December 2024

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Dear IFATCA Family,

December is the perfect month to not only take a moment to celebrate with family and welcome the new year, it is also an opportune time to pause and reflect on the year that is coming to an end.

From a personal point of view, I always take the opportunity to look at all the great things we accomplished as a Federation during the year, all the work we put in, the lessons we learned, but also what we can improve, what the future holds and the opportunities we can seize in the coming year.

I think it is reasonable to say that the Federation is doing well, that our members are and remain engaged and involved in the work that IFATCA is doing, and that the direction that the Executive Board is pursuing, while ambitious, is realistic and appropriate to our needs and aspirations.

That being said, we must not forget all the work necessary to achieve these objectives. In this regard, my first thoughts are for all our members who work extremely hard to ensure that we can achieve these goals. Every time I think about it, I am amazed - and inspired - by all the volunteers who work near or far, in the public sphere or in the backscene, for the well-being of the Federation. I wish to take a moment to say a heartfelt thank you, from the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of the entire Executive Board, for your time, your dedication, your efforts and for putting your knowledge, your skills and your talents to the service of IFATCA.

Even if we are confident that we are progressing in the right direction, several factors remain beyond our control and the challenges to be met, whether already known or not, are significant and should not be underestimated. I often say, there are two ways of seeing these challenges: as obstacles, or as opportunities.

Let us try, collectively, to see the opportunities that present themselves to us, even when they are difficult to grasp, and continue to do, all together, what we do best: represent and defend our profession, the one that is so dear to my heart, to our hearts.

On that note, let me once again thank you for being the ones who make IFATCA the respected Federation we know today. Allow me also to wish you a wonderful end of the year, a holiday season that will allow you to take a moment to relax and spend quality time with your family, and finally a very happy new year 2025.

I sincerely hope it will be full of good things for all of us, and I look forward to welcoming it in your company!

Warmest regards, 

Jean-François Lepage

Deputy President

Regional News & Activities


COCTAM Holds Their Annual Assembly in Mazatlán

It was an honor for IFATCA to once again be invited to Mexico to join our COCTAM family for their annual assembly. During the event, I had the privilege of presenting an in-depth overview of IFATCA, including our structure, working program, guidance materials, collaboration with ICAO, and key events. I was also deeply honored to present Ulises, a dedicated member of our Disaster Preparedness Committee, with a certificate recognizing his 10 years of service as an ATCO.

Disaster Preparedness Committee (DPC)

Just a few months ago the IFATCA AMA Region’s formed the Disaster Preparedness Committee (DPC). We are very lucky to have Tom Flanary chair of the NATCA Disaster Response Committee (DRC) chairing our IFATCA AMA committee as well. Joining him on the DPC are El-Kadur Acosta (Dominican Republic), Arnoldlette Pierre (Bahamas), Ulises Gonzalez (Mexico), Alessandra Paima (Peru), Lorenzo Carroll (Bahamas), Mariana Hernández (Mexico) and Maritha Gibbs (St. Lucia).

The region aims to better prepare and communicate with MAs before, during, and after emergencies, disasters, and crises. The DPC can be contacted at

Goodbye 2024, Hello 2025

As we close out the year, we reflect on the incredible work and dedication demonstrated by so many across the region. From the camaraderie and engagement at the World Conference in Singapore to the outstanding efforts of TTATCA in hosting a memorable and impactful regional meeting in Trinidad, this year has been filled with remarkable achievements.

We also value our active participation in the Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG) and the CAR/SAM Regional Planning and Implementation Group (GREPECAS) ICAO meeting in Peru (more on this in next month's edition), the Executive Board meeting hosted by APCTA in Panama, and the countless meaningful interactions and collaborations facilitated through Zoom and WhatsApp. Together, these moments highlight the strength of our community and our shared commitment to advancing our profession.

Happy Holidays,

Trish Gilbert



5 years of mandatory Critical Incident Stress Management in Europe – how are we doing?

During a discussion of the new European Union regulation 2017/373, which came into force on January 2nd 2020, a general agreement was reached that stress and fatigue were contributors to and an influence on, the safety of air traffic service provision. It was, therefore, judged necessary to introduce the notion of critical incident management in the chapter treating the prevention of the negative impact of stress on safety. “Critical Incident Stress” is now defined in the legal framework (EU 2017/373 Annex I Part Definitions 40c)) and Article ATS.OR.310 Stress outlines that an air traffic control service provider shall develop and maintain a policy for the management of air traffic controllers’ stress, including the implementation of a critical incident stress management program and provide air traffic controllers with education and information programs on the prevention of stress, including critical incident stress, complementing human factors training.


