IHMS Newsletter - January 13, 2025

Important Upcoming Dates

Jan 13-17 - Inclusive Schools Week

Jan 13 - Ed Fund Meeting, Library, 6:30pm

Jan 14 - Caregiver Chat: Dangers of Social Media, 5:30pm

Jan 14 - Board of Education Meeting, SRVUSD Office, 6pm

Jan 17 - Deadine to Submit 8th Grade Yearbook Ads

Jan 20 - No School, Martin Luther King Jr Day

Jan 20 - Dr Martin Luther King Jr Celebration, 2-4:30pm

Jan 23 - PTA Meeting, Library, 7pm

Jan 26 - Culture in the Community, Dougherty Station Commmunity Arts Center, 12-4pm

Feb 4 - Minimum Day, 8:15-11:44am

Feb 8 - Afterschool Dodgeball Informational Meeting, 2:45pm

Feb 10 - Ed Fund Meeting, Library, 6:30pm

Feb 13 - Campus Safety Town Hall, 6-7:30pm

Feb 17 - No School, President's Day

Feb 18 - No School, Staff Development

Feb 19-20 - No block schedule

Feb 27 - PTA Meeting, Library, 7pm

Note: Sometimes Gmail clips the What's Up newsletter. Look at the bottom of the newsletter for this message, "click to view the entire message"

Principal Updates

Happy New Year and Welcome back to campus!

We are so glad to have all students back on campus this week. As we return for the second semester we want all students to remember to be on their best behavior and remember the expectations. We reviewed expectations with a presentation in an assembly on Tuesday. 

Caregiver Chat

This month's Caregiver Chat will be this Tues, Jan 14th, 5:30-6:30pm on Social Media Dangers presented by our school counselor, Mrs Laake, with support from our School Resource Officer.

Inclusive Schools Week:

January 13-17, 2025

San Ramon Valley Unified School District recognizes the week of January 13-17, 2025 as Inclusive Schools Week. As a district, we strive to create equitable school environments that meet the diverse needs of all our students. Inclusive Schools Week is an opportunity to celebrate the various ways that students with disabilities participate in campus life and to highlight the inclusive practices happening at our school sites. Inclusive education means that all students with disabilities are full and accepted members of their school community and feel safe, connected, and engaged. During Inclusive Schools Week we aim to provide opportunities to learn about disabilities and to celebrate the differences that make each student unique to foster a culture of acceptance and empathy.

SF Giants Fundraiser - April/May Games

Link to purchase tickets: 


Promo Code: IronHorse25"

School Updates

California Junior Scholarship Federation

California Junior Scholarship Federation Membership Drive!

The 7th and 8th grade membership drive begins Tuesday, January 14 and ends Tuesday, January 28. Seventh and Eighth graders can qualify after their first semester grades are postedThey may join in January during the Spring semester. 


Iron Horse Middle School students are encouraged to join CJSF, California Junior Scholarship Federation. This club is a state-wide organization which promotes high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship at the junior high level (grades 7 & 8). CJSF emphasizes service to the school and community while creating pride in scholastic achievement. Its motto is “Scholarship for Service”. 


Members meet one to two times a month, typically during student support. An elected body of officers, with the guidance of the CJSF advisor, runs each meeting. Students participate in coordinating school activities and community service.


One of the requirements for membership is good citizenship. Another requirement is scholarship eligibility in the academic subjects of English, Science, Math, and History. Each A earned is worth 3 points and a B in any regular academic course is worth 1 point. A grade of D or F will disqualify eligibility for that semester. A total of 8 points in the previous semester is required for membership. 


Students may become a CJSF Honor Award member by qualifying three out of three semesters. They are recognized with a special seal on their promotion certificate and awarded a CJSF Honor Pin. 


The CJSF Spring application link may be found here, or on the Iron Horse website. It will go live on Tuesday, January 14.

Submit a completed online application AND a copy of your Semester 1 report card no later than Tuesday, January 28. Late applications will not be considered - no exceptions.

Please email CJSF Advisor, Mrs. Bassett, jbassett@srvusd.net, with any questions. 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration

This year's honoree at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Open Mic Celebration on Monday, January 20th, will be PFLAG Danville-San Ramon. All are welcome to share through poem, song, or speech at the microphone. #MLKOpenMic

Yearbook & Yearbook Ads

PTA Updates

PTA Meeting

Come learn what we are all about. We are energetic, fun parents who care about the kids in our community and want to make a difference through advocacy, community building events, staff appreciation, and more. 

Our next PTA Meeting will be

Thurs, January 23, at 7pm in the IH Library.

Ed Fund Updates

Ed Fund Meeting

The next Ed Fund Meeting will be 
Mon, January 13th · 6:30pm

IHMS Library


Counselor Amazon Wishlist

Please see the below link for the IHMS Counselor Amazon Wishlist if you are interested in purchasing any of their wishlists items for the counseling office. Thank you for your support!


Volunteer Opportunities

Library Volunteers

Are you interested in volunteering your time to help Ms Martin in the Iron Horse Library? If so, please see the Volunteer Link below if you would like to sign up for one or more volunteers slots. Or, if you are interested in volunteering in the library on a regular basis, please use the Regular Volunteer link below to reach out to Ms Martin.

Please keep in mind that all volunteers must be cleared through the district. Please see this page on the district website for more info.

Volunteer Here
Regular Volunteer

Lunch Time Volunteers

We are in need of parent volunteers to help supervise students during lunch times on campus.  

Please remember that there are requirements to volunteer on campus all parent volunteers working with students must have completed backgroud screening, proof of Tuberculosis clearance and uploaded this into their Be A Mentor profile. All volunteers must check in at the office when they arrive.

Please see below slots and signup if you are available to help us out this year. 

Thank you for your support.

Volunteer Here

Community News

Culture in the Community Celebration through City of San Ramon

Culture in the Community Celebration

presented by the City of San Ramon

Sunday, January 26, 2025

12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Dougherty Station Community Arts Center

(17011 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon)



This exciting event will feature multicultural performances, music, art, and activities from around the world. Watch as the Dougherty Station Community Arts Center comes alive with international performances, cultural booths, children's activities, and prizes. Take a staycation to the wonderfully diverse world in our own backyard. Attendees are encouraged to wear attire representative of the country of origin/heritage or clothing from any country of interest. Admission and parking are free.

Highlights of this FREE event include:

  • Vibrant multicultural performances on 2 stages
  • Cultural booths from around the world to learn about different cultures
  • Cultural workshops on art, music, and dance
  • Children’s crafts, games, and activities
  • Free parking & admission to the event

Street Smarts “Be Reel” Video Contest 

Street Smarts "Be Reel!" Video Contest is Here!

Enter for a chance to win amazing prizes! Contest ends at 4:00 P.M. on January 30, 2025!

Contest Overview:  The Street Smarts “Be Reel!” Video Contest invites San Ramon Valley students to showcase their traffic safety knowledge by creating engaging public service announcements (PSAs). This initiative aims to raise awareness about traffic safety issues within the community, benefiting both participants and viewers.

Eligibility:  Grades 6 – 8 and Grades 9 – 12 are eligible to enter, with separate contests for each category. Middle school and high school students can collaborate, but their entry will be judged in the high school category.

This Year’s Theme: “Safety First!”  Get ready to showcase your creativity and knowledge! Start planning your PSA today! For full rules and guidelines, please visit Street Smarts Video Contest!

IHMS Attendance Line
(925) 790-2599
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