Understand The Body's Complex Chemical Reactions

Pictured above, Linda Bazinet is captured teaching a Body Metabolism lecture to students mid-class. At that moment, the discussion was on the detoxification pathways of the liver. The key role of the liver in metabolism is emphasized throughout the course. As complicated as this course is, it is always entertaining. Linda is a one-of-a-kind educator that makes a challenging course easier to assimilate with her mixed passion analogies of bird-watching, basketball, dogs and Star Trek. Ask her about the scientific accuracies and inaccuracies of the show and she may respond in Klingon.

The focus of this course is on how nutrition is intimately linked with body metabolism. Students begin the course with a detailed study of enzymes, including the functionality of vitamins and minerals. They learn metabolic reactions used to obtain fuel from our food, build proteins and reactions used to rid the body of wastes. Other topics of study include digestive hormones, lactic and alcoholic fermentation, lipid carriers, and the effects of low carbohydrate diets, including the effect on insulin/glucagon ratio, gluconeogenesis, and ketosis.
Learn more about the 19 courses in IHN’s diploma program in Applied Holistic Nutrition!
Two Reasons to LearnBoth Equally Influence Change
Students choose to study at IHN for a variety of reasons. The common thread that unites them is their passion for holistic nutrition with a strong desire to bring change to the world. There are individuals who want to channel their lifelong enthusiasm for alternative health into their new profession. Others are already in the healthcare profession and want to diversify their modality portfolio to expand their clinical services. Others understand early on in their lives that holistic nutrition and traditional medicine are their calling and pursue the path wholeheartedly with laser focus. An IHN education provides our graduates with skills that translate into a variety of professional opportunities.
IHN’s program also attracts individuals who struggle with personal health issues or witnessed friends and family suffer from acute and chronic maladies. Through their research, they were able to begin their journey towards optimal health. With the overwhelming amount of nutrition information that’s available, it can be difficult to discern falsehood from the truth, and managing one's health can be quite complex. The curriculum taught through IHN's experienced faculty teaches the foundational knowledge to acquire the expertise in becoming their own, trusted health advocates. Knowing how to navigate mainstream vs alternative, natural health information is paramount for true health and recovery. Personal study students have taken IHN's program over longer spans of time, one course at a time, over several years, or immersed themselves full-time to apply the knowledge to their lives for immediate health outcomes.

Learn More About Our In-Class and Online Program
In-Class Program:
Toronto—Jaimattie at [email protected] / 1.416.386.0940 
Mississauga—Colleen at [email protected] / 1.905.615.9090
Vancouver—Jennifer at [email protected] / 1.604.558.4000
Ottawa—Hannah at [email protected] / 1.613.680.9330 
On-Line Program:
Online ET—Jaimattie at [email protected] / 1.416.386.0940
Online PT— Jason at [email protected] / 1.604.558.4000 
Kathrin Brunner Shares Material From The Con Ed Course
Join us Wednesday​, October 20 at 7:00 pm ET/4:00 pm PT for a 1 hour webinar, as Kathrin Brunner brings us in her kitchen—as you follow along in yours—to ferment “Lime Curtido Kraut” and take an in-depth look at the deeply therapeutic benefits of fermented foods. While fermentation has gained in popularity over the years, there are many misconceptions about how they impact our microbiomes and are used to improve health. Knowing which type of ferment would benefit which type of condition, is essential to recommending them successfully in clinical practice.
An Excerpt From IHN's Nutrition According To Traditional Chinese Medicine Con Ed Course!

On Monday, October 4, IHN hosted a 1 hour webinar with Olivier Barré to discuss the intrinsic thermal properties of food and body constitution. He introduced and discussed the different views between Western and Eastern food, and how the differences or similarities can be used to your advantage in meal preparation. Learn a new approach to meal prepping and cooking, and help your clients get faster results.
Check us out on YouTube for Webinar Replays you may have missed!
View The Full Continuing Education Course List For 2021
Learn Holistic Techniques For Food Preparation!

