8081 Quotes About Change

There are likely more than that, and some we have heard many times over. None of them aligned as well as a new one that revealed itself in our search, even though the others are beautifully introspective. It was interesting luck that this quote came up. "The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings." Okakura Kakuzō was born in 1863 and became an influential Japanese scholar, writer and art critic. In short, he was the pre-eminent voice in defending Japan’s traditional art forms against modernization. One could call him conventional or "old school".

IHN was considered traditional and "old school" in that we were strictly an on campus career college for 24 years before taking things online. The transition called for change in our delivery method when the catalyst to teach virtually came out of immediate necessity. The traditional adherence to the integrity of the program remained a constant.

We brought our program to vibrant life in the virtual space, that so many of you who graduated before 2020, enjoyed at one of our campuses. We understand how to move forward after the impact that the last two and a half years had on IHN and since being online lent itself to enrolling international students. Surprisingly, though, many students who are local to our campuses decided to register online. This September was no different. We have the majority of students learning remotely but are in full gratitude to be back in class too! It's the Vancouver and Toronto campuses that have the pleasure of welcoming students to the in-person daytime classes and we could not be happier!
This is the first group in Toronto to begin IHN’s Diploma Program in-class since 2020. We can't overstate how exciting it is. The daytime buzz is back. It is beautiful to hear chatter and laughter before class, at lunch and after, as the rush of getting on the road back home begins. There is a big thank you here for students who decided to make learning together a priority. We understand that it's no small feat to make the trip to be in the physical space again. We're only here, because you chose to be!

Linda Bazinet (top left) is starting the year with Biological Chemistry (of course!) while the amazing Karim Premji (bottom left) is back to kick us off with Nutrition & Health: The Fundamentals.

If you have courses left to do, this is what's coming up at Toronto Campus:

Ayurveda: Mind Body Healing: Wednesday October 26, 2022
Herbal Medicine: Monday November 14, 2022
Nutrition & The Environment: Monday November 21, 2022

Call or Email Us, Anytime!

Toronto In-Class Administration Contact:

Jaimattie at [email protected] / 1.416.386.0940 
Daytime, in-class instruction has been in full swing at the Vancouver campus since January 2021. Both local, and international students, studying at the campus get to enjoy a beautiful view of the mountains while learning. It makes for a unique and much loved West Coast vibe. The in-class experience is an ideal way to be a part of an immersive student community filled with other passionate individuals who share interests and experiences, and where life-long friendships and professional partnerships are formed. 

Sidney Shindle (top right) has students in the foundational Nutrition & Health: The Fundamentals while Olivier Barre (bottom right), takes his PhD in Biological Chemistry, and makes it user-friendly for students.

If you have courses left to do, this is what's coming up at Vancouver Campus:

Advanced Nutrition Research: Thursday October 6, 2022
Ayurveda: Mind Body Healing: Wednesday October 12, 2022
Preventive Health Care: Tuesday October 25, 2022
Nutrition & The Environment: Tuesday November 22, 2022

Call or Email Us, Anytime!

Vancouver In-Class Administration Contact:

Jason at [email protected] / 1.604.558.4000
Our LIVE daytime, Pacific and Eastern time zone, classes are filled with, quoting Elizabeth, "the most passionate, sublime and eternally glorious souls to be in the universal ether space with us." Although IHN's administration teams and faculty will likely not address students that way, we secretly feel the same. The online option for joining IHN has the perks of learning from home (soooo convenient), from wherever you are in the world, while meeting extraordinary, like-minded people from all across the globe in a highly interactive and engaging environment.

Teaching from top right to bottom right, Angela Wright (Fundamentals—Pacific); Linda Bazinet (Biological Chemistry—Eastern); Brett Hawes (Fundamentals—Eastern); Corrie Rabbe (Fundamentals—Pacific)

If you have courses left to do, this is what's coming up Eastern/Pacific Online Daytime:

Online ET 10:00 am - 2:00 pm:

Psychology of Disease: Thursday September 29, 2022
Nutrition & The Environment: Wednesday October 12, 2022
Ayurveda: Mind Body Healing: Tuesday October 25, 2022
Preventive Health Care: Wednesday November 9, 2022
Nutrition Through The Lifespan: Thursday November 17, 2022
Advanced Nutrition Research: Wednesday December 7, 2022

Online PT 10:00 am - 2:00 pm:

Psychology of Disease: Thursday October 6, 2022
Ayurveda: Mind Body Healing: Tuesday October 25, 2022
Nutrition & The Environment: Tuesday November 22, 2022

Call or Email Us, Anytime!

On-Line Administration:

Online ET—Jaimattie at [email protected]/ 1.416.386.0940
Online PT—Jason at [email protected] / 1.604.558.4000
Our REPLAY evening, Pacific and Eastern time zone, classes are held for students who need the flexibility to have access to taking the full program, but at a time that can accommodate their busy daytime schedules. We hope that you are all taking advantage of being together in real-time. Keep the culture of learning alive. The material shared with you 4 hours after the day class ends, is convenient, accessible, and every bit as rigorous and life-changing as would be experienced by your daytime or in-class peers.

Teaching top left, Angela Wright (Fundamentals—Pacific); bottom right, Linda Bazinet (Biological Chemistry—Eastern); bottom left, Brett Hawes (Fundamentals—Eastern); top right, Corrie Rabbe (Fundamentals—Pacific)

If you have courses left to do, this is what's coming up Eastern/Pacific Online Evening:

Online ET 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm:

Psychology of Disease: Thursday September 29, 2022
Nutrition & The Environment: Wednesday October 12, 2022
Ayurveda: Mind Body Healing: Tuesday October 25, 2022
Preventive Health Care: Wednesday November 9, 2022
Nutrition Through The Lifespan: Thursday November 17, 2022
Advanced Nutrition Research: Wednesday December 7, 2022

Online PT 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm:

Psychology of Disease: Thursday October 6, 2022
Ayurveda: Mind Body Healing: Tuesday October 25, 2022
Nutrition & The Environment: Tuesday November 22, 2022

Call or Email Us, Anytime!

On-Line Administration:

Online ET—Jaimattie at [email protected]/ 1.416.386.0940
Online PT—Jason at [email protected] / 1.604.558.4000