The Individual and Family Support Program (IFSP) at DBHDS provides a monthly news digest to highlight resources, events, and trainings that may be of interest to self-advocates and families.

If you are receiving this message, then you also received a communication sent on Monday, Feb. 26th regarding IFSP-Funding regulatory action and a public comment forum. This means there is an opportunity for the public to comment on making emergency changes to the IFSP program permanent. The comment period opened on Feb. 26th and will stay open until April 26th, 2024. Additionally, there is a separate comment forum for guidelines related to IFSP-Funding program; this forum will be open until March 27th, 2024.

One exciting note: Drum roll, please the My Life My Community website refresh successfully launched on Feb. 26th! As we mentioned in our Nov. 2023 Digest, the site features an updated look and feel, but the same robust connection to content, resources, and programs/services is still available to you in a very familiar layout. Please check it out, and if you need a little help navigating the new My Life My Community website, contact us at 1-844-603-9248. Our wonderful operators are happy to assist you.

Thank you!

IFSP Staff

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IFSP Announcements


If your contact information changes (e.g., your email and/or mailing address), please remember you can contact your CSB and/or Support Coordinator to update it in WaMS! By doing this, you will be able to receive important information about the resources you or someone else are eligible to receive while on the Waitlist.

IFSP-Funding Update

IMPORTANT: Please read this announcement for the latest information about the most recent IFSP-Funding cycle.

Reminder: All Funding updates will be sent via this mailing list and posted on our My Life, My Community IFSP-Funding Page.

  • Save the Date! Our first IFSP Coordinated Regional Council meeting of 2024 will take place on Thursday, March 21st from 6 to 8:15 p.m. Join your Regional Council and DBHDS staff to learn about mental health supports for people with developmental disabilities! This will be a virtual meeting, and is free and open to all. Stay tuned to our IFSP Facebook page and to our My Life, My Community IFSP Regional Council page for further details.
  • IFSP Northern Regional Council Recruitment: We are extending our search for a person with a developmental disability to represent our Northern Regional Council (also called Region 2)! Are you interested in helping increase supports for people with developmental disabilities to live in their communities? Are you also interested in growing your leadership skills? We would love to work with you! The application is and is open until Sunday, March 31st. For more information, you can read about Council background and expectations on My Life, My Community. If you have questions, email us at
  • Peer Mentoring Program: Peer mentors at The Arc of Virginia are ready to meet you and help you achieve your goals! Learn more about the program and eligibility requirements at The Arc. For questions, email Natasha Cooper at
  • Family Mentoring Program: Getting support from someone who's been in your shoes can make a difference! Learn how the Family to Family Network at the Center for Family Involvement can help.

IFSP Council Corner

Welcome to our brand-new IFSP Council Corner! This section in the IFSP Digest will contain items submitted by our Regional Councils. We hope to share something different each month. We also hope you will find this section extra special and interesting! This month, we're excited to share items from our Northern and Eastern Regional Councils.

disAbility Law Center of Virginia (dLCV)

  • Person First Language and Identity First Language: What They Mean and Why It Matters: We might hear some people with disabilities use person first language, while others use identity first language. This dLCV blog post unpacks what these terms mean, why they might be used, and why this language matters.

Hampton Roads Transit (HRT)

  • Transit Equity Day: This is for the transit nerds! On Monday, Feb. 5th, HRT provided free rides on all bus, light rail, ferry, and paratransit services in honor of Transit Equity Day. This day is a national day of action that celebrates civil rights icon Rosa Parks and highlights the importance of equitable public transit. Transit Equity Day is one of four free fare days HRT offers in 2024! Read more about Transit Equity Day, and learn more about HRT's Paratransit services.

DBHDS Office of Integrated Health Supports Network (OIHSN)

February 2024 Newsletter Highlight

  • Heart Health: February is Heart Health Month! OIHSN shares an overview of heart disease, risk factors and statistics, how to manage heart health, and what this can look like for people with developmental disabilities. Then check out OIHSN's list of educational resources about heart health on Page 2!

March 2024 Caregiver Trainings

Get more details and registration information about the trainings below (and more!) through this link.

  • The Fatal Seven: Thursday, March 7th from 1 to 3 p.m.
  • Skin Integrity & Pressure Injuries: Tuesday, March 19th from 1 to 3 p.m.
  • REVIVE! COVLC: National Drug and Alcohol Facts week is March 20th through March 26th). Learn about narcotics and reducing deaths due to overdose. This free online training is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Email to set up an account.

