March 18, 2023
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The Annual World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation Returns to In-Person for 2023
Join us Sunday, March 19th, 2023
Temple Israel in West Bloomfield
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
This event is open to the public of all ages, faiths, and religions.

The mission of the World Sabbath is to teach our diverse population in Metro Detroit that the work of building a community of justice, equality, respect, and peace is a calling that we all share – all of us, no matter what our faith tradition might be. But most important is the fact we are impacting our children, our teens, and our young adults.

Temple Israel is located at 5725 Walnut Lake Rd, West Bloomfield, MI 48323. The event will begin at 4:00PM. If your child would like to participate in the Peace Procession and song, please arrive at 3:15 pm.

Plan to join us for an interfaith experience of music, dance, and prayer.

Raman Sigh, Executive Director of The InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit, is being honored with the 2023 World Sabbath Peacemaker Award.

If you are unable to attend in-person, the event will be livestreamed. Please watch by visiting Temple Israel Live Stream

A Remembrance:
Imam Abdullah El-Amin, Partner in Interfaith Relations
The interfaith community mourns the loss of Imam Abdullah El-Amin, who died on March 10. Imam El-Amin was a proponent of peace and interfaith collaboration. A member of the Interfaith Partners, which was a forerunner of the InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit (IFLC), Imam Abdullah co-founded the Muslim Center of Detroit. The Masjid was formed as a center for religious and outreach ministries. Imam Abdullah was known for his focus on interfaith activities and community activism.

“Abdullah El Amin exuded the life force, the life of the Creator,” said Robert Bruttell, IFLC Vice Chair. “He was the definition of gracious. I would say that he exuded grace. His smile overwhelmed you. His embrace enveloped you. To be in his presence was to share in his overwhelming joy. He was one of the first interfaith partners that I got to know well. He made me feel that I belonged. I will dearly miss Abdullah.”

Steve Spreitzer, president of the Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion, which has been an active proponent of interfaith engagement, expressed gratitude for Imam El-Amin’s “humble and powerful leadership with in the Muslim and interfaith community. When I became the Roundtable interfaith coordinator in 1996, Abdullah was present at my first meeting to plan for our Annual Interfaith Symposium at the Islamic House of Wisdom which would feature national Jewish leader David Saperstein. Abdullah was also an active member of the Roundtable's Clergy Trialog and the metropolitan Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. He went on to serve as an Interfaith Partner, where he inspired many including fellow partner Brenda Rosenberg with her award-winning production ‘The Children of Abraham.’ Our hearts go out to his children and grandchildren, members of the Muslim Center, the Muslim community and all who knew and loved him. Rest in power my brother!”
Victor Begg, longtime Interfaith Partner and onetime chair of the group said, “May Allah SWT grant him Maghfirah and the highest place in Jannah. Verily we belong to Allah and to Him we return. Quran 2:156.”

IFLC Hosts Virtual Program

Ask an Author
Last month, IFLC hosted the virtual program, Ask an Author. Dr. Todd Hasak-Lowy, Author, We Are Power: How Nonviolent Activism Changes the World and Dr. Mollie Monahan, Co-developer, Social Justice Kids: Equity and Diversity K-12 came together to share their knowledge on educating our youth on today's social issues.

Watch the recorded event and listen in on the conversation surrounding this powerful topic. Ask an Author Event Recording

For more information on our "Ask A..." program, please visit

Exploring Albert Kahn's magnificent Temple Beth El as a pathway to understanding how our Houses of Worship can serve the evolving needs of our communities.
Featuring Dr. Samuel D. Gruber

Dr. Gruber is perhaps America's foremost authority on synagogue architecture, and a sought-after expert on religious and cultural heritage preservation. One hundred years ago, when Albert Kahn designed Temple Beth El, religious buildings in the Detroit area were responding to a world of growing industrialization, expanding travel realities, and fears about social order after WWI. Just like today, when people turn to their religious communities as a source of hope and determination, the structures we sit in offer an intentional framework that can both contribute to and limit the nature of our sacred relationships.

This year's Glazer Institute will include vibrant learning, as well as interactive conversation about evolving interfaith engagement in our city.

This year's event will be held at the previous Temple Beth El building - the Bethel Community Transformation Center, located at 

8801 Woodward Ave, Detroit, 48202 on Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 7:00 pm
Upcoming Events in
Metro Detroit  
Celebrating Diversity
Religious Holidays This Month
InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit | P.O. Box 252271, West Bloomfield, MI 48325
Phone: 313.338.9777 Email contact: [email protected]