IFVP Newsletter
October 2015
With my tribe...
(Click on each image to see it larger)
IFVP Spirit of Giving
When you attend an International Forum of Visual Practitioners (IFVP) conference, it does not take long before you hear someone say "with my tribe." The frequency of the statement is understandable. It is not every day that you attend a conference where people draw images on life size sheets of paper to accompany presentations on topics like "Beyond Live Scribing: Using Strategic Visual Thinking Tools to Create Change."
The use of the "with my tribe" refrain signifies, however, much more than being with people who share common interests. Being part of a tribe involves sharing ideas, experiences, advice, and resources. Being part of a tribe means supporting other tribe members because in doing so the tribe is strengthened and the tribe's impact grows. Being a part of a tribe entails giving freely to the community knowing that you receive more than what you give in return.
At AustinTX 2015 members talked appreciatively about the spirit of giving. When asked to describe her favorite part of the conference, what did new member Mara Callaert say?
Mara Callaert (@MaraCallaert) from Visuality in Brussels, Belgium at #IFVP2015
While few people put it as succinctly as Mara, statements about gratitude and generosity surfaced frequently at AustinTX 2015.
Many IFVP members embody the definition of
; they give freely, provide in abundance, and show kindness. At AustinTX 2015 new practitioners created visual images alongside experienced practitioners, experienced practitioners mentored new practitioners, and all exchanged tips and tricks of the trade. "This is the most generous community that I am a part of," said Anthony Weeks to new members at the conference during Graphic Recording 101.
Anthony Weeks (@Weeksonian) from San Francisco, CA at #IFVP2015
Why do IFVP members give so freely? Sometimes they give because someone gave to them. Sometimes they give because the visual practitioners' community continues to be a place for them of support, referrals, and friendship. Sometimes they give because they believe in the rule of reciprocity: when you give, you get back.
Any way you look at it, IFVP members give because they know that giving is not a zero sum game with a winner and a loser. All members win. Giving to other IFVP members makes the tribe stronger. Raising the visibility of the profession increases the business opportunities for all in the profession.
This IFVP spirit of generosity, not just the visuals that line the rooms at conferences, remind everyone of what brings members together and reinforces what it means to be "with my tribe."
Submitted by Jenny Trautman on behalf of the IFVP Board: Renatta Algalarrondo, Philip Bakelaar, SunShine Benbelkacem, Jill Greenbaum, Dean Meyers, Guido Neuland, Minh Ngo, Daniel Perdigão, Brenda Tan, Jenny Trautman and Nitya Wakhlu.

Please take a moment and meet the IFVP Board!
We're delighted to have a diverse group of IFVP members representing different kinds of visual practices and levels of experience from six countries around the globe. We asked them to share with you why they are excited about IFVP, what they want to accomplish as a board member and something they are passionate about besides their work.
Renatta Algalarrondo
Since I attended my very first IFVP Conference I've felt connected with other people who understand the work I do and are willing to support me and share their knowledge. Being part of this community is a wonderful opportunity that I appreciate both professionally and personally.
As a Board member I contribute my knowledge, experience and talent to make this a professional organization that supports visual practitioners every step of the way in their careers. I am the Treasurer of the IFVP and keep our financial house in order, drawing on years of business experience to guide my decisions and recommendations to the board.
I'm passionate about arts especially painting on canvas. I believe that being able to make paintings is a privilege and getting them hanging on somebody's wall is an honor.
Phillip Bakelaar
I'm excited to be a member of IFVP because of the inspiration and challenge that comes from interaction with talented and enthusiastic people who are committed to meaningful positive engagement with groups.
As a board member I hope to make contributions to our mission by bringing my background in academic research, strategic communication planning and community involvement. I would like to see us develop a message strategy and a plan to disseminate key messages to further the legitimacy and use of visual practices.
I am passionate about finding ways to bring diverse groups of people together around shared concerns to collaborate for positive outcomes. I apply that in parish work, food and clothing ministries, homeless programs and international refugee concerns. Teaching as an adjunct professor at a state university allows me to continue to learn with and from students. I'm a tech geek (yes, I have Google Glass!) and ham radio operator, part of an emergency communications regional team that was active during Hurricane Sandy. For many years I worked with ambulances as an emergency medical technician.
SunShine Benbelkacem I'm excited about serving and learning what is important to the members of IFVP. I look forward to learning a lot and growing not only my practice but my understanding of our work. While on the board I'd like to help pave another brick in the road of legitimatizing the work and/or career of graphic facilitation + recording.
I live with two Torties (cats) known as the Iller Sister, Sophie Killer and Devi Chiller, and the Giant Rotty of Uptown Chicago, a dog known as Bootsy Collins. Oh, and I also share the house with my partner of 9 years, a brilliant statistician and Deep House DJ. Our retirement plan is to travel the world: he will talk about data, its significance and meaning, and adventures in analysis while I scribe his story for everyone to share, post-talk.
My passions are too many to list. I often think about what my passions are and I always end up with the following: I aspire to live an intentional life, to live well, and learn and experience as much as I can before I skid into my final resting place.
Jill Greenbaum I love being a member of the IFVP because I am always meeting new people - in my own backyard and from around the world - and learning from them keeps me engaged and excited about this field and my work in it.
Learning and development, nurturing community, building infrastructure and enhancing professionalism/developing the field have always been a part of my work life and volunteerism - they are my areas of greatest interest and contribution to the board.
I LOVE to learn - through reading, travel, meeting people, and taking seminars/classes of all kinds - Art of Hosting, the Circle Way, quilting, Reiki, EFT, the list goes on and on! And, I LOVE to teach - visual thinking, Zentangle, and fiber art, in addition to all my transformational coaching and training work with individuals and groups.
