IHN Weekly Digest Scheduling

We are in flux to sort out the best days to send the IHN Weekly Digest (WD) out as we roll into 2022. The WD is sent out weekly, of course, but what day of the week that is, has been changing. We are working on scheduling that let's us have the send out to you at the same day and time each week. The last time we connected was on November 24th with the WD subject line reading IHN Weekly Digest + Work. That helps to identify sends that include the job opps, for those who are looking. Another WD may come out this week or next depending on how our December unfolds with the flurry of activity around the start of a new January 2022 semester!
IHN Graduates Making A Difference In Our Community!

Arantza Amuchastegui is the co-founder of MARPHYL Marine Phytoplankton, a natural health product brand specialized in creating not just a healthier body, but also a healthier living environment. All of their products are all 100% all-natural, wild, vegan, eco-friendly marine phytoplankton created to boost your health through biologically productive supplements for food, face, body and the soil!

Molly Robins is the founder of Molly''s Market, a nutritionist-designed healthy and local market located in King City, Ontario. Locally sourced and healthy products are at the heart of what they do, and each food, home, and gift brand they carry has been hand picked by Molly herself. Each purchase from Molly's Market supports another small business who works hard to produce their unique, quality, products.

Tricia Pearson is the founder of Step Up To The Plate Nutrition, where she expresses her belief of "change your plate, change your fate" by offering nutritional consultation and meal programs, corporate programs, group classes, and mentorship programs. She is based out of Vancouver Island, and serves international clients remotely, not just managing their symptoms, but equipping them to prevent disease.

See the inspiring work of our graduates in the field of holistic nutrition!

When In-Class Meets On-lineBeyond The Virtual Space

In the photo above, four in-class and two on-line November 2021 graduates were within the proximity of IHN's campus in Mississauga, Ontario and delighted us with their presence. Yes, we miss our on campus students and graduates who drop in, a lot! They shared the space to get their graduation gown photos taken, catch up, enjoy home-made tea and baked good deliciousness. IHN On-line was created with the intention of, not just joining programs before us in providing an option for remote education, but to broaden the horizons of connection and community.

It's an addition to IHN's Diploma program that is exclusively, and permanently, on-line. It was designed to parallel IHN's in-class advantage. Live, interactive classes, with real-time engagement between faculty and students, along with the rigorous methods of evaluating students, mirror the in-class requirements. Our first run of the on-line program demonstrated that it equaled the academic and "campus" culture outcomes of our foundational, in-person, learning environment. We are increasingly hopeful, as time moves on, to begin the hybrid model (like Vancouver campus) or our full in-class training, in the early part of Spring 2022.

Before the Graduation Workshop held for the inaugural on-line group, IHN administration and faculty were unaware of how binding their relationships had become, and likely will remain, as professional peers in the field. Virtual space classmates learn, bond, and grow together, while engaging with each other in both the digital and physical spaces, when geography allows.

Pictured above from left to right from our Evening In-class program (currently running virtually): Amanda Gullace, Walaa Sabih, Zuzan Aldin, Sangeeta Marathe, continued from our first On-line group) Tyler Kruschenske and Slavojka Mustafic. Elizabeth Papadopoulos (IHN's Founder, Director) and Colleen Smith (Mississauga Campus' Head Administrator) stand proudly with them.
Admissions, Enrollment & Support
Inder Gharial has joined our amazing IHN team at the Mississauga Campus, with her commitment to education, student support and her smile fitting right in! She has been onboarded to be of service to IHN's Ontario In-Class and On-line Eastern by Amanda Dias for her administrative role, that includes managing Field Trips (Herb Walk, Farm Visit). She will also take over for team member Hannah Rauhanen in managing Holistic Food Preparation classes. Inder is also a Program Advisor and the co-conductor of IHN's yearly Convocation. She is committed to education and supporting students and tells us that one of the things that makes her beam when she gets to campus is being greeted by Colleen's smile!
Inder graduated from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, Mississauga Campus, in 2019. She is concurrently in private practice doing one-on-one coaching through her Hormone Balancing Program, Inder Nutritional Consulting. She also practices at two clinics alongside Naturopathic doctors and other professional practitioners within a multidisciplinary setting where she creates customized meal plans to enhance the client’s therapeutic treatment plan.
Inder is a wife, and mom of two boys, and loves her her dog Max! In her personal time she practices Tai Chi and Karate, and is an avid member of the hockey community which her two boys are a part of. She loves to spend time with her family, enjoys cozy early mornings, and her morning smoothie is a must!
Contact Inder about:
• Program Advising
• Program Registration
• Student Schedules for Holistic Food Preparation (HFP04)
• Field Trips (Herb Walk, Farm Visit)
• Convocation
Inder can be reached Monday-Wednesday 12:00 pm-4:00 pm, Thursday-Friday 10:00 am-2:00 pm Eastern
Student + General Inquiries: inder@instituteofholisticnutrition.com
Faculty Feature | Jennifer Hunter CNP, NNCP

We asked Jennifer what she loves about teaching her course and what she loves about IHN:

“I thoroughly enjoy teaching these classes because they are the hands-on application of all of the nutritional information that is learned throughout the program. I love to cook and it is a joy to watch students learn new skills in the kitchen and for them to see how easy healthy cooking can be.

IHN is a wonderful school that includes a large array of courses that culminates into a well rounded program."

Teaching at IHN since 2015
Toronto and Mississauga Campus 
Currently Teaching: Holistic Food Preparation

Read More About Jennifer Hunter
Those of us who work at a desk often do not take advantage of simple exercise to increase productivity throughout the day. In a January 22, 2021 article (3 minute read), Jennifer Wasylenko wrote that "[While] many of us have busy schedules that limit the amount of time we can exercise each day, doing simple stretches throughout the day can be a great option to encourage movement". This article provides instructions and overviews for five stretches that we can take advantage of: seated twist, chest/shoulder opener, seated pigeon, hip flexor stretch, and hamstring stretch.

See the Full Article
Walnuts, like all nuts, contain healthy fats including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs). Biotin, manganese, molybdenum, vitamin E, and vitamin B6 are also present, and they contain higher amounts of antioxidants than most other foods. Regularly eating walnuts may improve brain health and reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. These nuts are simple to incorporate into your diet, as they may be eaten raw and alone, or baked into a variety of dishes. Try IHN graduate Alina Islam's Apple Walnut Parfait today!

Enjoy the Recipe