IHM Catholic Education Newsletter


Animated by the IHM Charism of Love, Creative Hope & Fidelity ... Embracing the Mission !

Dear Sr. Mary Ellen,

In his book, Forgive Everyone Everything, Father Gregory Boyle SJ, gives us challenging advice: “There’s no denying how difficult things can be. But the way out to the place of resilience, the place of restoration, the place of not allowing your heart to be hardened by resentment, relies on one thing: forgive everyone everything.” Wow! What can possibly give us the courage and grace to do just that? Whether it's forgiving the multiple tragedies and injustices we experience on a global or national level or our personal times of heartache and misunderstanding, St. Alphonsus Liguori invites us: "Enlarge your heart." We read in Scripture: "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things"(1Corinthinans 13:7). Yes! The Beatles sang it right: "All you need is love!"

If we do this, like using Listerine mouthwash, we will feel the WHOA! of a "God-incidence" of grace that restores us.

Asking our God of Boundless Love to encourage your enlarging of your heart,

Sister Stephen Anne IHM


St. Alphonsus Liguori

Spiritual Patron

"Enlarge your heart. We are dealing with a God who is full of love." - St. Alphonsus Liguori

So what does an Italian priest from the 18th Century have to do with the IHM Sisters? A whole lot! This month we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Alphonsus Liguori on August 1st, the founder of the Redemptorist Congregation! It was a young and zealous Redemptorist priest, Father Louis Gillet, who approached Mother Theresa Maxis in Baltimore to request help in catechizing and teaching the immigrant population in the Detroit, Michigan area. From this humble request, the IHM Sisters were created! Those first Sisters captured the spirituality of the Redemptorist that now is our legacy! We strive to be "joyful bearers of God's redeeming love" to all people!

Learn more about the purpose and spirit of the IHM Sisters!

OBEDIENCE is listening!

IHM Virtue of the Month



CHANGE - Is there an APP for that?

Enjoy this reflection on change as you begin a year of Catholic education ministry!







IHM EdCamp

WHEN: Saturday,

March 16, 2024

WHERE: Villa Maria Academy Lower School


An educational experience by teachers for teachers!

Click on the image above for a ready-to-use Prayer Service to begin a new year of Catholic Education ministry!

We have expanded our reach to include youth and young adult ministry, encouragement for the spiritual life and faith formation for all Catholic educators, and a Catholic social teaching feature!

View the latest edition of the IHM Catholic EdNotes digital magazine here!


We All Can Be A Best Leader!

We are all called to be leaders! Enjoy this refresher about four essential skills that strengthen leadership!

Our students are our greatest asset, and the outcomes of their educational journeys are the greatest indicator of success in our mission.

Immaculata seeks to be inclusive while striving to nurture the spiritual, moral, intellectual and social/physical well being of all our community members and placing the highest value on student outcomes.

Learn more

Go to for  educational resources in the IHM Tradition!
Dates to Remember

1 Feast Day of St. Alphonsus Liguori

Spiritual Patron of IHM Sisters

Learn More!

6 Transfiguration of Our Lord

15 Assumption of Our Blessed Mother into Heaven

22 Queenship of Our Blessed Mother

Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Malvern, PA 19355

Proclaiming the Gospel Message in the Spirit of Jesus the Redeemer