IHMS Newsletter February 3, 2025

Important Upcoming Dates

Feb 4 - Minimum Day, 8:15-11:44am

Feb 5 - Afterschool Dodgeball Informational Meeting, 2:45pm

Feb 6-8 - School Play, Matilda Jr.

Feb 10 - Ed Fund Meeting, Library, 6:30pm

Feb 13 - Campus Safety Town Hall, 6-7:30pm

Feb 17 - No School, President's Day

Feb 18 - No School, Staff Development

Feb 19-20 - No block schedule

Feb 25 - Board of Education Meeting, 6pm

Feb 27 - PTA Meeting, Library, 7pm

Mar 3-7 - Words Matter Week

Mar 10 - Ed Fund Meeting, Virtual, 6:30pm

Mar 14 - No School, Teacher Work Day

Mar 19-21 - Minimum Days, Parent Conferences, 8:15-11:40am

Mar 20 - Multicultural Event

Mar 24 - PTA Meeting, Library, 7pm

Mar 25 - 8th Grade Career Day

Apr 4 - Minimum Day, 8:15-11:44am

Apr 7-11 - No School, Spring Break

Note: Sometimes Gmail clips the What's Up newsletter. Look at the bottom of the newsletter for this message, "click to view the entire message"

Principal Updates

Department of Rehabilitation Information Night

Tuesday, Febrary 4, 2025: 6:00-7:00 pm (Virtual by Zoom)

Join us to learn about post-high school pathways for students with disabilities. Presented by SRVUSD Workability Program and the Department of Rehabilitation. (DOR). Topics include:

  • Are you Eligible?
  • Career Counseling and Guidance
  • Education & Training Services
  • Support Services
  • Job Search & Placement Assistance

Register to attend using this Zoom link: srvusdlinks.net/workabilityinfonight.

Campus Safety Town Hall 

Thursday, February 13, 2025: 6:00-7:30 pm

In-person, SRVUSD Education Center Board Rooms, 699 Old Orchard Drive, Danville

Hear from a panel of experts from SRVUSD and the community, including the Superintendent, local police leaders, mental health professionals and more. The panelists will be speaking on topics connected to how parents and caregivers can stay informed and do their part to keep our community safe.  The event will focus on school safety plans, logistics, emergency communications, safety in the community and mental health.

Please register to attend: srvusdlinks.net/CampusSafetyPanel. Space is limited.

School Updates

Valentine's Day Treats for IHMS Staff

Please help in spreading some Valentine Love to our amazing Iron Horse Teachers & Staff by signing up to donate Sweet & Salty Treats on Friday, February 14th. 

Please review the available slots at the below link & click on the button to sign up if you are able to contribute.

All items need to be dropped in the IHMS Front Office on Friday, February 14th by 11:00 am.

Thank you & Happy Valentine's Day, 


Sign Up Here


IHMS Drama presents "Matilda, Jr"

February 6th and 7th at 7:00 p.m. and February 8th at 2:00 and 7:00 p.m.  

Advance tickets can be purchased up to one hour before showtime through the IHMS website for $10.00. Tickets will also be sold at the door for $15.00. 

Get tickets HERE

Yearbook Photo Submissions

Hey Jaguars, Yearbook wants your photos! We would like to include outside/club sports. If you are interested, please submit your photos to THIS link with a little bit of necessary information by February 2nd.

If you are a swimmer, we have a different form to fill out. Please submit your photos to THIS google form.

Have you won a special award for your accomplishments? Share your photos and information HERE by February 25th.

If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Hamon at mhamon@srvusd.net.

Yearbook & Yearbook Ads

PTA Updates

PTA Meeting

Come learn what we are all about. We are energetic, fun parents who care about the kids in our community and want to make a difference through advocacy, community building events, staff appreciation, and more. 

Our next PTA Meeting will be

Thurs, February 27th, at 7pm in the IH Library.

Ed Fund Updates

Ed Fund Meeting

The next Ed Fund Meeting will be 
Mon, February 10th · 6:30pm

IHMS Library


Counselor Amazon Wishlist

Please see the below link for the IHMS Counselor Amazon Wishlist if you are interested in purchasing any of their wishlists items for the counseling office. Thank you for your support!


Volunteer Opportunities

Library Volunteers

Are you interested in volunteering your time to help Ms Martin in the Iron Horse Library? If so, please see the Volunteer Link below if you would like to sign up for one or more volunteers slots. Or, if you are interested in volunteering in the library on a regular basis, please use the Regular Volunteer link below to reach out to Ms Martin.

Please keep in mind that all volunteers must be cleared through the district. Please see this page on the district website for more info.

Volunteer Here
Regular Volunteer

Lunch Time Volunteers

We are in need of parent volunteers to help supervise students during lunch times on campus.  

Please remember that there are requirements to volunteer on campus all parent volunteers working with students must have completed backgroud screening, proof of Tuberculosis clearance and uploaded this into their Be A Mentor profile. All volunteers must check in at the office when they arrive.

Please see below slots and signup if you are available to help us out this year. 

Thank you for your support.

Volunteer Here

Community News

Street Smarts “Be Reel” Video Contest 

Street Smarts "Be Reel!" Video Contest is Here!

Enter for a chance to win amazing prizes! Contest ends at 4:00 P.M. on January 30, 2025!

Contest Overview:  The Street Smarts “Be Reel!” Video Contest invites San Ramon Valley students to showcase their traffic safety knowledge by creating engaging public service announcements (PSAs). This initiative aims to raise awareness about traffic safety issues within the community, benefiting both participants and viewers.

Eligibility:  Grades 6 – 8 and Grades 9 – 12 are eligible to enter, with separate contests for each category. Middle school and high school students can collaborate, but their entry will be judged in the high school category.

This Year’s Theme: “Safety First!”  Get ready to showcase your creativity and knowledge! Start planning your PSA today! For full rules and guidelines, please visit Street Smarts Video Contest!

IHMS Attendance Line
(925) 790-2599
Don't underestimate the power of a Jaguar!
Visit our website