encouraging representation of women in the aviation industry at all levels, from entry to leadership roles.

We feel a movement towards greater gender parity in our sector is a win-win solution to both this underrepresentation and the significant and widespread staffing shortages worldwide. Investing in women in aviation will accelerate progress for the aviation industry.

Diversity is an everyone issue, and as such, we encourage all men in the aviation community to continue to act as allies, mentors, and supporters of women looking to join and move up in the ranks. This means acknowledging the inequalities, underrepresentation, and barriers towards entry and retention for women, and doing our part to accelerate progress from the inside out. Progress is not a competition, and a more diverse workforce is proven to be safer, healthier, and more productive for everyone.

As a global community, we understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to gender inequality in aviation. Progress will be dependent on our willingness to acknowledge regional specificities, respect cultural differences, and work together as a unified front, despite historic challenges.

We are ready to work together and to invest in our sector, by investing in women.


March 8th marked International Women's Day.  IFATCA has been working hard on diversity and inclusion for several years. We have an article on the AFM women's network, newly created to promote gender diversity in the AFM region.

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The UN theme this year was “Invest in women: Accelerate progress.”

There are several inspirational female ATCOs around the world doing just that! We highlight two from AMA: Introducing CATCA's ATCO Kendra Kincade. Founder of Elevate Aviation, a not-for-profit organization that supports education and opportunities for women in aviation.

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Natelie Chappell, an inspiring young ATCO from NATCA USA and Women in Aviation International.

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We do not work in isolation! Please follow the link for an article on Aviation for all, an association of Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) practitioners from across the aviation industry who share a common vision - an aviation industry that is diverse and inclusive. To help drive the D&I agenda, they regularly organize events, educational outreach programs for youth, development and mentoring and networking events.

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ICAO acts with its partners to support Gender Equality in Aviation

ICAO is committed to achieving Gender Equality within the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This means promoting the broad participation of women in all domains of the global aviation sector, including in leadership positions, through the identification and erasure of existing barriers.

This engagement has been supported by ICAO Assembly Resolutions and programs, which have created momentum and paved the way for future progress. Yet, despite efforts from States and the industry, progress remains too limited and too slow. As an example, the participation of women holding positions as pilots, air traffic controllers, and maintenance technicians has only increased on a global basis from 4.5% in 2016 to 4.9% in 2021. According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2023, it would take another 131 years to close the global gender gap. The perspective that gender equality in aviation may not happen in our lifetimes is unacceptable.

For more information, follow the link to the article: ICAO acting with its partners to support Gender Equality in Aviation by Nicolas Rallo, Regional Director, European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

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IFATCA Speakers at Airspace World

19 – 21 March 2024, Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland, is billed as the largest and most influential airspace and near-space management event in the world.

IFATCA is delighted to have two panelists at this high-profile event. Executive Vice President Asia Pacific Cheryl Yen-Chun Chen and Deputy President Helena Sjöström. Both panels focus on the people aspect of ATM, an area IFATCA is particularly suited to speak on!


Executive Vice President Asia Pacific

Inclusive Skies: Strategies for Diversity in Aviation               

Wednesday 20 March 2024 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM


Deputy President

Strategies for Talent Attraction: Are We Doing It Right?

Thursday 21 March 2024 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM 

Exciting news! IFATCA has launched a new version of its website. The overall look has been streamlined and should look better on mobile devices. Under the tab, information for Member Associations and IFATCA Representatives can be found, including the new IFATCA Industry Digest (i2d), which includes a calendar and relevant updates from the ATM industry. As before, some content is password protected and requires to login. Over the next months, we will be adding features and content, so please visit often!


Singapore, 15 – 19 April 2024, at the

Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

Are you ready for the 63rd IFATCA Annual Conference? It's not too late to register.

Conference Web App

Alongside the website redesign, we have launched the Annual Conference Web App. You will find the Agenda, Schedule, Working Paper and more. Instructions on how to add a shortcut on your mobile device can be found via


Member Associations that cannot physically attend the annual conference can ask another Member Association to represent them through a proxy. During the plenary meeting, up to one-quarter of the quorum can consist of proxies. In committee sessions, this can be half of the quorum. Proxy votes are not valid for Executive Board elections either in Committee A or in the plenary session.

To give a proxy, a form signed by the President or Secretary of the Member Association must reach the IFATCA Office or the Conference Secretariat not later than the last day before the opening plenary session of a conference. The form will be emailed to all MAs in advance of the conference. For queries on the proxy forms, please contact [email protected].

