
News from the

Institute for Local Government

November 2022


Greetings friends of ILG,


The midterm election is fast approaching and ILG is ready to support elected officials and local government staff through this exciting, but often fatiguing time. For those elected officials returning, this season presents an opportunity to renew an understanding of good governance and a commitment to public service.


As such, this month we are featuring our Leadership and Governance (L&G) pillar, which focuses on improving governing processes and promoting transparency and leadership development. Those issues are at the top of many local government officials’ minds during this time. Continue reading to learn more about the L&G resources we have to offer local government leaders from ILG Senior Program Manager Melissa Kuehne.


In addition to new and expanded opportunities for leadership that this season brings, local governments also face a myriad of community engagement challenges, including incivility and disruption during public meetings and changes in the Brown Act, which impact how disruptions are managed. To address these challenges, ILG recently launched a new social media webinar series that provides local government leaders and staff some practical tips for social media engagement, particularly in light of divisive commentary often present on social platforms. If you missed a session or would like to revisit the presentations, you can find links to the recordings below. Stay tuned for more offerings in this series.  


Along with the L&G pillar, ILG has been active in the workforce development space promoting the wide range of public sector careers. Innovative Pathways to Public Service (IPPS) kicked off its new workgroup meetings in October, bringing together workforce, education, government and nonprofit leaders to discuss the future of the public service workforce and ways to build better onramps into public service. IPPS is focused on the Sacramento region, but the strategies developed in Sacramento can be applied throughout the state.


Looking at statewide workforce needs, I recently had the honor and privilege of being appointed chair of the Public Sector Subcommittee for the Interagency Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships through the California Department of Industrial Relations. With National Apprenticeship Week just around the corner (November 14-20), ILG is committed to supporting workforce development through a variety of public service career development opportunities.


While November is an important month for politics, it is also a time for gratitude. As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, we are grateful for our local governments and our partners, which serve as crucial collaborators in promoting good governance. We are thankful for each and every one of you.


In the spirit of community,


Erica L. Manuel


ILG Leadership & Governance Resources

A Conversation with ILG Senior Program Manager Melissa Kuehne

Resources for Managing Disruptive Public Meetings

Customized Leadership & Governance Trainings

Western City Magazine: Ways to Boost Your City’s Social Media Strategy

Social Media Webinar Series

Regional Planning Commissioner Trainings


Workforce Development Resources

Webinar: Building Career Pathways for Local Government Staff – November 9, 2022

Webinar: Hybrid Working: Culture & Accessibility Best Practices for Local Governments – November 29, 2022


ILG Affiliate Updates

CSDA Board Secretary/Clerk Conference – November 7, 2022

CSAC Annual Meeting – November 14-18, 2022

Cal Cities City Clerks New Law and Elections Seminar – December 7-9, 2022


ILG Partner Updates

Partner Feature: Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP

Partner with ILG


A Conversation with ILG Senior Program Manager Melissa Kuehne

This month, we sat down with Senior Program Manager Melissa Kuehne to discuss ILG’s Leadership and Governance pillar. Melissa offered her insights about the importance of the pillar’s focus on trust, accountability and transparency for local government leaders.


How has ILG’s L&G pillar evolved since you joined the organization?


When I joined ILG almost nine years ago, the Leadership & Governance pillar did not exist the way it does today. We had two separate programs with one focusing on ethics and transparency and another covering local government basics. We’ve since combined those two focus areas into one pillar. Those two pieces are still very embedded in today’s pillar, through our mandated AB 1234 training and sexual harassment prevention trainings as well as our suite of materials for newly elected officials. But the transition I’ve seen is that we’ve been able to expand the L&G pillar to meet local governments where they are. We’re focusing on leadership essentials and doing a lot more work with individual jurisdictions to help them become more effective councils and boards. We’re showing local leaders how to work as a team to better serve their communities.


What are some of the projects the L&G pillar is working on now?


With the election next week, a lot of our local government partners will be welcoming new members to their city councils, boards of supervisors or board of directors. We are focusing on getting those new folks up to speed -- providing materials, resources, and trainings to assist with the onboarding process. We want newly elected officials to have the resources to lead during these challenging times.


This year, ILG also updated a number of our publications related to the legal framework of ballot measures and our good governance checklist. The checklist outlines the legal floor for operations like campaigns and financial stewardship and provides local governments suggestions about how they can go above and beyond to champion transparency.


We are also working with a number of jurisdictions to provide workshops about effective councils and boards, good governance, team building, and strategic planning. That work will continue through next year after the election cycle and once folks are seated on their councils and boards. We’re also doing our part to help local governments navigate civility conversations, both as it relates to external facing public meetings and internal conversations between elected officials and staff.


What will the L&G pillar focus on in the new year? 


Moving into next year, ILG will continue to explore webinars and trainings on important topics like updates to California’s open meeting laws, how to promote civil discourse, and orient newly elected officials. In addition, we’ll also continue to provide ethics training and other training about legal parameters of local government operations so that newly elected and returning officials have a good understanding of the legal framework that governs what they do. In partnership with ILG’s Public Engagement pillar, we are working to create resources and trainings for local governments navigating virtual and hybrid meetings, as we anticipate that issue continuing into 2023.


What key L&G issue areas are resonating with local government leaders right now?


Our local government partners have been in a consistent state of crisis management for the past few years. From the COVID-19 pandemic to financial turmoil and social justice issues, public safety challenges and more, it’s been a challenging time to be a public servant. A lot of the leadership and civility work we’re doing in the L&G pillar is resonating with local governments. For instance, how does a council work as a team when not all members have met in person before? How do you create a strategic plan that can be flexible to weather something as catastrophic as a pandemic plus existing needs and challenges? Those are the types of questions we are aiming to help local governments answer through our L&G programming.