All countries and their respective Air Navigation Service Providers falling under the EU regulatory regime have had to introduce Critical Incident Stress Management. IFATCA took the opportunity of the 5-year implementation period to review the introduction process. We asked member associations to complete a questionnaire. The results of the survey are now available on an interactive map.


As IFATCA's European Region is larger than the European Union, it should be noted that not all the IFATCA Member Associations have a CISM program. Many of the member associations benefiting from the CISM program are using the global recommended standard of the International Critical Incident Stress Management Foundation (ICISF), which is recommended by IFATCA when introducing CISM.  Any member association interested in setting up a CISM Management Program, is encouraged to contact their respective Region’s Executive Vice-President. IFATCA can provide support in setting up such a program.

How will Air Traffic Controllers cope with Digitalisation in ATM?

Since 2017, IFATCA has been working on the possible impact of digitalisation  on the current working places of air traffic controllers. 


Four international digitalisation conferences have been organised, the last one in March 2024. Since 2019, an internal study group has elaborated guidance material and published scientific articles on the topic of how to integrate new technologies. 


Renowned experts and philosophers have provided input at the last digitalisation conference. During this conference, IFATCA presented the guidance material which has been elaborated for the use of Member Associations. 


The input by the experts as well as the guidance material are available HERE


New technologies will have a major impact on the future of society. The Air Traffic Management System will be subject to major changes in the coming decades. This transition will not just happen, there will be a need to identify what is useful, feasible and possible, whilst keeping the live system working, in a what currently is a dense traffic environment. Traffic increases together with fewer Air Traffic Controllers, will require massive investment in new infrastructure and then the transition towards the use of the new technology will have to be managed. This will take time, effort and resources. Both financial and in human capital. 


Calls that the human will not be needed in the future ATM system or simply as a monitoring the fully automated tools, have been claimed for decades. This is continuing and despite the fact that new technologies have huge potential to assist the ATCOs in the future, there is still a need to transition into a new digital world. 


How to do it, with whom and when, are the multi-million-dollar questions currently on the table for many of the stakeholders. Should they invest in the legacy systems and increase the degree of automation by addressing some of the house keeping tasks to be taken over by the machine, or rather should they go for a completely digital twin of the current ATM infrastructures?


IFATCA 's Guidance Material provides an insight for Air Traffic Controllers, decisions makers, industry and politicians to understand how such a transition into the future digital ATM environment could be a successful one and not a disappointment as some of the changes in the past have been. 

Read More Here

Frédéric Deleau


Africa & Middle East

Professional Associations are meant to provide opportunities to meet and engage with peers and colleagues whether virtually or physically. The IFATCA Africa and Middle East (AFM) region has leveraged on technology in order to use it as a medium for education and communication. The IFATCA AFM Virtual Presentation series began in July 2024. I was honored to spearhead this initiative. These virtual events were instituted to sensitize members and rekindle the desired enthusiasm amongst Air Traffic Controllers on IFATCA activities. The leadership of the region realized that although the Africa and Middle East Region was the largest in the in the Federation(47MAs); it had the lowest attendance, participation and contribution at both the Regional Meeting and the Annual Conference. We have also created a great platform of keeping the connection with members between annual conferences and regional meetings.

So far the Virtual Presentation Series has hosted the IFATCA President, Deputy President, the Executive Vice President-Americas, the Executive Vice President-Europe, the Executive Vice President Finance, the Communications Coordinator, the EDITF Task Force Lead, IFATCA 2030+ Task Force lead, The IFATCA Mental Wellbeing Task Force lead and the Executive Vice President Technical. The sessions have been very engaging since as members have had a chance to raise their concerns or seek clarity about the presentations and information provided. Additionally, the presentations have provided an opportunity for members to learn about what each office bearer on the IFATCA Executive Board is mandated to do as well as the impact of their role on the Air Traffic Control Profession. This is a great avenue for exposure on what the Federation is about and what is does. The Virtual Presentation Series is a brilliant timely initiative that will give members value by not only engaging but empowering them with valuable knowledge.

The last virtual presentation this year will be on Monday 23rd December 2024, featuring the IFATCA Asia and Pacific EVP- Cheryl Chen.

In 2025, the presentation series will focus on topics such as Critical Incident Stress Management, Competency Based Training Assessment, Safety/Just Culture, Human Factors and Fatigue Risk Management to name but a few.

