IHN Graduates Making A Difference In Our Community!

Nikki de Ocampo is the founder of holistnik, with the mission of empowering women to embrace and love their motherhood journey. Using nutrition, lifestyle education, reiki, and mindful movement as forms of healing, Nikki leads moms through their pregnancy and postpartum experiences to ensure they feel the best in all motherhood stages. She works with her clients through one-on-one and group programs.

Emmy Suparmin is the co-founder of Tucan International, Inc., a holistic food trading company created after her husband’s health journey inspired them to share all they’ve learned. Providing healthy natural products free from GMOs, pesticides and unhealthy fats, they sell a 100% Unadulterated Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and are launching new Vacuum Dried Fruit Chips without sulphite, in September 2022.

Shannon Dinner teaches her clients to lead a happy, healthy and balanced life using her company, Heal With Dinner. After her mom’s breast cancer diagnosis, Shannon was pulled towards her calling as a nutritionist. Through nutrition consulting, live blood cell microscopy, recipes, workshops, and 1-on-1 food preparation instruction, she provides the tools needed to let the body detox, replenish, and thrive.

See the inspiring work of our graduates in the field of holistic nutrition!

Paul Demeda Shares Material From His Con Ed Course

There is still time to register and log in! Join us TONIGHT, Tuesday, June 14 at 7:00 pm ET/4:00 pm PT for a 1 hour webinar as Paul Demeda presents on how the idea that what you eat affects how you feel, is accepted by many people – and also well supported with research. However, food and nutrients are rarely considered as a key strategy for supporting mental health. Mental health issues are predictably an ever-increasing problem in today’s world. The mainstream medical approach has issues with ineffectiveness and unpleasant side effects – which leaves many sufferers turning to the holistic approach for better solutions.

Read More When You Register Below:
Practitioner Level & Passionate Public Presentation
Join David Price Francis as he shares his expertise in a detailed lesson on increasing the power of your energy field for better health and wellbeing. Learn about the human energy field, how it interacts with the planet’s energy worlds to optimize your vibration level and electro-immune system. Charge, clear and transform your spaces. Learn about energetic blockages and how to shift them in yourself and your clients. Become better able to access and understand what intelligence our physical and energetic systems seek to offer us everyday.

Read More When You Register Below:
Learn From Leading Orthomolecular Clinicians & Researchers

Thanks to 2006 IHN graduate, IHN Con Ed Faculty member and ISOM Program Facilitator, Paul Demeda, all of us have been given another chance to learn from amazing minds, and at a terrific price. If you could not attend, you can now access all of the conference video recordings and presenter slides!

Students + IHN Alumni $50.00 (Regular price $225.00)
Use Promotional code "student22" at checkout

The 51st International Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference was held on May 13 and 14, with 10 presentations containing lots of relevant, useful, and high-quality information. Dr Paul Marik discussed medications, nutrients, and natural substances for addressing COVID-19 pathology, and Dr. Peter McCullough presented research on the prevalence and pathology of vaccine-induced myocarditis. The negative effects of antidepressant medications, their withdrawal symptoms, and elimination strategies were explained by Dr. James Greenblatt. Dr Joseph Pizzorno spoke about arsenic toxicity and how to address mitigating and detoxification, while Dr. William Code discussed the importance of brain detoxification and healthy glutathione activity. Doctors Linda Rapson, Caroline MacCallum and Naoko Hitosugi presented on specific nutrients, acupuncture, cannabinoids, and stem cell therapy, as non-pharmaceutical pain management approaches.
Most of us have no idea what an EDC is or how they impact our lives and our health. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals can be found everywhere, in items we frequently use, such as shampoos, floss, deodorants, baby products, food, drinks, and household cleaners. The average person is exposed to 100s or even 1000s of EDCs per day, unaware these chemicals could be increasing their risk for disease. Watch Petra's talk for a fascinating and informative discussion on the problem with these pervasive chemicals and solutions for reducing your risk.

Check us out on YouTube for Webinar Replays you may have missed!
View The Full Continuing Education Course List For 2022
Even though Lisa's course begins tonight, you can still register and receive the recording of Session 1, and join the class LIVE for Session 2! You can get caught up and be ready for next week!

Lisa refers to minerals as the foundation of the home that need to be kept in check in order to make sure “the house is strong and stable.” HTMA testing along with bloodwork from your client’s doctor can give a practitioner a clearer picture of protocol development. In a single hair sample, the tissue is stable over time and provides several months of biochemical activity versus just a snapshot from blood work.

Starts June 14, 2022 | Online | Learn More & Register

Watch Lisa's Webinar Replay Sharing Content From Her Course:
IHN is excited to collaborate on another edition of the Digestive Health Practitioner Masterclass with creator Brett Hawes. Brett is returning by popular demand to teach this Masterclass LIVE, with registrants also accessing all of his original SELF-PACED modules. Graduate practitioners have lifetime access to all the recordings, practitioner protocols, resources and the growing community that Brett hosts filled with professional practitioners. IHN invites you to join your colleagues looking into a key fundamental control centre of well-being—the gut—from a seasoned practitioner’s body of knowledge.

Starts June 20, 2022 | Online | Learn More & Register

Watch Brett's Webinar Replay Sharing Content From His Course:
Paul Demeda brings deep passion and industry expertise to this course, teaching the impact of optimal nutrition in supporting your wellbeing. He works with, and is trusted by luminaries in the mental health field to bring credible and cutting edge resources to practitioners and public. Mental health issues that will be explored include anxiety, depression and cognitive decline. Participants will leave this course with comprehensive and usable course notes, evaluation tools, protocols, and resources for professional practitioner collaboration to offer profound client outcomes.

Starts July 6, 2022 | Online | Learn More & Register
A quest for many humans is to slow or reverse the aging process so that we can potentially live forever. Lobsters and tiny jellyfish have this ability, according to Jonny Thomson, philosophy Professor at Oxford University in a June 17, 2021 article (3 minute read). Some crustaceans have special telomeres that never shorten, or the ability to return to early stages of life to hide out when their environment becomes too hostile. Thomson compares it to, “I’ve had enough of this job, that mortgage, this stress, and that anxiety, so I’m going to turn back into a toddler.” If evolution doesn’t care how long we live, why do we?

See the Full Article
Chipotle, meaning dried chili in Spanish, is a spice made from smoke-drying jalapeno chili pepper. It provides heat and distinct taste to dishes, primarily used in Mexican and Southwestern-style cuisine. The smoke-drying process uses firewood, affecting the flavour, nutritional value, and structural properties of the pepper. The technique dates back to the Mesoamerica age, pre-Aztec, and was likely made known to the rest of the world by Christopher Columbus, who brought the dried chilis back to Spain. We recommend this Chipotle & Sweet Potato Hummus by IHN graduate Allanah Canal.

Enjoy the Recipe