Student Scholarship Program
IFNC15 Student Scholarship Program –
Call for Applications
Deadline February 15, 2021
The International Family Nursing Association recognizes that students from around the world are the future leaders in the field of family nursing. The IFN Foundation is pleased to announce the Call for Applications for the Student Scholarship Program, which is dedicated to enhancing the career potential of exceptional students by providing conference registration to IFNC15.
The IFN Foundation is able to support conference attendance for up to 17 qualified students to attend IFNC15, which will be held virtually June 28 – July 2, 2021. Through generous contributions to the IFN Foundation via the Honor Families and Family Nurse Program, scholarships will be awarded to students from any country. 
Scholarship eligibility is for IFNA Student Members who are enrolled in a college or university nursing degree program (undergraduate or graduate). Eligible IFNA Student Members should submit their application no later than February 15, 2021. The completed applications will be selected at random by the IFN Foundation. Notification will be communicated to all applicants by March 1, 2021. Scholarship recipients will be formally recognized during the Welcome Ceremony at IFNC15.
Click here for the application.
Upload completed application.

If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Zaparoni,