January 2024

From the Director:

New year, new momentum, new milestone

As 2023 came to a close, we noted the many accomplishments of IHPI’s community of faculty, staff, and learners. We now move forward in 2024 and beyond with renewed momentum to tackle major challenges in health and healthcare through creative and collaborative research and public engagement.

Our collective impact over the past year has been substantial and wide-reaching, with IHPI members contributing expertise across a range of health policy topics.

Read the Full Message

Accepting Applications:

Master's Degree in Health and

Health Care Research

The Health and Health Care Research program is a one-year master’s degree program (M.Sc.) designed for clinicians who want to gain expertise in health policy, the sociocultural determinants of health, and an array of methods relevant to health services research.

Interested applicants should contact the program coordinators,

Brenette Logan and Brittany Weatherwax as soon as possible.

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Our experts
Groundbreaking research, innovation,
and intellectual energy

Call for nominations:

IHPI Policy Impact Award

IHPI invites nominations for the annual IHPI Policy Impact Award, which recognizes our members whose research has had a substantial impact on health policy or practice at the local, state, national, or international level. Nominations are due by February 9.

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View Past Policy Impact Award Winners

Addictive foods and the diabetes epidemic: Gearhardt testifies before Senate committee

Ashley Gearhardt, Ph.D., M.Phil., M.S., professor of psychology, testified before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions about the role of addiction to ultra-processed foods in the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Her testimony highlights several policy considerations for Congress to reduce Americans’ excessive intake of ultra-processed foods and support a food supply that promotes health.

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Poll: Views on medications for weight management

The vast majority of older adults83% think health insurers should cover medications that can help people with obesity manage their weight, according to new results from the National Poll on Healthy Aging. Nearly as many76%believe Medicare should cover these drugs.

Read the Report 


Minding Memory podcast: Identifying dementia from EHR data

In the latest episode of the Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer's podcast, Vinod Vydiswaran, Ph.D., M.Tech., associate professor of learning health sciences, shares his expertise on health informatics and methods for identifying dementia from electronic health records.

Listen to the Podcast
Member achievements, awards, 
and appointments

Valley named lead faculty advisor of IHPI Data & Methods Hub

Thomas Valley, M.D., M.Sc., associate professor of internal medicine, has been named the lead faculty advisor of IHPI's Data & Methods Hub. In this role, he will provide strategic guidance and foster impactful research partnerships for the DMH team.

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2024 IHPI Telehealth Research Seed Funding recipients

Congratulations to the two project team recipients of the IHPI "Timely Topics in Telehealth/e-Health Research" seed grants.

Understanding Barriers and Facilitators of Remote Patient Monitoring with a Health Equity Lens

Principal Investigator:

Timothy Guetterman, Ph.D., M.A.

Assistant Professor of Family Medicine

Assessing Treatment Times and Geographic Variation in Use of Telestroke Care within the Paul Coverdell Michigan Stroke-Registry

Principal Investigator:

Brian Stamm, M.D.

IHPI National Clinician Scholar

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Learn something new
Education, training, grants, and skill building

IHPI welcomes 20242026

We are proud to introduce the 202426 cohort of the IHPI National Clinician Scholars Program. The eight new scholars will join us in July to begin policy-relevant research training to improve health and health care.

Meet the Cohort

Early Career Faculty Workshop

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 | 8:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m. ET

Location: NCRC, Building 10, Rooms G063 & G064

This workshop is open to IHPI early career faculty and scholar members


  • Demystifying the Promotion Process: How the committee thinks and what they look at during review
  • Transitioning to an Associate Professor
  • Transitioning from Mentee to Mentor
  • Free headshot booth available before the workshop
Registration Required 

Nominate your mentor for a MICHR Distinguished Clinical & Translational Research Mentor Award

MICHR's mentor and peer mentor awards recognize the value of mentoring in helping early-career investigators reach across disciplinary boundaries in pursuit of science. Nominees may come from any discipline in any school, department, or program at any of U-M’s three campuses. The nomination deadline is March 11.

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Call for Proposals: Michigan Center for Diabetes Translational Research

One grant each of up to $50,000. Applications are due on April 3, and awards will be made by August 1.

Michigan Center for Diabetes Translational Research (MCDTR) Pilot/Feasibility Grant Program
Caswell Diabetes Institute & MCDTRh Pilot Partnered Policy Impact Research Grant Program


Health Data Sources for Africa Webinar

Friday, February 9 | 9:0010:00 a.m. ET via Zoom

This introductory session will cover sources of public health data related to and reported by international, national, regional and country-level organizations. Explores data sources that show impact on African health outcomes such as the Sustainable Development Goals Indicators

Register here

Interested in additional resources? Write mlibrary-ncrc@umich.edu. Other resources: Health Services and Policy Research Guide

Save the dates
Events that connect and engage

LBGTQ+ Health Research Network Kick-Off Event

Wednesday, February 14 | 10:00 a.m.12:00 p.m. ET

Location: Palmer Commons Great Lakes Room

Join us for an opportunity to network with colleagues and engage in small-group discussions around key topics in LGBTQ+ health research. All U-M faculty, scholars, staff, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and medical residents actively engaged in LGBTQ+ health research are welcome to attend.


Coffee & Donuts

February 13

10:00–10:30 a.m. ET

Bldg. 16, 4th Floor

Connect with Your IHPI Community

IHPI Member Forum

April 18

12:00–3:00 p.m. ET

NCRC Dining Room

Save the Date

Visit the IHPI events calendar

Browse upcoming seminars, lectures, and conferences, and catch recaps of past events from the archives.

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In the news
Our members making headlines

Most babies with sickle cell disease face double disadvantage

A new national study led by Sarah Reeves, Ph.D., M.P.H., assistant professor of pediatrics, shows that almost two-thirds of babies born with sickle cell disease are born to mothers who live in disadvantaged areas. These data could help public health authorities focus efforts to support the complex needs of children with sickle cell disease and their families. 

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For surgery patients, AI could help reduce alcohol-related risks

Using artificial intelligence to scan surgery patients’ medical records for signs of risky drinking might help spot those whose alcohol use raises their risk of problems during and after an operation, according to a new study by Vinod Vydiswaran, Ph.D., M.Tech., associate professor of learning health sciences, and colleagues.

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Bariatric surgery may slow cognitive decline for people with obesity

Significant gaps in stillbirth bereavement care found among U.S. hospitals


Get the latest on our 700 members and their work to study and improve health and healthcare.

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New members
Welcome to IHPI!

IHPI's 700th member!

Lianlian Lei, Ph.D.


Victoria Powell, M.D.

Internal Medicine

Siyu Yu, Ph.D.


About IHPI

The Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation is the nation’s largest university-based community of health services researchers.

Our mission is to foster innovative, interdisciplinary research to inform policies and practices that advance the equity, quality, safety, and affordability of healthcare, and improve health for individuals, families, and communities.

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Contact Us

U-M Institute for Healthcare

Policy & Innovation

North Campus Research

Complex (NCRC)

2800 Plymouth Road, Building 16

Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Eileen Kostanecki

Policy Engagement &

External Relations Director


Christina Camilli-Whisenhunt

Communications Director



Kara Gavin

Research and Policy

Media Relations Manager



Meghan Petiprin 

Communications Specialist
