IHN Graduates Making A Difference In Our Community!

Anita Ho is the founder of The Healthy Asian, specializing in healthy digestion, skin conditions, and the use of cannabis in natural health. She offers personalized nutrition and lifestyle consulting packages, taking into account one's physical, mental, and emotional health. Anita is a strong advocate of preventative health, trying not just to heal her clients from their ills, but to better them for life.

Maria Cancio-Bello is the founder of Brain Awakening Nutrition, the result of her belief that there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to health. She uses Nutrigenomics genetic testing to enable her to provide personalized genetic-based nutrition consultations. Maria helps her clients with weight loss, physical and mental performance, fertility, anti-aging, and obtaining a plant based diet that achieves optimal health.

Melissa Ramos is the founder of Sexy Food Therapy where she empowers women to take control of their health, lives, and happiness. She uses holistic nutrition and traditional Chinese medicine to regulate their hormones, resulting in clearer skin, happier periods, ageless beauty, healthier ovaries, and lovely poops. She is also a health expert for CTV's The Social, TEDx Speaker, and official writer for the Huffington Post.

See the inspiring work of our graduates in the field of holistic nutrition!
Secure Your Seat In Our Campus or Virtual Classrooms!

Class schedules for the upcoming semester are done! We are now able to hold an increased number of daily, virtual application interviews with our program advisors. We look forward to a brand new year, and a brand new student community, eager to understand what it means to use natural medicine knowledge and practices for optimal vitality.

The last 20 months have seen a significant uptick in people seeking self-healing, sustainable and protective holistic knowledge. In-person or virtual calls with our program advisors are warm, friendly, informative and convenient. We promise you will learn a lot and leave inspired! The appointments are typically one hour. You can ask as many questions as you like. Use the time to learn about our Diploma program and come away with ample information to consider joining us. You may even be ready to submit your full Application to get registered. Choose from our IN-CLASS program with a robust campus culture (currently a hybrid model of learning until restrictions are lifted in 2022) or our LIVE and ONLINE platform dedicated to students who want to study from anywhere locally, or around the world.

For details on how to register, view our Application Forms or Contact our campus admin to help you!

Feel free to connect with us to book:

• In person or virtual Application Interviews
• In-person or virtual Campus Tours

Learn More About Our In-Class and Online Program
In-Class Program:
Toronto—Jaimattie at [email protected] / 1.416.386.0940 
Mississauga—Colleen at [email protected] / 1.905.615.9090
Vancouver—Jennifer at [email protected] / 1.604.558.4000
Ottawa—Hannah at [email protected] / 1.613.680.9330 
On-Line Program:
Online ET—Jaimattie at [email protected] / 1.416.386.0940
Online PT— Jason at [email protected] / 1.604.558.4000 
For the last few decades, we have been advised to avoid dietary fat as a way to reduce chronic disease risk. This is undoubtedly the worst nutritional advice of our time. Join Anita Sauve CNP as she discusses the importance of healing fats...

Research has found that critical self-talk is related to lower empathy and higher rates of anxiety. Join Kathrin Brunner CNP to learn how to identify the ‘Inner Critic’ and how to overcome it through the practice of self-compassion...

Whole unprocessed plant foods of excellent quality provide bioavailable nutrients that fuel and balance our health optimally. Join Jacqueline Steinert CNP to discover what an optimal plant-based plate looks like, critical macros and micros to incorporate into the protocol, and why we must focus on whole plant foods in order to achieve benefits...

Sleep is one of the cornerstones of health. Consistent sleep habits influence overall mental and physical wellness. In a November 21, 2021 article (4 minute read), Dr. Mark Hyman shared that “[Using] food as medicine can dramatically improve not only your sleep quality but also your sleep duration, sleep drive, and nearly every pillar of health associated with sleep (and overall health, in general)”. This article provides a sample meal plan to balance your blood sugar and support healthy gut flora. Creating a regular evening routine adjuncts food choices for optimizing your sleep.

See the Full Article
Pumpkin is a type of winter squash with many health benefits. Beyond its delicious taste, pumpkin is especially high in vitamins A and C, minerals and is low in calories. Its nutrients and antioxidants have immune-boosting properties, protect your eyesight, lower your risk of certain cancers and promote heart and skin health. Pumpkin is rich in fiber, potassium and is naturally low in sodium. Although pumpkin is harvested in Autumn, it is very versatile and easy to add to your menu at any time of year. We love this Vegan Pumpkin Pie by IHN graduate Louise Racine.

Enjoy the Recipe