October 2023

Apply Now: IHPI Impact Accelerator Training Program

The immersive, three-day Impact Accelerator Program: Policy & Communications Training is designed to prepare faculty to translate research findings and effectively engage with media and policy audiences to maximize their impact.

IHPI members from any discipline, career level, and level of experience with policy engagement and health communications are invited to apply.

Learn More & Apply by Nov. 17
Our experts
Groundbreaking research, innovation,
and intellectual energy

Prescription drugs too costly? Changing Medicare health plans could save money

Kristian Stensland, M.D., M.S., M.P.H., assistant professor of urology, is leading a team of U-M Rogel Cancer Center and IHPI researchers who want to make people more broadly aware of Part D open enrollment and the free Medicare Plan Finder tool that makes comparing costs easier.

In a recent study that used the plan finder to evaluate the cost of two drugs commonly prescribed for prostate cancer, the team found that patients could potentially save $9,000 a year by comparing plans. Despite such significant cost differences, fewer than 30% of patients report comparing drug plan pricing.

This work was funded by the Rogel Cancer Center and the Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation, through the Policy Sprints Program.

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Spotlight on Alzheimer's & Dementia Research

Research by IHPI experts examines the health services landscape for people with Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias:

New $81M NIH grant will help U.S. answer urgent need for better dementia care

A research team led by Donovan Maust, M.D., M.S., received a five-year, $81 million funding award to improve the understanding of the healthcare workforce that serves people with dementia and to produce data for clinicians, researchers, policymakers, and others to use. READ MORE

Characteristics of Emergency Department Visits Among Older Adults with Dementia 

A new brief from a Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s team led by Lauren Gerlach, D.O., M.Sc., finds that among over 20 million annual ED visits by U.S. older adults, 1.4 million were by patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. READ MORE

Dementia’s Financial & Family Impact: New Study Shows Outsize Toll

People diagnosed with dementia saw their out-of-pocket spending for health care more than double, and their net worth decline by more than 60%, within the first eight years of being diagnosed, a new study by HwaJung Choi, Ph.D., M.A., and colleagues finds. READ MORE

Minding Memory Podcast: People Living with Dementia and Exposure to Natural Disasters

Sue Anne Bell, Ph.D., FNP-BC, discusses her work examining how healthcare disruption due to a disaster can affect the population of older adults living with dementia. LISTEN TO THE EPISODE



U-M receives CDC grant to establish center to help fight disease outbreaks, protect public health

U-M is among 13 institutions that will receive funding from the CDC to be part of a national network of centers focused on predicting and responding to future disease outbreaks. Established by a $17.5 million grant, the new Michigan Public Health Integrated Center for Outbreak Analytics and Modeling, or MICOM, will be led by associate professors of epidemiology Marisa Eisenberg, Ph.D., M.S., and Emily Martin, Ph.D., M.P.H.

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Older adults' views on cancer screening guidelines

The majority of adults age 5080 (62%) disagree that guidelines for stopping cancer-detecting tests, such as colonoscopies, should be based on life expectancy, according to new findings from the U-M National Poll on Healthy Aging.

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Related: U-M Healthy Aging Series

U-M, AARP Michigan host virtual talks through Healthy Aging Series on enhancing longevity and well-being in older adults -- recordings available

Member achievements, awards, 
and appointments

Saint wins national VA Health Services Research award

Sanjay Saint, M.D., M.P.H., M.A.C.P., has earned the 2022 Veterans Affairs Under Secretary’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Researchthe highest national honor for a VA health services researcher. For more than two decades, Saint has been a pioneer in generating new knowledge to help prevent hospital-acquired infections and translating that knowledge to improve the health of Veterans and the nation. 

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Hawley recognized for leadership at Michigan Medicine


Sarah Hawley, Ph.D., M.P.H., professor of internal medicine, was named the 2023 recipient of the Michigan Medicine Clinical and Health Services Research Award. She was recognized for her outstanding contributions in leadership and her impact as a mentor and scientific collaborator.

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Rosemberg, Yakusheva inducted as American Academy of Nursing Fellows

Marie-Anne Rosemberg, Ph.D., M.N., associate professor of nursing, and Olga Yakusheva, Ph.D., M.S., professor of nursing, were inducted as American Academy of Nursing Fellows at the organization's Health Policy Conference. 

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Ibrahim joins AcademyHealth Board of Directors


Andrew Ibrahim, M.D., M.S., assistant professor of surgery, was named to the 2024 Board of Directors at AcademyHealth, a leading national organization for health services researchers, policymakers, and health care practitioners and stakeholders. 

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Mukherjee to lead U-M research data services strategy

Bhramar Mukherjee, Ph.D., M.S., M.Stat., professor of public health, will lead a university-wide strategy designed to support and enhance U-M research data services. Her appointment within the Office of the Vice President for Research as the inaugural assistant vice president for research data services took effect Sept. 15.