For more information, see the IFATCA Administrative Manual.

Mental Wellbeing Panel

Monday April 15th 2024 1600

Andrew LeBovidge (NATCA USA) will moderate a Mental Wellbeing Panel during our Annual Conference in Singapore. IFATCA is honoured to welcome the following panel experts:

  • Dr Jaco van der Westhuizen – IFATCA
  • Dr Kate Manderson – Principal Medical Officer CASA, Australia
  • Capt. Dave Fielding – Chair International Peer Assist Aviation Coalition (IPAAC)
  • Capt. Laurie Shaw - Fiji Airways

Mental Wellbeing Task Force

IFATCA has created a Mental Wellbeing Task Force (MWTF). The Task Force (TF) will work on various initiatives to increase visibility and provide information on Mental Wellbeing to the ATM community. Chaired by Dr Jaco van der Westhuizen (South Africa) with members Bron Sanderson (Australia), Andrew LeBovidge (USA) and Marc Baumgartner (Switzerland).

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IFATCA 2030+ Task Force

The IFATCA 2030+ Task Force will, once again, be holding a workshop during the Singapore annual conference. 

This year’s interactive event requires your enthusiastic participation bright and early at 08:30 on Tuesday, 16th April.

Last year was a great success and we aim to repeat it this time. For that to happen, it needs your input. This will be the last chance to influence our next and last stage of work and to help create our “Blueprint for IFATCA”. We will be asking you, in smaller groups, to give us your opinions on the following topics: implementing policy in your MA, practical outcomes you want to see from IFATCA, how you want to be recognised for your work in the Federation, what should IFATCA be communicating and how do we increase participation?


Each group discussion will be moderated by a member of the Task Force. We know that you will want to give your opinion, see you there!

High Level Panel

One of the highlights of the upcoming Annual Conference is the High-Level Panel scheduled on the first day, the 15th of April.

To echo the conference's theme Invest in People: the future of ATM, we welcome speakers from various regions to steer the dialogue with our members on how they think the future of the aviation will evolve. 

The Panel will feature:

  • Han Kok Juan, Director General, CAA Singapore
  • Crystal Kim, Technical Officer, ATM Section, ICAO
  • Franklin Mcintosh, Deputy Chief Operating Officer for Operations, Air Traffic Organization, FAA
  • Stathis Malakis, Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority, representing IFATCA

Speak English Program (SEP)

The SEP secretariat had our monthly meeting to discuss some admin issues. We are delighted to announce that the EVP AMA Trish Gilbert has joined the SEP secretariat. Hopefully we can deepen the integration of the program to the AMA region with the active participation of the EVP.

We are also automating the booking system. The SEP Booking APP is underway, the prototype is ready, and we are looking forward to the trial in the coming few months. Hopefully it will make the booking more convenient and spontaneous!

If your MA is looking to get your members engaged with the Program drop us an email at [email protected]. We will set up a briefing session with you to explain how the program works!

The IFATCA website has a new section with articles as traditionally appeared in The Controller. Rather than producing a 'magazine' layout every few months, this allows us to publish longer and more topical articles faster and with more interactive elements. Constructive feedback and, of course, articles are always welcome via [email protected]


Philippe Domogala

When the 100 years ATC book was in the early stages, the authors collected a lot of short stories, and in the end, had enough material for over 600 pages, but had agreed to keep the book to 400 pages, so a few of the stories did not make it to print. Some of them are worth being published, so in the coming years, we will publish them in The Controller magazine.

The first female controller in the UK 

During WWII while many men fought, women were recruited to take their places on the production lines and other many other traditionally male areas of employment. Probably surprising for many of us in ATC today, many women were trained and acted as air traffic controllers in this period. As described in our 100 Years ATC Book (pages 73 to 76), both in Germany and in the UK, women were almost exclusively used as the first radar operators in both countries' air defence systems. 

Things changed entirely after the War, however. In 1945, society still considered women best suited to staying at home raising children and caring for their families rather than taking paid jobs from the men. A few women air traffic controllers could stay in the military, but none were transferred to the civil side. Training for ATC was restricted to men. This only changed in the early 1960s. Luckily the first woman controller in the UK, Yvonne Pope Sintes wrote her biography in 2013, “TailBlazer in Flight”. Her story reminds of how women had to struggle to be recognized at the time.

