Responding to the developing situation in Ukraine

As family nurses, the International Family Nursing Association (IFNA), stands in solidarity with all people who are being so tragically affected by the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. IFNA embraces a compassionate family focus on health, social justice, human dignity, and respect for all. Based on the IFNA response statement, “Caring for refugee/migrating families,” our attitudes about the effects on families of the crisis in Ukraine and the resulting refugee crisis, are inextricably linked to our beliefs about the central importance of family, our ethical views regarding the rights of families, family nurses, healthcare workers and volunteers to safety and health, and our role in the promotion of family health and well-being.

Protecting families and frontline family nurses, healthcare workers and volunteers
In the current humanitarian crisis, families and frontline nurses and healthcare workers and volunteers caring for them are seriously endangered. Our IFNA community is truly international, and along with the global nursing and healthcare community we call for the protection of families, nurses, healthcare workers and volunteers in line with the Geneva convention.

How can we help?
Global and national charities are appealing for donations to fund aid for people caught up in the invasion of Ukraine. These are some reputable organisations seeking assistance for their incredible humanitarian efforts to care for Ukrainian families in their own country and those leaving homes and maybe loved ones to flee the violence and seek sanctuary in other countries, if colleagues wish to donate, we suggest they seek out reputable organizations within their home countries to offer support. 

To all families, family nurses, healthcare workers and volunteers suffering innocently in this war, our full solidarity is with you. You are in our thoughts and prayers as we all wish for a speedy and peaceful resolution.

1st March 2022
International Family Nursing Association
| 461 Cochran Road, #246 | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15228 |