In collaborating with other Aviation Industry stakeholders, the IFATCA AFM EVP -Mr. Ahmad Abba attended the 27th APIRG &10th RASG-AFI meeting in London South Africa from 4th to 8th November 2024. He also visited Sheikh Zayed Air Navigation Centre in Abu Dhabi, UAE on 25th November. Following the visit; the Region is optimistic and looks forward to a possible launch of ATCOs Exchange Program with the Centre.

Ahmad Abba

IFATCA EVP Africa & Middle East

Asia Pacific Region

Dear Members from the Asia Pacific region, 

It has been a month since we departed from the 40th IFATCA APRM in New Delhi. I hope you all enjoyed the meeting as much as I did. It was wonderful to be fully immersed in the new and old aviation knowledge, to build some new friendships and catch up with the old ones. Click HERE to read an article by Saif, the president of the ATC Guild of India, which will refresh some of your good memories in New Delhi! Happy reading.

APAC South China Sea Traffic Flow Review Group

While we were in Delhi, our regional ICAO rep John Wagstaff represented us at the ICAO APAC South China Sea Traffic Flow Review Group (SCSTFRG). Click HERE to read more about that meeting.

Moving on from the APRM, we look forward to the upcoming annual conference and regional meetings in 2025. The early bird rates for the Annual Conference will only last until 30/1. Please don’t forget to register before the deadline to save some budget for your travel. 

The host of APRM 2025, the Macau ATC Association, has also confirmed the date and the location for the meeting, which will take place at Macau StarWorld Hotel from the 20th to the 22nd of Oct. There will be some rooms at the venue hotel secured for the attendees for a limited period of time. But don’t worry; there are plenty of other options close to the venue hotel and easy access to all the gems in town. Save the date and we will keep you updated. 

I also attended an online meeting by Japan Federation of Air Traffic Controllers to kick off the preparation for the APRM 2026! All very exciting!!! 

In 2025, we will continue our focus on the staffing shortage issue and collaborate with the international organizations in the region to raise awareness with the state’s civil aviation authorities and ANSPs. We will utilize the accident and incident investigation procedure info provided by you, at the MAs’, to develop papers to highlight the importance of independence in investigation and a positive safety culture. Marnie from NZ is working on that and will contact you for more detailed information.

Once again, I want to thank all of you who have placed your trust in me and given me the opportunity to serve the region for another 2-year term. I look forward to furthering my IFATCA journey with you all and continuing to learn from one another.

For those who celebrate Christmas, I wish you all a very festive holiday. And for others, happy new year. A very happy 2025 is waiting for all of us! 

Safe Control!

Cheryl Chen

IFATCA EVP Asia Pacific

64th IFATCA Annual Conference

FIC CAC in Dubai

IFATCA's Finance Committee (FIC) and Constitution and Administration Committee (CAC) met in Dubai, UAE, 5-6 December 2024. Under the leadership of CAC Chair Rob Mason (Australia) and FIC Chair, Daniel Nartey (Ghana), with the assistance of Deputy President Jean-François Lepage (Canada) and EVP Finance Tom McRobert (Australia), the group discussed consideration for new membership applications, processes surrounding the publication of Conference minutes, Regional EVP elections process, transfer of Member Associations between regions, allocation of TOC and PLC positions, financial strategy, inflation, maximum subscription rates, and many more. Mark Taylor GATCO UK joined the discussions virtually.

We would like to sincerely thank Mr. Omar Abdouli from the Emirates Aviation Association for his help and support making the necessary arrangements for a successful meeting.


The Convention on International Civil Aviation is 80 Years Old!

December 7th, 2024 marked the 80th anniversary of the signing of the Convention on International Civil Aviation in Chicago, USA. For eight decades, this defining international agreement has served as the foundation for the development of the global civil aviation system benefiting all nations. 


The International Civil Aviation Organisation, ICAO, celebrated this milestone on 4 December 2024 at the Hilton Chicago Hotel, formerly The Stevens Hotel, where the Convention was adopted. An EASPG meeting, where nearly all European, North Atlantic States and International Organizations within aviation were represented also commemorated the occasion at the ICAO regional office in Paris on the same date. For IFATCA, Philippe Domogala attended and, as the oldest delegate - his first ICAO meeting representing IFATCA as RVP Europe west was in 1986 - he was asked to make a speech. He used this opportunity to reaffirm the excellent cooperation IFATCA has with ICAO who, despite our observer status, has always treated us with respect and attention.


Read HERE about this important milestone in our Back to the Future feature.


