May 2023
From the Director: NCSP Leadership Transition
Dear IHPI Members,

I am excited to announce that Tammy Chang, MD, MPH, MS, associate professor of family medicine, has been selected as the new Director of the IHPI National Clinician Scholars Program (NCSP) at U-M, beginning August 1. Dr. Chang has served as an NCSP Co-Director since 2020 and is an alumna of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Clinical Scholars Program at U-M, which preceded the NCSP program. 
Her selection as NCSP Director follows an open call for applicants issued in January and a rigorous evaluation process by a selection committee that I chaired and which included School of Nursing Dean Emerita and Professor Kate Potempa, IHPI Managing Director Trish Meyer, and IHPI Manager of Signature Initiatives & Partnerships and NCSP Associate Director Erica Solway. 
Dr. Chang will succeed Rod Hayward, MD, professor of internal medicine, who has served very successfully as NCSP Director since 2015 and previously as Director of the RWJF Clinical Scholars Program at U-M from 2007 to 2017. 
This summer, the NCSP will welcome seven new scholars into the 20232025 cohort and about a dozen students into the Master’s Degree in Health and Health Care Research Program, while online applications for the 20242026 NCSP cohort are currently open through July 17.
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Chang to this new leadership role and in thanking Dr. Hayward for his superb leadership of the IHPI NCSP.

John Z. Ayanian, MD, MPP
IHPI provides an array of grant development services to our members, including pre-submission planning, connections to other grant development and funding resources, and writing and editing support for all types of research grant proposals and related materials.
Last month, more than 100 IHPI members gathered for the IHPI Annual Member Forum (watch the full recording) to engage with colleagues and cultivate new connections.

IHPI now includes 675+ members from 15 U-M schools and colleges across the Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint campuses, leading $1.3 billion in active health services research funding. Given the breadth of our membership, it can sometimes be difficult to build and maintain meaningful professional relationships, especially within the context of our new hybrid world. To address this challenge, during the Forum, we asked members to brainstorm how together we can continue to develop IHPI’s strong sense of community and collaboration. 
Twelve U-M faculty researchers participated in IHPI's inaugural Impact Accelerator Policy and Communications Training Program from May 16-18, to learn strategies for effectively communicating and maximizing the impact of their research. During the three-day program, the cohort participated in interactive sessions covering topics such as best practices for writing a policy brief or an op-ed, sharing expertise with reporters and policymakers, and much more.
Our experts
Groundbreaking research, innovation,
and intellectual energy
Lapidos to co-lead IHPI Digital Education Programs
Adrienne Lapidos, Ph.D., clinical assistant professor of psychiatry, has been named co-faculty lead for IHPI's Digital Education programs. She will oversee IHPI's online courses, including Understanding and Improving the U.S. Healthcare System and Impacting the Opioid Crisis: Prevention, Education, and Practice for Non-Prescribing Providers. Karen Farris, Ph.D., M.P.A., professor of pharmacy, will stay on as a co-faculty lead for digital education until fall 2024, when Dr. Lapidos will take over as the primary faculty lead for digital education.
Adrienne Lapidos
A recent study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases by Emily Martin, Ph.D., M.P.H., associate professor of public health, characterized the frequency and clinical severity of RSV compared to influenza among hospitalized adults. Martin spoke with editors of the Science Speaks Blog by the Infectious Diseases Society of America to detail the study and findings.
Emily Martin
Member achievements, awards, 
and appointments
During the May 18 U-M Regents Meeting, 26 IHPI members were approved for promotions to the ranks of professor and associate professor, effective September 1, 2023.
Learn something new
Education, training, grants, and skill building
Submission Deadline: July 14, 2023
Funding: Up to $10,000 is available per project

IHPI is pleased to announce the 2023 Sandy-Hassmiller Early Career Health Services Research Award call for applications. Made possible by a generous philanthropic gift from Lew Sandy and Sue Hassmiller, this competitive research award is designed to provide seed funding for IHPI early career faculty members to help catalyze new research.
In this seminar, a panel of IHPI members gives practical tips and advice for successfully translating research into relevant, timely, and compelling information and engaging with policy audiences and journalists.
Application Deadline: Ongoing basis
Funding: $50,000 awards

The Research Scouts program, part of the Great Minds, Greater Discoveries research strategic plan and managed by the Medical School Office of Research, is funding patient-centered research projects focusing on early-stage ideas for patient-centered behavioral intervention research.
On April 20, as part of the IHPI Emerging Scholars Program, Chén C. Kenyon, M.D., M.S.H.P., assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania, presented results of a randomized trial of a “nudge” intervention that promoted daily medication adherence habit formation in children with high-risk asthma.
The 100 Metrics to Assess and Communicate the Value of Biomedical Research is a collaboration between the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and RAND Europe, this project provides metrics to help you communicate the wider value of biomedical research. 

Interested in additional resources? Write Other resources: Health Services and Policy Research Guide
Save the dates
Events that connect and engage
Wednesday, May 31 | 2:00–3:30 p.m. ET via Zoom
Speaker: Matthias Kirch, M.S., IHPI Statistician Staff Specialist

During this virtual seminar, Matthias Kirch, data lead for the National Poll on Healthy Aging (NPHA), will share examples and offer tips for accessing and using NPHA data. The session will also highlight data available in the newly released NPHA Wave 8.
Wednesday, June 14 | 12:00–1:00 p.m. ET via Zoom
This workshop will provide an overview of the kinds of information that should be included in a data management or sharing plan, along with best practices and resources to help with writing a plan. This is the first workshop in MLibrary's HS-STEM Summer Data Workshops series.
Monday, June 26 | 6:00–7:30 p.m. PT
Connect with IHPI Director John Ayanian, M.D., M.P.P., and colleagues and friends of the Institute who are committed to improving the quality, safety, equity, and affordability of health care services.
4:00 p.m.−6:30 p.m. ET
Time: TBD

Join IHPI colleagues, friends, and families for an evening of service. Dinner will be provided.

Save the date to join colleagues for food, fun, and games before the Wolverines take on UNLV! 

Browse upcoming seminars, lectures, and conferences, and catch recaps of past events
from the archives.
In the news
Our members making headlines
78% of older adults have used at least one patient portal, up from 51% in 2018, according to findings from the National Poll on Healthy Aging. The poll also revealed disparities, with non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic older adults, those with annual household incomes below $60,000, and those with fair or poor physical health being less likely to have, or feel comfortable using, a portal.
Although cannabis is legal in Michigan, doctors in the state are hesitant to authorize their patients to use the drug, according to a new study led by Daniel Kruger, Ph.D., M.S., research investigator at the Institute for Social Research.
Get the latest on our 600+ members and their work to study and improve health and healthcare.
New members
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About IHPI
The Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation is committed to improving the quality, safety, equity, and affordability of healthcare services.

To carry out our ambitious mission, our efforts are focused in four areas:
  • Evaluating the impact of healthcare reforms
  • Improving the health of communities
  • Promoting greater value in healthcare
  • Innovating in health IT and healthcare delivery

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Contact Us
U-M Institute for Healthcare
Policy & Innovation
North Campus Research
Complex (NCRC)
2800 Plymouth Road, Building 16
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Eileen Kostanecki
Policy Engagement & External Relations Director

Christina Camilli-Whisenhunt
Communications Director

Kara Gavin
Research and Policy Media Relations Manager

Meghan Petiprin 
Communications Specialist