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Learn something new
Education, training, grants, and skill building

IHPI/CHOP K and R Mock Study Sections

In collaboration with the Center for Healthcare Outcomes & Policy (CHOP), IHPI offers a Mock Study Section Program to provide feedback to IHPI members on their K-series or VA-equivalent career development award proposals and R01 proposals. Sessions simulate an actual NIH/AHRQ study section, with an IHPI member moderating and two to three members serving as mock reviewers. The 2023-2024 program runs August-May. Contact Stephanie Jared with questions.


NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Extramural Loan Repayment Program (LRP) application cycle is now open and will close on November 16, 2023. LRP awardees can receive up to $100,000 of qualified educational debt repayment with a two-year award.

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Searching with AI Tools

This website provides resources and tips for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of using Generative AI tools in the literature search process.

Interested in additional resources? Write mlibrary-ncrc@umich.edu. Other resources: Health Services and Policy Research Guide

Save the dates
Events that connect and engage

IHPI Telehealth Research Networking Event

Thursday, November 9 | 3:00–4:30 p.m.

Location: North Campus Research Complex, Bldg 16, Rooms B001E & B003E

Connect with your fellow eHealth colleagues to learn about current research projects, data sources to study health information technology, and funding opportunities! IHPI and DOCTR (Data Office for Clinical and Translational Research) leadership, as well as individuals from government relations, policy engagement, and the IHPI Data & Methods Hub teams will be in attendance.

Registration Required

Inaugural U-M Implementation Science Network Kickoff Meeting

Wednesday, November 8 | 2:00–5:00 p.m.

Location: North Campus Research Complex, Bldg 10, South Atrium

This free event is intended for faculty, staff, and learners who are enthusiastic about D&I science, including knowledge translation, improvement science, and engagement science.

Featured keynote speaker:

Elvin H. Geng, M.D., M.P.H.

Director, Center for Dissemination and Implementation, Institute for Public Health

Registration Required

November 14

10:00-10:30 a.m. ET

IHPI Coffee & Donuts Break

December 7

2:00−3:00 p.m. ET

IHPI Research Seminar Series: Early Career Spotlight

Visit the IHPI events calendar

Browse upcoming seminars, lectures, and conferences, and catch recaps of past events from the archives.

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In the news
Our members making headlines

Opioid limits didn’t change surgery patients’ experience, study shows

A new study in JAMA Health Forum led by Kao-Ping Chua, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of pediatrics, showed that a five-day limit from Michigan’s largest insurance company didn’t lead to increases in patients’ pain levels or a decrease in satisfaction after common surgical procedures. Patient-reported pain levels and satisfaction didn’t change at all for Michigan adults who had their appendix or gallbladder removed, a hernia repaired, a hysterectomy, or other common operations after the insurer put the limit in place.

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Aging in place: U-M study highlights racial disparities among older adults

Roughly 40% of older Black adults live with a disability, compared to only one-third of older adults overall. Disability is one of various disparities highlighted in a new study, led by Sheria Robinson-Lane, Ph.D., assistant professor of nursing, which used data from the U-M National Poll on Healthy Aging to examine the extent to which people aged 50 to 80 were prepared to age in place.

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Medicare’s investment in free follow-up colonoscopies will pay off, study finds

TAVR: Less than one-third of patients enter cardiac rehab after heart procedure

Get the latest on our 600+ members and their work to study and improve health and healthcare.
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New members
Welcome to IHPI!

Courtney Bagge, Ph.D.


T. K. Kevin Chan, M.D., M.Sc., FRCSC

Orthopaedic Surgery

Jane Harness, D.O.


Daniel Hertz, Pharm.D., Ph.D.

Clinical Pharmacy

Bradley Iott, Ph.D., M.P.H., M.S.

Internal Medicine

Grace Kim, M.D.


Dominique Kinnett-Hopkins, Ph.D.


Jorge Machicado, M.D., M.P.H.

Internal Medicine

Kira Newman, M.D., Ph.D.


Rachel Richesson, Ph.D., M.P.H., M.S., FACMI

Learning Health Sciences

Francesca Williamson, Ph.D.

Learning Health Sciences

Donglin Zeng, Ph.D.

Public Health

About IHPI

The Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation is the nation’s largest university-based community of health services researchers. Our mission is to foster innovative, interdisciplinary research to inform policies and practices that advance the equity, quality, safety, and affordability of healthcare, and improve health for individuals, families, and communities.

To carry out our ambitious mission, our efforts are focused in four areas:

  • Evaluating the impact of healthcare reforms
  • Improving the health of communities
  • Promoting greater value in healthcare
  • Innovating in health IT and healthcare delivery

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Contact Us

U-M Institute for Healthcare

Policy & Innovation

North Campus Research

Complex (NCRC)

2800 Plymouth Road, Building 16

Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Eileen Kostanecki

Policy Engagement & External Relations Director


Christina Camilli-Whisenhunt

Communications Director



Kara Gavin

Research and Policy Media Relations Manager



Meghan Petiprin 

Communications Specialist