Learn more about our L&G pillar, our customized trainings and more here.  

Resources for Managing Disruptive Public Meetings 

In response to many inquiries from local governments about the best practices for managing disruptive public meetings and to support new and returning elected officials following Election Day, the ILG team compiled the following resources:

Disruptive Meeting Resources


SB 1100

Customized Leadership & Governance Training

Schedule a customized training designed for new and returning elected officials


Will the makeup of your council or board change after the November election? Do you have new elected officials or staff joining your jurisdiction?  


ILG offers customized Leadership & Governance workshops for local government jurisdictions statewide. These sessions are available virtually and in-person upon request. The session topics are specifically tailored for your agency’s unique situation and can cover a wide range of topics. 


Learn more and request an informational briefing here.

Western City Magazine: Ways to Boost Your City’s Social Media Strategy

By Taylor Buck, ILG Program Manager

The distribution and consumption of news on social media is rarely uniform, guaranteed or productive and misinformation can be prevalent, especially during election season. Local governments must carefully weigh what social media platforms to target, and in what language, to better achieve equitable access to policy discussions.

Read more.


Missed One of Our Recent Webinars? 


Don't worry! Consider downloading any of our past sessions. Recordings, presentations and additional resources are available on our website and below. Recent topics include:

Local Government Recruitment and Retention: What Managers Need to Know October 26, 2022 

Understanding New Legal Developments for Public Sector Social Media – October 18, 2022

Social Media & Public Engagement Best Practices for Local Governments – October 13, 2022

Access all ILG webinar recordings here.

Regional Planning Commissioner Trainings



Next Training:

Orange County, Friday, November 18, 2022


ILG is hosting a series of regional planning commissioner trainings throughout the state. These sessions are offered free of charge exclusively for city and county planning commissioners and are designed to benefit both new and seasoned professionals. In each training session, we reserve time to network and discuss local planning challenges and opportunities that are specific for each region. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with experts in the field and learn from fellow planning commissioners about best practices, emerging trends and lessons learned. Learn more and sign up for a training.


This training series is hosted by ILG in partnership with HCD and Placeworks.



Building Career Pathways for Local Government Staff

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


The public sector workforce is changing drastically with new generations of workers discovering the benefits of working for a local government agency. But local governments also have to keep pace with workforce trends like “quiet quitting”, the Great Resignation and the perceived flexibility of the private sector. The success of local agencies depends on being able to recruit, retain, and support the professional development of young and mid-career professionals. Join ILG for this webinar where our panel of experts and practitioners will discuss practical tools for succession planning, training, coaching and mentoring to ensure local governments support their workforce in long-term career development.

Speakers include:

  • Jen Anderson, Senior Learning & Development Specialist, SMUD
  • Sophia Selivanoff, Director of HR Services, Regional Government Services, JPA

This webinar is hosted by ILG in partnership with Regional Government Services.


Learn more and register here.

Hybrid Working: Culture & Accessibility Best Practices for Local Governments

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Local governments are facing increased demand for hybrid workplaces, with more and more employees looking for flexibility and work-life balance. Because local governments are on the front lines of public service, hybrid work can provide both opportunities and challenges for public sector managers. Join ILG and our panel of experts to learn about best practices for maintaining positive workplace culture, management best practices, and the legal parameters for accessibility in a hybrid work setting.


This webinar is hosted by ILG in partnership with Liebert Cassidy Whitmore.


Learn more and register here.


ILG is the non-profit training and education affiliate of Cal Cities, the California State Association of Counties and the California Special Districts Association.

CSDA Board Secretary/Clerk Conference

Embassy Suites Monterey Bay Seaside

Monterey, CA

Monday, November 7, 2022

CSDA’s Board Secretary/Clerk Certificate has become the gold standard for special district board secretaries and clerks throughout California. First-time attendees can earn their certificate and come back year after year to advance their knowledge of special districts through new and exciting breakout sessions tailored for them. Learn more and register.

CSAC Annual Meeting

Disneyland Hotel

Anaheim, CA | Orange County

Monday, November 14 – Friday, November 18, 2022


The California State Association of Counties® 128th Annual Meeting is themed ADVANCING CHANGE with a focus on the determination of California’s Counties to advance improvements in their communities despite the turbulent storms of the pandemic, wildfires and other challenging circumstances. During the event, ILG will join the panel for a session entitled “Managing Misinformation, Disruptive Behavior and First Amendment Auditors" taking place November 16 at 10:00am. ILG will also be hosting an AB 1234 training on Friday, November 18 from 9:00am-11:00am.

Learn more and register.

Cal Cities City Clerks New Law and Elections Seminar

Hyatt Regency

Monterey, CA

Wednesday, December 7 – Friday, December 9, 2022

Designed for city clerks and staff members of all tenures from throughout the state, the City Clerks New Law and Elections Seminar expands an individual’s knowledge on a wide range of topics relevant to the city clerk’s role within their city and fosters relationships and communication with peers. The opportunity for city clerks to learn from and network with each other provides invaluable support. Learn more and register.


Partner Feature: Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP


For more than 90 years, Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP has served the public agencies and private business entities of California. Today, with over 135 attorneys and 10 offices throughout California, they are fully prepared to meet your local agency legal needs. Their clients value not only their expertise and efficiency, but also their integrity and responsiveness. Learn more about BWS and read their latest legal update highlighting changes to general plan reporting for local governments.


Do you want to expand your visibility with California Local Governments? ILG’s Partner Program provides a great opportunity to demonstrate your organization’s commitment to good governance at the local level, all while connecting with and engaging local decision-makers. Join us!

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