Quote of the Month

Islamic teachings convey on the whole a certain awareness and insight into one’s inner self and outer environment, informed and enlightened in the meantime by a set of principles and sound human reason. The external dimension of this awareness is a civilizational mission pertaining to relations among human individuals and communities and how they relate, in turn, to their earthly habitat and living environment. This is the focus of Islam’s teachings on the vicegerency of man in the earth ( istikhlaf fi al-ard ) and his responsibility to build it and create a just social order that is ethically grounded and enriched by the spirit of beneficence ( ihsan ). 
Tajdid, Islah and Civilizational Renewal in Islam ,
Mohammad Hashim Kamali, 2018, IIIT, p. 32

Educational and Scholarly Programs

Teacher Training Enrichment Program (TTEP)
The course takes the social and emotional learning (SEL) aspects to practical levels in ways that empowers teachers working with Muslim learners to include SEL in their classrooms
March 29-31, 2019
IIIT and American University Master's Degree Program
IIIT has partnered with the  American University , School of Education, in Washington, D.C. to offer a Master's degree in  International Training & Education Program - Advancing Education in Muslim Societies  (ITEP-AEMS).

ITEP is the only graduate program in the field of international education with a focus on cultural and global training. It is  open to students from all over the world. IIIT offers a special discounted rate for this concentration, 29% less than regular tuition. Further, IIIT will offer free housing on an as-needed basis.

Summer semester begins July 2019.
Summer Student Program
The 2019 Summer Student Program (SSP) will be held from June 10 – June 28, 2019.

The SSP is an intensive, residential program in Islamic studies and related subjects designed for graduate students and exceptional senior undergraduates – regardless of the field of study – who have a particular interest in developing their knowledge and research skills in the core areas of Islamic studies. 
The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) and The Georgian Educational Charitable Organization (GECO) are pleased to announce the upcoming Summer Student Program (SSP), which will be held on July 19 – July 29, 2019. 
Summer Institute for Scholars - USA
The Summer Scholars' Institute this year aims to bring together researchers interested in value based education and social emotional learning. It will engage participants in discussions on how these themes apply to advancing education in Muslim communities and societies. The Summer Institute for Scholars will be held from June 19-21, 2019. If interested in participating, please contact [email protected]

June 19-21, 2019
Sponsored Research
IIIT’s Advancing Education in Muslim Societies (AEMS) is an initiative whose empirical research goal is to promote socio-emotional learning and value-based education in Muslim communities in North America and around the globe. AEMS empirical research follows a three-year cycle of funded research priorities situated within the above area. 

Currently we are soliciting proposals on themes addressing socio-emotional learning and the implications of that in the areas of curriculum, pedagogy, leadership and governance, policy, and evaluation and assessment.
American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)
On March 8, 2019, IIIT scholars will present on a panel at the 2019 Fred Riggs Symposium - American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Annual Conference, Section on International and Comparative Administration (SICA). They include Dr. Ilham Nasser, Dr. Cynthia Miller-Idriss , Dr. Shariq Siddiqui , Dr. Ahmed Alwani, and Sr. Saulat Pervez.
March 8, 2019

IIIT Publications

Russian Translations
The Arts of Islamic Civilization

The Essence of Islamic Civilization
Islam - Religion Practice Culture and
World Order
Isma'il Al Faruqi Selected Essays
Tamil Translations
There is a great demand for IIIT publications in Tamil language. Several IIIT books have been translated and used in universities as curriculum for subjects such as Islamic civilization. One such book is Dr. AbdulHamid AbuSulayman’s book "An Islamic Theory of International Relations".
Madinan Society at the time of The Prophet
by Akram Liya al-Umari
An Islamic Theory of International Relations
by AbdulHamid AbuSulayman
التراث وأثره في بناء الحاضر وإبصار المستقبل
عبد السلام رياح
التجديد في علم أصول الفقه: في العصر الحديث بين النظرية والتطبيق
محمد فتحي محمد العتربي