Fedor Romero (Perú) recently represented IFATCA at the Fourth GREPECAS-RASG-PA Joint Meeting and Twenty-second Meeting of the CAR/SAM Regional Planning and Implementation Groups (GREPECAS/22) hosted by the ICAO South American (SAM) Regional Office.

This important meeting had a virtual phase from 16 September to 11 October and the In-Person phase from 20 to 22 November. Several different civil aviation authorities of the region and many international Organizations such as IFATCA and IATA, as well as industry like Boeing and Airbus took part discussing the different working papers and GREPECAS Work Programme.

Communications Team Strategy

The IFATCA executive board adopted the communication strategy at the executive board meeting in September. 

It outlines the objective of our communications as a federation, our channels, mediums and the importance of the brand. 

Please take a look

It is in the member section, so login first and go to - manuals, documents and templates or HERE.

IFATCA Spotlight Podcast

The IFATCA Spotlight Podcast is made by ATCOs for ATCOs and provides insight into different challenges and solutions ATCOS face worldwide. The latest episode features Maryse and Jasper from Belgium. They discuss the challenges they face as controllers in the heart of Europe, including batches of VIP flights arriving and departing to/from the frequent international summits in Brussels.

Once again produced by Thorsten Raue (Germany), the episode can be found on your favourite podcast app or by clicking here.

1944-2024, the ICAO Convention Is 80 Years Old

On December 7th, 1944, exactly three years after the attack on Pearl Harbor and six months and one day after the Normandy invasion, with the war still raging in Europe and the Pacific, delegates from 52 countries signed a new Convention on International Civil Aviation, the Chicago Convention.

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The 40th IFATCA Asia Pacific Regional Meeting

New Delhi, India by Saif UllahPresident, Air Traffic Controllers' Guild of India The 40th IFATCA Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) held in New Delhi, India, from November 9th to 11th, 2024, revolved around the theme

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South China Sea Traffic Flow Review Group Meeting 12

The South China Sea Traffic Flow Review Group (SCSTFRG) was formed 10 years ago to improve airspace capacity and resolve the use of non-standard FLAS/FLOS (flight level allocation system/flight level orientation system) in the South China Sea (SCS) airspace.

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Empathy in the skies

Former air traffic controller, Aviation English Trainer and Examiner, and an ICAEA Board Member Thiago Silvaf elaborates on why highly proficient English speakers must adhere to international communication standards.

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-=>The Controller Archive <=-

We are in the process of moving The Controller magazine's archive to the IFATCA website. Until now, all issues were available via, but a price increase forced us to look for an alternative. We hope to have all 230 issues available in the coming weeks.

What will you find if you browse WIKIFATCA? 

  • An archive of all the working papers since 1968
  • Abbreviations and definitions
  • The TPM (technical professional manual) 
  • A whole plethora of wiki categories from aerodrome operations to surveillance

Topics of interest have been classified and grouped in different categories, to facilitate the research of a specific subject, and to narrow down the amount of information relevant to a given topic.

If you haven't checked out WIKIFATCA check out this link!

How did you like this issue of the IFATCA Circular?


Helena Sjöström Falk


Home Association:

Swedish Air Traffic Controllers' Association, SATCA

Jean-François Lepage

Deputy President

Home Association:

Canadian Air Traffic Controllers Association (CATCA)

Tom McRobert

Executive Vice President Finance

Home Association:

Civil Air Australia

Peter van Rooyen

Executive Vice President Professional

Home Association:

The Guild of Air Traffic Controllers of South Africa, GATCSA

Benjamin van der Sanden

Executive Vice President Technical

Home Association:

VNLV, Netherlands

Ahmad Abba

Executive Vice President Africa & Middle East

Home Association:

Nigerian Air Traffic Controllers' Association

Trish Gilbert

Executive Vice President Americas

Home Association:

National Air Traffic Controllers Association,  NATCA  U.S.A.

Cheryl Yen-Chun Chen

Executive Vice President Asia Pacific

Home Association:

ROCATCA, Taiwan 

Frédéric Deleau

Executive Vice President Europe

Home Association: 

Eurocontrol Guild of Air Traffic Services, EGATS


Tatiana Iavorskaia

Office Manager and Secretariat

David Perks

Liaison Officer ICAO ANC

Home Association: The Civil Air Operations Officers' Association of Australia (CAOOAA)

Nicola Nì Rìada 

Communications Coordinator

Home Association:

Irish Air Traffic Controllers' Association (IATCA)