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Regional News & Activities

The Americas

The region expresses its heartfelt concern for the safety and well-being of our Haitian colleagues and their families amidst the escalating threat posed by heavily armed gangs. It is heartening to finally see nations uniting to provide funding for an international security force in response to the crisis. Our earnest wish is for peace to prevail in the country. Here is a recent article highlighting the ongoing crisis.

Earlier this month, EVP AMA traveled to Washington DC to join fellow Women in Aviation at a Reception hosted by Joby Aviation in the Senate Hart Office Building. The Department of Transportation's Women in Aviation Advisory Board members were recognized for their diligent work on the Report submitted to the FAA and Congress. During their time in DC, they engaged with various Congressional offices to discuss the impending FAA Reauthorization bill and the creation of a new Women’s Advisory Committee. Additionally, the group met with FAA Administrator Whitaker to discuss the report's numerous recommendations and to progress on those that have not yet been acted upon.

Some members of the U.S. Women in Aviation Advisory Board Alumnae of which

EVP AMA Trish Gilbert is a member.

March 8 was International Women’s Day, and the region thanked the many talented women in the region working hard and representing our beloved air traffic control profession. Additionally, the region a would like to extend a huge thank you to the many women that perform magnificent work daily in their jobs as air traffic controllers.


Trish Gilbert


Asia Pacific Region

Dear members in the ASP region,

The directors of the ASP region gathered for a pre-Annual Conference meeting. During the meeting, the regional EVP provides a briefing on the discussion at the EBM held in February in Amsterdam.

The president of ATCA-Singapore, Lim De Wei, updated the Directors with the details of the Annual Conference. All the directors are excited about meeting again soon in Singapore and welcome all the IFATCA members to come to Asia Pacific Region.

JFATC has proposed to do a survey among IFATCA member associations. The survey will collect information on the usage of aerodrome ground surveillance radar, the operation of stopbar lights, and the application of FRMS. The info collected will be used by JFATC as professional sources to assist the investigation of the tragic event that happened on the 2nd of January, and also developed into a working paper for PLC next week. The link will be sent out shortly and hopefully all the IFATCA members can help provide your input.

A group of enthusiastic female air traffic controllers from the ATC Guild of India have initiated a women empowering magazine called Aabhaa. On this year’s International Women’s Day, they launched the latest issue with lots of inspiring stories shared by women in aviation

Cheryl Yen-Chun Chen

IFATCA EVP Asia Pacific


On 22nd of March 2024, IFATCA will organize the 4th digitalisation workshop in Geneva. After having elaborated over 24 months the Guidance Material for a Joint Cognitive Human Machine System (JCHMS), the workshop aims to debate the various aspects of the IFATCA ideas with 50 participants. The participants include ATCOs, ATSEPs, Regulators, Researchers, Industry and ANSPs.

The JCHMS Guidance Material will be presented to the IFATCA Conference in Singapore by Dr Stathis Malakis. 

Frédéric Deleau


Africa & Middle East

Fateh Bekhti

IFATCA EVP Africa & Middle East



Cairo, Egypt

October 20-22, 2024



Trinidad & Tobago

October 15-17, 2024



Skopje, North Macedonia

October 15-17, 2024



New Delhi, India

November 9-11, 2024


Duncan Auld


Home Association:

Civil Air Australia

Helena Sjöström

Deputy President

Home Association:

Swedish Air Traffic Controllers' Association, SATCA

Tom McRobert

Executive Vice President Finance (acting)

Home Association:

Civil Air Australia

Peter van Rooyen

Executive Vice President Professional

Home Association:

The Guild of Air Traffic Controllers of South Africa, GATCSA

Benjamin van der Sanden

Executive Vice President Technical

Home Association:

VNLV, Netherlands

Fateh Bekhti

Executive Vice President Africa & Middle East

Home Association:

Syndicat National du personnel de la Circulation Aérienne, Algeria

Trish Gilbert

Executive Vice President Americas

Home Association:

National Air Traffic Controllers Association,  NATCA  U.S.A.

Cheryl Yen-Chun Chen

Executive Vice President Asia Pacific

Home Association:

ROCATCA, Taiwan 

Frédéric Deleau

Executive Vice President Europe

Home Association: 

Eurocontrol Guild of Air Traffic Services, EGATS 

Ex-Officio Board Members

Jean-François Lepage

Liaison Officer ICAO ANC

Home Association:

Canadian Air Traffic Controllers Association (CATCA)

Tatiana Iavorskaia

Office Manager and Secretariat

Nicola Nì Rìada 

Communications Coordinator

Home Association:

Irish Air Traffic Controllers' Association (IATCA)