مجلة إسلامية المعرفة

العدد 95، السنة الرابعة العشرون، شتاء 2019

IIIT Media

"Conscientious Governance"
Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim
IIIT Podcasts - Coming Soon
Coming February 28, 2019

Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Chairman of IIIT,
President of the People's Party, Malaysia

" Special Interview "  
Coming March 14, 2019

Abrar Omeish

2016 IIIT Winter Student, and currently running for Fairfax County School Board

"Making Change through the System Accessible"
If you’re interested in joining the conversation so we can work
towards progress together, please email  [email protected]

IIIT Events - US and Global

IIIT Chairman Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim Delivers a Lecture on
Conscientious Governance
داتو سيري أنور إبراهيم، رئيس مجلس إدارة المعهد العالمي للفكر الإسلامي ورئيس حزب العدالة الشعبية في ماليزيا يقدم محاضرة عامة حول "الحكم الشرعي". ا
IIIT Indonesia, jointly with Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu (UMB), organized an International Seminar on the “Strategies for Actualizing the Progressive Islam” at the Grage Horizon hotel, Bengkulu, on February 14, 2019. The Vice Chairman of the National Board of Muhammadiyah and the Vice Chairman of Indonesian Ullama Council, Prof. Dr. Yunahar Ilyas chaired the seminar. 
South Korea
البرنامج الدراسي الشتوي لـ”محيا” والمعهد العالمي للفكر الإسلامي
The winter school “Islamic Sciences: Past and Future Perspective” took place in the Sile district of Istanbul on the coast of the Black Sea. The highly successful program is organized through the collaboration of IIIT-UK and MAHYA. Distinguished professors of Islamic Studies in Turkey delivered their talks in diverse fields of jurisprudence, law, political theory, and sociology.
أُقيم البرنامج الدراسي الشتوي “العلوم الإسلامية: رؤية الماضي والمستقبل” في منطقة سايل في اسطنبول على ساحل البحر الأسود في الفترة من 27 يناير إلى 1 فبراير 2019، ويتم تنظيم هذا البرنامج الفائق النجاح بالتعاون ما بين المعهد العالمي للفكر الإسلامي في المملكة المتحدة ومحيا، وقد ألقى فيه أبرز أساتذة الدراسات الإسلامية بتركيا محاضراتهم في مختلف مجالات الفقه والقانون والنظرية السياسية وعلم الاجتماع. ا
IIIT Georgia Winter School
أول برنامجٍ دراسيٍ شتويٍ للمعهد في جمهورية جورجيا
IIIT, in cooperation with the Georgian Education and Charitable Organization, held its first Winter School in the Republic of Georgia, under the title of “Islam and Contemporary Challenges” from 8 – 14 February 2019 at the Hilton hotel in Batumi, Georgia. Over 30 Master and PhD students participated in this event.
عقد المعهد العالمي للفكر الإسلامي، بالتعاون مع المؤسسة الخيرية للتعليم في جورجيا، أول برنامجٍ دراسيٍ شتويٍ له في جمهورية جورجيا، تحت عنوان “الإسلام والتحديات المعاصرة” من 8 إلى 14 فبراير 2019 في فندق هيلتون في باتومي، جورجيا. شارك في هذا البرنامج أكثر من 30 طالب ماجستير ودكتوراة. ا

IIIT in the News

In its March/April 2019 issue, Islamic Horizons magazine published two articles: "For the Love of Reading" by Saulat Pervez, a IIIT research associate, and "IIIT's Advancing Education in Muslim Societies Initiative" by Ahmed Alwani, IIIT Vice-President and Ilham Nasser, Director of Pedagogy, IIIT.

IIIT Libraries

Are you looking for references in
Islamic Studies, Comparative Religion, Islamic History,
Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh, Hadith, Tafsir ?

Check out IIIT's two major libraries - Al Faruqi and Al-Alwani Libraries -
for all your Islamic Studies related references in
English, Arabic, French, Urdu, and Farsi
Intentional Institute of Islamic Thought | www.iiit.org