President’s Message 

Happy Autumn! We hope you have had a good start to your autumn season. We are going to have a spectacular color this year in Wisconsin.

We hope you will join us on Saturday, November 11 for an IFHE-US webinar. Kim Kamin, Director of Programs and Professional Development, has planned an interesting program on the critical thinking skills of family and consumer sciences. More information is in this newsletter.

Copies of the IFHE-US History are available for sale and for shipping. Later in the newsletter is the process for ordering your copy!

The IFHE 2024 World Congress Pre-Tour of Ireland is a go! We have enough registrants to hold this event. We still have space for others to join us.  Joyce Cavanagh and I will be the tour leaders. The tour will start on June 15 (leaving the US) and end on June 23, the day activities start for the Congress. Registration for the tour started on July 1. The deadline for submitting your registration is December 1. The tour can accommodate 46 members and guests. More information about the Pre-Tour is also available in this newsletter and at the tour website

We hope you have seen the Call for Abstracts for the IFHE 2024 World Congress. If not, you may find the information on the Congress website at Abstracts submissions have been extended to October 21. At least one member of a submitting team must be an individual member of IFHE.

We hope you will be able to participate in many, if not all, of the activities we are planning for this year.

Thank you for your continued support of IFHE and IFHE-US. If you have any questions about our organizations or have suggestions to make your membership more meaningful, please let me know.

Enjoy the rest of 2023!

Sue Buck

President, IFHE-US

Webinar: Saturday, November 11, 2023

IFHE US will have an opportunity to learn more about the Critical Science Academy

on Saturday, November 11, 2023 (noon Central Time). Drs Cindy Miller and Janine

Duncan will be part of the presentation team. The Academy content is appropriate for all Family and Consumer Science professionals. There is no cost for the webinar, and all are welcome to attend (professionals, students, and retirees). The webinar will be recorded, and the recording will be made available for those who register. PDU’s will be applied for.

Click the link below to register for the event!

Questions? Contact Kim Kamin, CFCS ([email protected])

Register for the Saturday, Nov. 11 Webinar

Calling all members!

Nominations are now open for the Board of Directors for IFHE-US!


Qualifications: All officers shall be Individual Members or Student Members of IFHE and shall have attended at least one IFHE-US meeting at the time of the AAFCS Annual Conference and/or an IFHE Council meeting or Congress.


Please submit nominations and suggestions to the chair of the Nominating Committee: Cheryl Empey, [email protected]


Open positions:

  • Director, IFHE-US Development Fund
  • United Nations Liaison
  • Recorder

IFHE-US History Book (1998 – 2020)


$5.00 for IFHE-US Members

 $15.00 for IFHE-US Nonmembers

 Shipping will be an additional $5.00.

 To order, contact Sue Buck

[email protected]


 Make Checks Payable to IFHE-US

Mail Checks to: Sue Buck

PO Box 927, Stevens Point, WI 54481

The XXV IFHE World Congress will take place from the 23rd – 28th June, 2024 in Galway, Ireland. The Congress is hosted by National Centre of Excellence for Home Economics (NCHE), St Angela’s College, Sligo, Ireland. The theme of the 25th World Congress is Home Economics in a Time of Transformation: Bridging the Past - Charting the Future. Registration will open in the fall of 2023.

Call for Abstracts: Deadline EXTENDED to October 21

Professionals, researchers, practitioners and students are invited to submit abstracts aligned with the Congress theme. Delegates from aligned and cognate disciplines are most welcome to submit an abstract. Abstracts for oral presentation, full paper, poster, exhibit, workshop and/or symposium proposals are invited that relate to the Congress theme and one or more of the following sub-themes:

  • Home Economics Vision, Philosophy and Literacy
  • Sustainable and Responsible Living
  • Family and Social Studies
  • Food, Nutrition and Public Health
  • Food Systems
  • Textile Craft, Textile Education, Fashion and Design
  • Transformative Education Pedagogy / Curriculum Development Policy
  • Home Economics Education
  • Education and Wellbeing - Alignment of Policy and Practice
  • Consumer Empowerment
  • Partnerships for Sustainable and Healthy Everyday Living (with government entities, community, national authorities, industry, CSOs, NGOs etc.).
  • Financial Literacy
  • Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Download the Call for Abstracts Guide

Special Invitation to 2024 Pre-Congress Tour

Plans are underway for the 2024 World Congress in Ireland! Members of IFHE-US are invited to participate in a special Pre-Congress Tour.

2024 Ireland IFHE Pre-Congress Tour: June 15-24, 2024

(U.S air departure to Dublin on 6/15)

Land Price: $2,900 per person, double occupancy

$4,019 single occupancy

(Air & insurance additional)

Space is limited, so register early!

Reservation Deadline: December 1, 2023

Click HERE for the Tour Flyer

The Tour website provides the following information:

Click HERE for the Tour Website

Applications Accepted: IFHE Development Grants

Deadline: October 15, 2023

We are happy to announce the 2024 IFHE Development Grants. Please note these grants are for our colleagues from developing countries. Information regarding the grants and the application are linked below.

The grant applications will be due October 15th, 2023 and the awardees will be announced December 15th, 2023. 

Please share this email with your contacts who may be eligible and interested. Members are encouraged to share the information via social networking sites and professional networks to promote application submission. Please note that the award has increased this year.

Click HERE for an Informational Flyer
Click HERE to Download the Application

Check out IFHE-US in the news!

A Flavorful Fusion: Morgan Hosts IFHEUS Cultural Dinner Celebrating

Home Economics and International Connections

Click on the picture to read the full article!

See what's happening on our social sites:

Did you know we have a Facebook and a Twitter site for IFHE US? We do!

Please join us below to stay connected.

Facebook  Twitter  

IFHE US Board of Directors

President: Sue Buck ([email protected])

President-Elect: Rachel Schichtl ([email protected])

Director of Finance: Luann Boyer ([email protected])

Director of Professional Development: Kim Kamin ([email protected])

Director of Communications: Lori Myers ([email protected])

Director of Young Professional Network: Kathryn Carroll ([email protected])

Recorder: Sandra Poirier ([email protected])

Director IFHE-US Development Fund: vacant

Nomination Chair: Cheryl Empey ([email protected])

AAFCS Global Perspectives: Kim Kamin ([email protected])

IFHE United Nations Chair: Anita Ferron ([email protected])

IFHE-US Diversity and Inclusion Statement
IFHE-US values diversity, inclusiveness, sensitivity, and accessibility. We promote respect, dignity, and equality for all global individuals and families. We are committed to human well-being through education, health, safety, and sustainable living for all people. As we act with integrity and respect intercultural values and ethics, we will be able to empower and improve every-day living for all.