Timely news and information


Research informing concussion care globally

Steven Broglio, Ph.D., A.T.C., professor and associate dean of Graduate Student Affairs at the School of Kinesiology, studies the root causes and treatment of concussion and the injury’s impact on the mind and body over time. As director of the U-M Concussion Center and the U-M Neuro-Trauma Research Laboratory, his work helps inform concussion prevention, identification, and management policies that affect U.S. military service members and athletes around the world. 

Broglio’s research shows concussions can cause subtle changes to cognitive functioning that persist long after an apparent return to “normal” health. He was the recipient of a 2023 IHPI Policy Impact Award.

Read the Snapshot

Apply Now: IHPI Impact Accelerator Training Program

Three-day program: May 2022, 2025

The Impact Accelerator Program aims to help expand the reach and visibility of IHPI member work to make meaningful contributions to health policy and practice discussions, debates, and decisions. Participants will learn ways to bridge the gap between research and policy through interactive skill-building sessions and practical tools.

An optional virtual information session will be held on Wednesday, October 30 from 12:00–12:30 p.m., featuring IHPI staff who will provide a program overview and answer questions. Click here to sign up.

Learn More & Apply by Nov. 18

Related: Additional health policy training and engagement opportunities at U-M and beyond

Spotlight: IHPI Data & Methods Hub

CMS VRDC Timeline Updates

In February 2024, CMS announced planned changes to its research data access policy. These changes included transitioning most research studies to the Virtual Research Data Center (VRDC) and increasing physical data fees. CMS released a Request for Information (RFI) to gather feedback from researchers on these changes.

CMS expects policy changes related to the required use of the VRDC and the structure of physical data fees to not go into effect until 2026. Additional details on the policy and implementation can be found on the CMS site here.

If you have additional feedback related to CMS’s research policies, please send your comments to VRDCRFI@cms.hhs.gov. The IHPI Data & Methods Hub also plans to host an “Introduction to the VRDC” seminar in the coming months. 


Groundbreaking research, innovation, and intellectual energy

Three IHPI members among four from

U-M elected to National Academy of Medicine

Four U-M facultythree of them IHPI membershave been elected to the National Academy of Medicine, one of the highest honors in medicine and health. Kenneth M. Langa, M.D., Ph.D., Erica E. Marsh, M.D., MSCI, FACOG, and Marc A. Zimmerman, Ph.D., as well as University President Santa J. Ono, Ph.D., are among 100 newly elected health and medical scientists recognized for their outstanding professional achievement and commitment to service.

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Sjoding brings expertise during webinar on bias in health products

Michael Sjoding, M.D., M.Sc., associate professor of internal medicine, was a featured expert during an Association of Health Care Journalists webinar discussing health device bias. Sjoding previously presented evidence to an FDA advisory committee on how racial bias in pulse oximeters endangers Black patients.

View the Video 


Related: IHPI Policy Brief: Pulse Oximeters Are Less Accurate in Hospitalized Black Patients

New LGBTQ+ Health Research Network digest

In September 2024, the IHPI LGBTQ+ Health Research Network released its first publication digest. The goal of the digest is to amplify cutting-edge LGBTQ+ research being undertaken at U-M, a need identified by network members. The first edition includes a selection of publications by network members from late 2023 through August 2024.

View the Digest

Minding Memory Podcast - Season 4

Season 4 of Minding Memory opens with new co-host Lauren Gerlach, D.O., M.Sc., professor of psychiatry and a member of the Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s (CAPRA) leadership team. In this episode, Gerlach discusses her research and work as a geriatric psychiatrist with co-host Matthew Davis, Ph.D., M.P.H.   

Listen Here


Education, training, grants, and skill-building

Applications open for career development opportunities and programs

2025 MICHR/IHPI K Writing Workshop   

Deadline: January 6, 2025

Workshop Sessions: February 5, February 26, and March 19

5:30–8:00 p.m. via Zoom



IHPI is partnering with the Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR) to offer health services research-focused cohorts for the MICHR K Writing Workshop. IHPI sections are open to all early career faculty and fellows who are IHPI members and preparing to submit a competitive career development grant application. For questions, contact Stephanie Jared.

MICHR K12 Career Development Program

Deadline: January 21, 2025


The MICHR K12 is a mentored career development program designed to provide protected time for scientists to focus on conducting translational research. The types of science proposed in these awards are broad and can focus on health disparities, community engaged research, or research across the lifespan.

Friday, November 15

9:30 a.m.12:00 p.m.

Michigan Union - Pendleton Room

This Women's Health Listen and Explore Pollination Event aims to foster collaboration between community partners and U-M faculty, centering the voices of those directly impacted by women's health issues and motivating future research. After the event, faculty participants may apply for up to $10,000 from Bold Challenges to further engage with community organizations, host a workshop, and develop their research ideas. 

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City Health Dashboard

This dashboard offers data on over 40 measures of health and drivers of health for over 970 cities across the U.S.  

Interested in learning more?  

Email: mlibrary-ncrc@umich.edu


Events that connect and engage

How to Effectively Plan for Promotion and Future Career Impact: The IHPI Early Career Development Roadmap Tool

Monday, November 25, 2024

2:00–3:00 p.m. via Zoom

During this Career Development Hour, Mike Thompson, Ph.D., associate professor of cardiac surgery, will discuss how to use the IHPI Early Career Development Roadmap Tool. 

Registration Required 

Coffee & Donuts Break

Tuesday, November 12

10:00–10:30 a.m.

NCRC, Building 16, 4th Floor


Browse seminars, lectures, and conferences, 

and catch recaps of past events 


Our members making headlines


Most older adults don’t trust AI-generated health information—but many aren’t sure what to trust

While the vast majority of people over 50 look for health information on the internet, a new National Poll on Healthy Aging report shows 74% would have very little or no trust in such information if it were generated by artificial intelligence. Among all older adults who have searched for health information online recently, only 32% said it’s very easy to find something accurate.

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The heart of the question: Who can get Medicare-covered weight loss medicine?

A new study led by Alexander Chaitoff, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professor of internal medicine, and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, indicates as many as 3.6 million people are most likely to qualify for coverage of semaglutide weight loss medication. The study was launched after the announcement this past spring that Medicare would allow coverage of weight loss medications for enrollees in drug plans if they had established cardiovascular disease.

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Q&A: Prosser and team find updated COVID-19 vaccine more cost-effective for older adults

The U-M COVID-19 Vaccination Modeling Team led by Lisa Prosser, Ph.D., M.S., professor of pediatrics, prepared a preliminary economic analysis of the updated vaccines against the novel coronavirus for the CDC. That analysis helped inform recommendations for the vaccines, which led to their availability nationwide in early September.

Read the Q&A


Risk of clots, stroke from incorrect blood thinner dosing reduced using

online dashboard

Big gaps seen in home medical test use by older adults

College education, physical activity help predict who will transfer from assisted living to nursing homes


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Welcome to IHPI

Sumit Agarwal, M.D., Ph.D.

 Internal Medicine

Melissa Beck,

M.D., M.P.H.

 Public Health

Michael McGee, M.D.


Robin Petroze, M.D., M.P.H.

 Pediatric Surgery

Olayinka Shiyanbola,

Ph.D., B.Pharm.


Scott Stonington, M.D., Ph.D.


Katelyn Webster-Dekker, Ph.D., R.N.


About IHPI

The Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation is the nation’s largest university-based community of health services researchers.

Our mission is to foster innovative, interdisciplinary research to inform policies and practices that advance the equity, quality, safety, and affordability of healthcare, and improve health for individuals, families, and communities.




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