This is your last chance to register for the Holistic Food Preparation—Around The Globe Continuing Education course which begins on Sunday, October 17. This post-grad course is for practitioners interested in culinary nutrition! All dishes will be fully vegan and completely free of processed ingredients. Each class will explore a few advanced food preparation techniques or concepts to enhance your food preparation skills. Learn the creative processes, concepts, and ideas to craft unique delicacies that will adhere to both holistic principles and world traditions!

Highlights include:
• 3 LIVE classes with Eva
• Sessions on the Holistic Taste of Italy; Local Harvest Feasts; French Immersion
• All recipes and instructions
• Family-style cooking – create delicacies with members of your household!
• A Certificate of Completion 

Starts October 17, 2021 | Online | Learn More, See Syllabus & Register
Starts October 25, 2021 | Online | Learn More, See Syllabus & Register
Starts November 3, 2021 | Online | Learn More, See Syllabus & Register
Faculty Feature | Erika Weissenborn
“I teach Professional Practice, where we focus on building a clientele and how to conduct nutrition consultations. I want to inspire students about the rewards (and challenges!) of building their own practice and business. I often find the business side is the most overwhelming for new graduates, so my aim is to make that approachable and show them what that journey can look like one step at a time.”
We asked Erika what she loves about IHN and teaching her course: 
“Interacting with up-and-coming nutritionists keeps me fresh in the nutrition world and inspired in my day-to-day life. I’ve been in the health industry for 14 years, so I feel reinvigorated by interacting with students. I hope that by sharing my experiences I have the same effect on them!”

“I love IHN because it feels like a community, even when I’m not there frequently. I’ve taught at IHN in different aspects for over 6 years now, so…I guess it’s like family!”
Teaching at IHN since 2014
Vancouver Campus
Currently Teaching: Professional Practice

Read More About Erika Weissenborn
Effectiveness Of Fermented Foods In Gastrointestinal Health & Disease

A study from Stanford University has produced beneficial results supporting fermented food. The incorporation of sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha led to a reduction of the inflammatory protein interleukin-6, found in diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. In an August 13, 2021 article (4 minute read) written by Anahad O’Connor, research scientists are optimistic about study outcomes. Dr. Suzanne Devorka says that “[I’d] probably switch a little more toward encouraging people to consume fermented foods because now I have data to point to that suggests there are some anti-inflammatory properties.” Ferments are a staple of holistic nutritional protocols.

See the Full Article
It is believed that the origin of shiitake mushrooms can be traced back to the cretaceous period, over one hundred million years ago. Before being cultivated, the shiitake mushroom grew wild in the mountainous regions of China, Japan, Indonesia, and Taiwan. Shiitake mushrooms have a rich and earthy flavour and contain some of the highest amounts of natural copper. Copper is an important mineral that supports the formation of healthy blood vessels, bones, and immunity, making shiitake mushrooms a great ingredient to boost vitality. Try this Gluten-free Crispy Chicken Tender Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing and Shiitake Bacon by IHN graduate Mandy King.

Enjoy the Recipe
IHN Graduates Making A Difference In Our Community!

Abneet Sandhar is the founder of Abneet Sandhar Wellness, where she offers private and group coaching sessions. She practices traditions of tantra, kundalini, Arkaya yoga, and unique breathing techniques, visualization, and mantra to create new pathways of conditioning in the body. Abneet has led many women’s groups over the last decade. She is passionate about nutrition, cooking, and spiritual health.

Michelle Lauer works as a Graphic Designer with Fullscript, an online supplement dispensary, and a patient adherence tool. She collaborates with the marketing team, where she marries her passion for wellness education with purposeful design. Inspired by all things health, Michelle takes every opportunity she can to explore, talk, and write about new and exciting topics related to wellness.

Ally Franchi is the founder of Nurture Naturally Wellness Co., where she offers online nutrition consulting services and meditation classes. She creates holistic skincare and body products, ranging from serums, moisturizers, lip balm, deodorant, and essential oil blends. Ally is passionate about using whole foods, herbs, and stress management when working with her clients. 

See the inspiring work of our graduates in the field of holistic nutrition!