Opportunities, Events, and Resources for Professionals, Self-Advocates, and Families

Think College

  • Webinar: Flexible Supports for College Success: Are you a student who is considering college, or are you already enrolled? Family members, educators, and administrators are also encouraged to attend this free webinar from Think College on Wednesday, March 6th at 3 p.m.! You'll discover tips, insights, and resources to help you explore flexible supports like peer mentors and educational coaches. Best of all, you'll hear from students who use campus support services. Register here. For questions, contact Sheila Johnson at

Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) and Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS)

  • HCBS Regulations: An Overview for Individuals with DD and Their Families: You might have heard about the Home and Community Based Settings Regulation Final Rule ("HCBS Final Rule"), but what is it? How does it impact people who are receiving DD waiver services? Find out more at this virtual training from the DBHDS Office of Community Network Supports and DMAS on Thursday, March 7th from 6 to 7:30 p.m. People with developmental disabilities and their family members are encouraged to attend. Visit this link to register and get more details.

Piedmont Regional Education Program (PREP) Parent Resource Center and Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC)

  • 2024 Life After High School Transition Conference and Resource Fair: If you're in our Western Region, stop by PVCC's Bolick Student Center (501 College Dr, Charlottesville, VA 22902) on Saturday, March 16th between 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Teens, families, and and professionals are invited to this free event. Meet with agency staff and other professionals, and learn about resources to help you navigate community supports, housing, job skills, college options, and more! The first 200 people who register will receive a free lunch, so don't wait! View the flyer to get the registration links. For questions, contact Stephanie Hicks at or call 434-975-9400, option 1.

LEAP (Leadership and Empowerment for Abuse Prevention)

  • Webinar: Fostering Healthy Relationships and Preventing Abuse: Disability support staff, family members, and friends are invited to attend this free LEAP webinar on Monday, March 18th at 6 p.m.! You'll gain strategies to empower people with disabilities to form healthy relationships and avoid abuse – something that is especially important for people who are at a higher risk for unhealthy relationships and experiencing abuse than their non-disabled peers. View the flyer to register and learn more about the agenda and presenters.

Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind (VSDB) Outreach and Family Engagement

  • Beeping Easter Egg Hunt: VSDB Outreach and Family Engagement will hold a Beeping Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 23rd from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This will take place at the VSDB campus (100 New Hope Rd., Staunton, VA 24401), using spaces that are wheelchair accessible. There will be beeping eggs, crafts, activities, treats, candy, and prizes; all ages are welcome! Please register before Friday, March 8th.

Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)

  • Virginia Lifespan Respite Voucher Program (VLRVP): This program provides reimbursement vouchers to caregivers for the cost of temporary, short-term respite care provided to individuals of any age who have a documented disability or medical condition. Eligible applicants must live in the Commonwealth of Virginia, must be a primary caregiver of a loved one with a documented disability, and must reside at least part-time with your loved one. Voucher funding is limited to a total of $595 per household per year. Visit this DARS web page to learn more about VLRVP, how you can apply, and what else you'll need to submit with your application.

  • "Map Your Future" Summer Program: This DARS program for transition-age high school students who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind is back for 2024! Attendees will explore options for life after high school, connect with peers, and have fun at the Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center in Fishersville from July 17th through July 19th. For more information, contact Traci Branch at You can also reach Traci by calling or texting 804-968-8261, or through videophone 804-616-4838.

Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD)

  • 2023 Geographic Disparities Assessment: In Virginia, people who live in rural areas do not have the same services as people who live in urban areas. People who live in rural areas have a lot of barriers to health services. For example, they might not have broadband access or doctors who are close by. They might also have trouble getting transportation and caretakers for appointments. In this report, VBPD reviews how access to healthcare is affected by where you live. Read the report and VBPD's recommendations for improving access to healthcare here! (You can also find other reports on different topics at that link.)

COVID-19 Information and Resources

While the IFSP has done our best to share information on COVID-19 resources, this information is not a substitute for medical advice. Stay up to date and visit

  • The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) launched a COVID-19 toolkit for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The toolkit includes tip sheets for caregivers and providers, and is also available in Spanish. Find it here!

IFSP Resources

We know that navigating the developmental disability system can be hard for families. Not sure where to start? Read our “IFSP: First Steps” guide to learn about the IFSP program at DBHDS and other important resources, supports, and services offered in the Commonwealth of Virginia! Visit, or use your mobile device to scan the QR code here.

Thank you for reading the IFSP Digest!

IFSP is always looking for more newsletter recommendations! What organizations would you like to see featured? What should we subscribe to? Please send your suggestions to

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To learn more about the IFSP, visit us online at Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services - IFSP