Dean Meyers Every time I attend an IFVP conference, get together with other IFVP members, or talk with other members online and elsewhere, I feel like I am connected with people who understand my work and passion in being a visual practitioner. Being an IFVP member makes me feel like I am part of a like-minded community; this is my tribe.
I joined the board because I wanted to bring my background in technology to improve the communication and technology capabilities of the organization. As an unexpected benefit of joining the board, I have met wonderful colleagues (both on and off the board), which might not have happened if I had not dedicated the time to be involved this way with the IFVP.
I am passionate about music (both composing and performing), and (as part of my family), my pet French Bulldog, who came to us through an animal rescue organization I support.
Guido Neuland I "stumbled upon" the IFVP some years ago prior to the conference in Redwood City, and realized that this was the "missing link" for my personal and professional development. So becoming a member was the first thing I did when I attended my first conference in Redwood City.
I joined the Board to help the organization become more professional. Since I live in Europe it makes sense for me to be something like the European ambassador for the IFVP and to help build an ambassador program.
I am passionate about learning how things work - especially when they have something to do with craftsmanship or art. I love handmade items and have respect for everything that people do with their hands. Especially since so many things in our modern world are industrial machine-made things and seem to have no soul. I love to collaborate with people who share my passions - and my way of living and working. I enjoy seeing how my daughter finds her way in her life as a beautiful teenager. And at this moment I totally enjoy each and every moment that I spend with my love.
Minh Ngo I'm excited to be a member of the IFVP because it's a place I feel at home. After a couple of years of being on my own, I wanted to be a part of a larger community that sees and does things differently. As they say, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to far, go with others".
As an IFVP board member my goal is simple. It is to shine a light on this community and amazing people like yourselves, who dare to err on the side of creativity. It takes guts. So whether you're new to the field or a seasoned pro, I want to make the IFVP your go-to place for current research and resources that will help fuel your work and increase your impact.
A few fun facts about me. I grew up with four sisters. So anytime you need some tough love, give me a call. The beautiful West Coast of Canada is where I call home. When I'm not in the studio, you can find me on a paddleboard with my dog, Arlo, in tow.
Daniel Perdigão I joined IFVP several years ago and continue to find reasons to keep my membership active. Being part of this community is fantastic as members share their resources and knowledge, not only at the annual conference, but on a daily basis. Any member I have ever contacted for any reason has always been very cooperative. I also have great hopes that the IFVP will grow recognition of our professions and define a useful certification.
As a Board Member I have the opportunity to contribute to the development of our profession. I also intend to focus on GR innovation and on different visual practices that fit within the scope of IFVP. For 30+ years I worked in the ICT industry and held many roles, from developer, analyst and consultant, to technical, sales and general manager. I loved it! Thankfully, I am now working in the area I love the most, and graphic recording is part of it. Family, for me, is above anything. My wife, two daughters and two grandchildren, as well as the rest of my large family, are my main interests in life. For hobbies I love to draw and do most kinds of DIY projects.
Brenda Tan Starting out in 2008 as a Graphic Recorder in Singapore, membership in IFVP linked me to clients needing a recorder in Singapore and the region. But for me, the greater value of membership was the immense sharing opportunities and learning from other recorders.
Having gained much from this community, it's only natural that I want to give back. I'm excited to consider how to get more like-minded visual practitioners to join the IFVP, so that we can continue to be the go-to professionals for thought leadership on visuals in communication, facilitation, education, and business.
I'm highly curious and enjoy discovering how things work, so my interests vary greatly. Currently, this includes writing and long-distance cycling. My three children constantly inspire me to be creative to order to keep ahead of their hijinks!
Jenny Trautman I'm excited to be a member of the IFVP because our community is a force for good - every day members of our tribe apply creativity to solve wicked problems around the world. We also know it's wicked hard to be creative every day and we unselfishly support each other - answering questions, sharing our intellectual property, and cheering each other on.
As president of the board my focus is on: improved external communications to build legitimacy and credibility for our profession and our members, clarifying our professional identities and the benefits of working with us like technology professionals did when their work became a vital function, and providing more opportunities for member involvement. From regional gatherings in countries around the world to working on core projects with the IFVP board, I'd like to give members a chance to participate in the IFVP beyond attendance at our annual conference.
I aspire to sew my own wardrobe. This is a hold-over from being a lanky, long-limbed kid who had no choice but to wear shirts with bracelet-length sleeves and capri pants when they weren't in fashion. I'm currently on a quest to sew a pair of perfect fitting jeans.
Nitya Wakhlu IFVP gives me an opportunity to connect with my tribe, learn from colleagues all over the world and expand my capacity to serve as a visual practitioner. As a member, I'm excited about contributing to our growing profession and helping to shape its future.
My focus as a board member will be twofold: Firstly, to understand the needs of our members and develop a set of best practices and tools to help them grow their work. The Business Barometer survey I helped to create last year is an example. Secondly, I'd like to codify the value we bring to clients and serve them by articulating this clearly.
I'm passionate about working with organizations to design and facilitate creative, whole-brained learning experiences that create clarity, surface insights (insert light bulb icon) and drive change. I also love travelling around the world, cartooning, hanging out with a cute dog when I see one, and exploring the world of wine.
We now have dates for IFVP 2016! Our 21st Annual Conference will take place in Washington, DC from Sunday, July 31 to Tuesday, August 2, 2016. The pre-conference workshop will be Saturday, July 30.
Watch this space for more news as details become available!
IFVP - International Forum of Visual Practitioners