I.J.C. Voice
September 2021
Volume 11, Issue 12
We might think we are nurturing our garden,
but of course it's our garden that is really nurturing us.
~ Jenny Upglow
Today we are partnering with Will Power to launch a national movement to educate Canadians on the power they have to make a difference through their Wills.

Can I Really Make a Difference with My Will?
By leaving a gift to Ignatius Jesuit Centre in your Will you can make a bigger contribution to spiritual development and ecological engagement than you ever thought possible. 
Many donors believe that they can’t support both their loved ones and their favourite cause with their Will. The truth is, just a small percentage of your estate left to charity can have a big impact, while still leaving the majority for loved ones. And by choosing to support your charity you can also reduce and, in some cases, even eliminate estate taxes.
Some donors think they need to be wealthy to make a gift to charity in their Will. Actually, no matter the size of your estate, you can be a part of this powerful movement for change. 

Take a look at the free resources and tools on the Will Power website to learn about the common myths surrounding gifts in Wills, the potential tax benefits and more.

The foresight and generosity of four Ignatius Jesuit Centre legacy donors these past 18 months have made it possible for this Centre to offer our accommodation wing as a pilot location for supported housing and to continue our ecological initiatives – our Old-Growth Forest Project and our community-supported farm, agricultural training and community gardens -- even though we had to cancel our core revenue sources – our retreats and conferencing programs. The impact of these donors’ legacy gifts has been tremendous. Yes, you can make a difference!

Roger Yaworski, SJ - Executive Director

We are a proud partner in the Will Power movement, and you can visit our Will Power page here

Picture - Loyola House Retreat Team
Ignatius Jesuit Centre is a registered charity and can accept donations of stocks, bonds or mutual fund units through CanadaHelps.

Considering a legacy gift and have some questions? Email development@ignatiusguelph.ca or phone 519-824-1250 Ext 257 (Vanessa) or Ext 266 (Leanne).
Loyola House Retreats & Programs

Since October of 2020 the retreat house has been serving those in the local community without homes, providing both shelter and food. This initiative has been a grace-filled experience for many and will conclude in November 2021.

We will reopen as a retreat house in April 2022!

Stay tuned for our 2022 retreats and programs calendar on our website this Fall.

A Place of Peace, Beauty and Sustenance
Where nature gives strength to
mind, body and soul
At Ignatius Farm
Come Visit the Farm Community Gardens & Orchard!

On September 14 between 4:30-6:30pm pop by for a self-guided tour and explore the gardens and orchard. Want to learn more...farm staff will be on hand to answer your questions.

Ignatius Jesuit Centre, 5420 Hwy 6 North, Guelph. Follow signs to Loyola House Retreat Centre and park near Community Gardens and start of Community Orchard. Find out more about the City of Guelph Community Garden Festival by visiting: https://guelph.ca/event/celebrate-community-gardens-with-us/
While visiting, please wear a mask, stay 2 meters from people you don’t live with and use hand sanitizer before entering and exiting.
Are you interested in starting a farm enterprise or learning more about ecological agriculture?

Term 3 is open for registration!
Upcoming events:
Sept 1: Growing herbs for tea
Sept 15: Virtual field day: Earth Haven Farm
Sept 20: Preserving the harvest
Sept 22: Farm Task Focus: Compost tea
Sept 27: Intro to permaculture
Sept 29: Virtual Field day: Conscious Kitchen

Are you interested in starting a farm enterprise or learning more about ecological agriculture?
Join us for the 2021 season of the Ignatius Farm New Farmer Training Program. Registration is by term or individual event.
We have a great line up of webinars and virtual field days planned for 2021. Individual events will open for registration 4 weeks prior to the event date. Registration for term 3 is now closed, however if you would still like to sign up you can email events@efao.ca
See EFAO.ca/Ignatius-new-farmer-training for more information.
This program is made possible through collaboration between Ignatius Farm, Everdale, and the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario.
On the Land at Ignatius
Marden Creek Restoration
by Nick Krete, Land Coordinator
Marden Creek is a small cold water stream that originates North of Guelph Lake, and flows into the Speed River just East of Highway 6 on the Ignatius Jesuit Centre lands. Meandering its way through forest and field, it was determined during the 1980s after widespread adoption of sustainable land-use practices that Marden Creek was an excellent candidate for stream restoration. The IJC lands withhold approximately 20% of Marden Creek’s total length. The removal of the IJC dam in 2010 marked the beginning of the ongoing restoration of Marden Creek. As the stream continues to naturalize after the removal of the dam, further restoration is needed to increase water quality and improve habitat for fish and wildlife.
In partnership with Trout Unlimited Canada (TUC) staff, IJC Land and Old-Growth Forest staff spent two days working to help restore a degraded section of Marden Creek just upstream of the timber bridge on the Chardin, SJ trail. This section was plagued by heavy sedimentation, widening and warm water temperatures. Using Christmas trees provided by the Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington’s “Trees for Tots” program, and Cedar stakes and logs harvested on the IJC land, staff were able to narrow the stream and create a more natural meandering flow pattern. These trees will also act to catch sediment during future flood events, and will eventually become the new stream bank.

Cattle Bridge Replacement
The old ‘Cattle Bridge’ along the Chardin, SJ trail to the Northeast of Loyola House has been in need of replacement for a few years. With contributions both from IJC and the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Land staff were able to replace this bridge with a new, weather resistant bridge constructed entirely out of heavy Douglas Fir lumber. All of the wood was provided by a local sawmill in West Montrose, Ontario.
Poetry, stories, and info to reflect on
By Greg Kennedy, SJ

O Climate,
darling hurting one,
we're driving to the beach today
because it's hot
and we have petrol
and we're in love
and it always seems
under these and similar circumstances
that it's every man for himself.
Forgive us
to the billionth decimal point
our complicity in your change.
Please do not smoulder, smoke or smite
like offended gods of yore.
We need you to smile on us
and reconcile our fun today
with a future in need
of prenatal healing.
hurting darling one,
stir us softly
and make us medicine
for the headache we've become.
We'd love to see you!
Our plan is to fully reopen Loyola House for retreats in the spring of 2022.

In the meantime we’re going to ‘unlock’ the doors at the Loyola House business entrances starting September 7 from 9am-3pm weekdays.

Maybe there’s a book or an IJC pottery mug or a lovely oil lamp that you meant to purchase last year – and now you can!

COVID protocols will be in place – including masks and safe distancing. Come by for a wee visit. We’d love to see you.
500th Anniversary Celebration

This year Jesuits worldwide are celebrating the 500th anniversary of Ignatius’ conversion after the battle of Pamplona in May of 1521. Read all about it in Eric Jensen’s Ignatius Loyola and You: Learning to Become a Reflective Christian. Curbside pickup or mailing options are available. Contact Andrea at officecoordinator@ignatiusguelph.ca to purchase a copy of Ignatius Loyola and You. For a full list of books available click here. Also, Ignatius Loyola and You: Learning to Become a Reflective Christian, has just been published in Taiwan in a Chinese translation. Click here to purchase the translated book directly from Taiwan.
Copyright 2021