
News from the

Institute for Local Government

December 2022


Hello friends of ILG,


We hope you enjoyed a rejuvenating Thanksgiving holiday with your loved ones and had a chance to reflect on what you are most grateful for. We at ILG continue to be grateful for the commitment of our team and the collaboration of our local government partners who are making an impact across the state. We are also reflecting on 2022 and the important work we have left in the remainder of the year.


ILG will share a comprehensive year in review snapshot in January, but in the meantime, we want to highlight some progress our pillars have made this year. Our Sustainability pillar has continued their important work supporting climate action in low-capacity communities with technical assistance via the BOOST Program, securing $12 million in grant funding for climate resilient communities. Our Leadership and Governance pillar has successfully delivered numerous AB 1234 and AB 1661 mandated trainings across the state and have released many valuable good governance resources this year. We also led many important conversations, panels, webinars and convenings around civility, equity, cultural intelligence and bridging divides.


Our Workforce and Civics Education pillar launched Summer JAM, the pillar’s first civics education program for high schoolers in many years, and we have also remained focused on building an equitable onramp to the public sector for people of all ages and backgrounds. Through our workforce collaboratives and educational webinars, we’re leaning into the many important workforce development opportunities that exist as workplace expectations evolve post-COVID. We’re especially excited about leveraging public sector apprenticeships as a tool for upskilling, recruiting and retaining local government staff. 


Our Public Engagement pillar hosted two sold out TIERS public engagement trainings that helped equip dozens of local government leaders with the tools to authentically engage their communities in a hybrid world. And we helped expand climate resilience, clean mobility and equitable transportation in cities like Stockton and San Diego. Last, but not least, we published our updated Planning Commissioners Handbook and trained over 1,000 new and seasoned planning commissioners at dozens of in-person trainings across the state.


In short, we remain focused on cities, counties and special districts.


ILG thanks all the local governments we have engaged with this year for their thought leadership and collaboration. We look forward to continuing the momentum in 2023. We wish you all a happy holiday season!


Note: ILG’s offices will be closed December 24-January 2. We look forward to connecting with you once we return on January 3.


In community,

Erica L. Manuel


Give the Gift of Good Governance

Get a Tax Deduction When You Donate to ILG Before 12/31


What We’re Reading

Important Updates to the Pay-to-Play Statute with SB 1439

ICMA – Combatting Change Exhaustion

RWJF Makes Important Changes to Equity Graphic (We Used Your Insights to Update Our Graphic on Equity - RWJF)


Nominate a Local Government Champion


ILG Affiliate Updates

Cal Cities 2023 New Mayors and Council Members Academy – 1/18-1/20, 2023 & 2/1-2/3, 2023

CSDA 2023 Emergency Preparedness Summit  – Friday, February 24, 2023

CSAC 2022 Annual Meeting Recap


ILG Partner Updates

Thank You to Our Partners

Partner Feature: Hanson Bridgett

Partner with ILG


Important Updates to the Pay-to-Play Statute with SB 1439

Senate Bill 1439 (Glazer), effective January 1, 2023, amends the Levine Act to apply to all elected officials and restricts campaign donations from applicants for decisions coming before their agencies broadening the scope of its prohibitions. Read more.

Combating Change Exhaustion 

Local government staff are overwhelmed and exhausted by change. How can we help employees cope with all this change as well as expand the organization’s capacity to adapt? Read more.

RWJF Makes Important Changes to Equity Graphic

Faced with the challenge of visually conveying the difference between equality and equity, RWJF incorporated input from their audience and partners. Learn about the process and view the updated graphic.


For many California local governments, professional development and training is a luxury they can’t afford. With support from generous people like you, ILG can continue to provide low-cost and no-cost webinars, written resources and training sessions designed specifically for staff and elected officials at cities, counties and special districts.


Your investment in ILG is an investment in the future of the public sector.


Together, we can promote good government at the local level and support the next generation of public agency leaders.


Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Every dollar helps. ILG is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and your donation will be tax-deductible.


Give Your Gift Today!


You can donate by mailing a check to:

Institute for Local Government

1400 K Street, Suite 205

Sacramento, CA 915814


Or you can donate via PayPal.


To donate online, please click here. Any donors over $250 will be added to our special Giving Circle!


If you would like to donate your excess campaign funds, please email for more information.


Thank you!


The season of gratitude is the perfect time to nominate a colleague for a job well done. Nominate someone today for the chance to have your nominee included in our 2022 recap. Anyone working in one of California's counties, special districts or cities – from staff to elected or appointed officials – are eligible. Self nominations are encouraged!

Help us celebrate the important work local leaders are doing in the areas of: 

  • Leadership & Governance;
  • Public Engagement;
  • Sustainable & Resilient Communities; and 
  • Workforce & Civics Education.

Nominees will be featured in social media posts and on our website. We’ll also be publishing an annual newsletter of all nominees! Make sure your nominee is included!

Click here to nominate.


ILG is the nonprofit training and education affiliate of the League of California Cities, the California State Association of Counties and the California Special Districts Association.

2023 New Mayors and Council Members Academy – 2 Locations!

Wednesday, January 18 – Friday, January 20, 2023

Sacramento, CA


Wednesday, February 1 – Friday, February 3, 2023

Universal City, CA

Designed for newly elected officials and veterans wanting a refresher course, this academy will include an introduction to the services of the League of California Cities and a basic legal and practical framework in which city officials operate. The Academy will also provide a forum for new and returning elected officials to network and build relationships. Learn more and register.

2023 Emergency Preparedness Summit for Special Districts

Virtual Event

Friday, February 24, 2023

9:00 AM – 1:00 PM


Join renowned industry experts and USC Price School of Public Policy faculty to bridge the gap between theoretical learning and real-life experience. The key topics covered during the summit will include the following:

  • Wildfire Prevention and Recovery
  • Drought
  • Cybersecurity
  • Active Shooter Prevention and Response


This course is eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points. Learn more and register.

Highlights from the CSAC Annual Conference

Orange County

Tuesday, November 15 – Friday, November 18, 2022


Team ILG attended CSAC’s 128th Annual Meeting, which highlighted all the ways California’s counties are advancing improvements in their communities despite the turbulent storms of the pandemic, wildfires and other challenging circumstances. During the event, ILG served on an expert panel about “Managing Misinformation, Disruptive Behavior and First Amendment Auditors" and hosted an AB 1234 training for county officials and staff.


Gratitude for ILG’s Partners

Our partners provide year-round support and thought leadership on a wide variety of issues affecting local government leaders. Thank you for helping advance good government at the local level!

Partner Feature: Hanson Bridgett

Hanson Bridgett has been serving clients since 1958. They are well known in Northern California and have earned a national reputation in many of their practice areas. They are a certified B Corp and are socially responsible members of their communities. The firm is driven by a commitment to diversity, charitable giving, pro-bono legal work and hands-on service. They are a dedicated green business and strive to make sustainable choices for all of their business decisions. Learn more about Hanson Bridgett’s commitment to community, diversity and the wide range of services they have to offer local government agencies.


At ILG, we envision a California where all local government leaders are trusted by the people they serve because of excellent leadership and the endless pursuit towards thriving and resilient communities. We are honored to partner with like-minded organizations to provide California public servants with the support and resources they need to navigate their complex and evolving leadership roles.


The ILG Partner Program provides a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate your company’s commitment to good government at the local level and alignment with the importance of leadership and governance, public engagement, sustainable communities and workforce and civics education. ILG’s Partner Program provides opportunities to connect with and engage local leaders and increase visibility through our website, trainings and other resources.

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