From the Director:
Wishing a Happy Retirement to IHPI Staffer Phyllis Wright-Slaughter
Dear IHPI Community,
This month, we wish a very happy and satisfying retirement to long-time IHPI staff member Phyllis Wright-Slaughter. During her eight-year tenure at IHPI and 13 years at U-M, Phyllis has made countless valued contributions while working with faculty members, staff, and trainees of the Institute and the Departments of Surgery and Urology. She has dedicated her talent, warmth, and energy to help unite faculty, staff, scholars, and collaborators across our vibrant IHPI community.
As Senior Data Architect in the Data & Methods Hub, Phyllis has been an integral member of the IHPI staff team, showcasing extraordinary dedication and commitment to helping many colleagues navigate the intricate process of data access. With incredible attention to detail, Phyllis shepherded countless requests to ensure the timely delivery of data vital to research endeavors. She facilitated cross-disciplinary, collaborative relationships and reduced barriers to data access, and was instrumental in fostering a cooperative environment of research excellence within the IHPI community. It has been an honor to work with Phyllis, and we will miss her deeply.
Please join me and the rest of the Institute in thanking Phyllis for her exceptional work, and in wishing her all the best in this next chapter!
John Z. Ayanian, M.D., M.P.P.
This archive features funded health services research proposals (including K-series/career development awards and R-series/research awards) that IHPI members have generously shared in order to help their colleagues. IHPI established this archive as another tool to help support successful grant submissions for our members.
Our experts
Groundbreaking research, innovation,
and intellectual energy
On June 5 in Washington, D.C., April M. Zeoli, Ph.D., M.P.H., associate professor of public health and policy core director at the U-M Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention, testified before a Congressional forum on gun violence. In her testimony, Zeoli highlighted several firearm laws that research has shown are associated with reductions in firearm death, including extreme risk protection orders, safe storage laws, firearm purchaser licensing laws, and extending domestic violence restraining order firearm restrictions to dating partners.
How can researchers ensure their findings reach beyond the audience of fellow clinicians and academics to impact policy and improve public health? The answer: interacting with policymakers and journalists. Five IHPI members share key insights into how to successfully engage with policy and media audiences for greater impact.
Member achievements, awards,
and appointments
Announcing 2023 MPrOVE Fellows
Thomas Cascino, M.D., M.Sc., clinical lecturer of internal medicine, and Lauren Oshman, M.D., M.P.H., clinical associate professor of family medicine, have been named the inaugural Michigan Program on Value Enhancement (MPrOVE) Fellows. The MPrOVE Fellowship Program provides direct support for IHPI faculty members across campus to pursue innovative research ideas designed to right-size care, leading to value-based projects, partnerships, and research in alignment with Michigan Medicine’s BASE priorities (Belonging, Access, Safety, Experience).
Chad Ellimoottil, M.D., M.S., assistant professor of urology, was named a healthcare IT influencer by HealthTech. The magazine highlights the leadership and hard work of 30 healthcare IT influencers driving innovation, equity, and change in the digital health space.
Learn something new
Education, training, grants, and skill building
Submission Deadline: July 14, 2023
Funding: Up to $10,000 is available per project
IHPI is pleased to announce the 2023 Sandy-Hassmiller Early Career Health Services Research Award call for applications. Made possible by a generous philanthropic gift from Lew Sandy and Sue Hassmiller, this competitive research award is designed to provide seed funding for IHPI early career faculty members to help catalyze new research.
A free, self-paced Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) titled "Impacting the Opioid Crisis: Prevention, Education, and Practice for Non-Prescribing Providers" was developed by the U-M Opioid Research Institute and IHPI experts to help healthcare providers understand multiple aspects of the opioid crisis. The newest version of the course, launched this spring, features updated resources and new lessons on stigma related to opioid use, opioid use during the COVID-19 pandemic, and initiating treatment for opioid use disorder in emergency departments. Free Continuing Medical Education and Michigan Social Work Continuing Education credits are available upon completion of course modules.
DMPTool is a resource that provides a click-through wizard for creating a data management plan (DMP) that helps you comply with funder requirements. The tool offers data management plan formats for a variety of established funders including the NSF, NIH, and more. U-M is a participating institution with DMPTool, so you can sign in using your level-1 U-M log-in. Updated guidance from U-M Library is now available in DMPTool, which you can view while writing a plan.
THU, July 14 | 12:00−1:00 PM ET via Zoom
This workshop will explore best practices and strategies for organizing and managing digital data and files used in your scientific research.
THU, August 10 | 12:00−1:00 PM ET via Zoom
Data sharing requirements are increasing for researchers. This session will cover considerations and potential requirements for data sharing, including new guidance from NIH and OSTP.
During this seminar, IHPI statistician Matthias Kirch provided an overview of the NPHA, shared examples of how poll data has been used, and offered tips for accessing NPHA data.
Race, Class, & Allografts: Addressing Disparities in the Transplant System
On May 1, Sharad Wadhwani, M.D. M.P.H., assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of California - San Francisco, discussed how the U.S. transplant system works and how the system leads to disparities across the transplant continuum.
This multidisciplinary tool provides statistical information produced by U.S. Federal agencies, private companies, and intergovernmental organizations.
Save the dates
Events that connect and engage
Saturday, September 9 | 12:30–3:00 p.m.
Location: North End Zone "The Brown House"
1009 South Main Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Join your IHPI colleagues and their families for plenty of food, fun, games, and spirit before the Wolverines take on UNLV! All are encouraged to stop by this family-friendly outdoor event whether you're attending the game or not.
Want to sit with your IHPI colleagues at the game?
A limited number of tickets are available in an IHPI block. Ticket sales close on 8/11 (or when they sell out, whichever comes first). Purchase tickets here with promo code IHPI23.
This event is open to IHPI Faculty/Scholar Members and their families.
Browse upcoming seminars, lectures, and conferences, and catch recaps of past events
from the archives.
In the news
Our members making headlines
According to a new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine by Steven Broglio, Ph.D., A.T.C., professor of kinesiology, women’s gymnastics has the highest rate of preseason concussion of all NCAA sports, with women gymnasts experiencing concussions at a rate 50% higher than football players.
A new study shows LGBT adults remain significantly more likely than others to report going without health care because of cost despite closing gaps in health insurance coverage itself. The health insurance landscape has changed dramatically, including significant improvements in health equity, yet the drivers of that change should have also reduced barriers for LGBT people, according to Thomas Buchmueller, Ph.D., professor of business, and co-authors.
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Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
About IHPI
The Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation is committed to improving the quality, safety, equity, and affordability of healthcare services.
To carry out our ambitious mission, our efforts are focused in four areas:
- Evaluating the impact of healthcare reforms
- Improving the health of communities
- Promoting greater value in healthcare
- Innovating in health IT and healthcare delivery
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Contact Us
U-M Institute for Healthcare
Policy & Innovation
North Campus Research
Complex (NCRC)
2800 Plymouth Road, Building 16
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Eileen Kostanecki
Policy Engagement & External Relations Director
Christina Camilli-Whisenhunt
Communications Director
Kara Gavin
Research and Policy Media Relations Manager
Meghan Petiprin
Communications Specialist