The InterMountain Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Launch Pilot (IM STEM)
What's going on IN the network?
Below is a summary of the progress in each work group. If you would like to join a work group, please email
Communications and Resource Sharing
Registrations continue to come in as our network expands. Our communication team sends welcome emails to each new member and our workgroup leaders engage new members. The Communication and Resource Sharing group continues to explore ways to amplify the impact of the IMSTEM network and increase the value of membership. Engage in conversation and connect with each other on our social media channels, including our LinkedIn group (IM STEM Network) and Twitter (@imstemequity). Please also continue to invite your professional colleagues to take advantage of the network by signing up today at our website .
Data and Metrics
In partnership with Idaho, this workgroup has developed a pilot data dashboard to display data from Idaho’s career and technical education programs to test the feasibility of using a dashboard to conduct a more comprehensive equity gap analysis. Perkins V requires data to be disaggregated by gender, race/ethnicity and each of the 9 special population groups. This pilot dashboard can inform states as they are working on data collection and accountability in their State Plans for Perkins V. To learn more about Perkins V go to NAPE’s resource page at  
Asset Map Building
Our asset mapping team is currently working with Nevada to develop an asset map that shows where STEM programming exists. Some states already have maps, including Idaho and Wyoming , and you can view them by clicking on the state name. New Mexico will also be launching an asset map of after school programming, and we will make sure to link you to it when it goes live. If you are interested or can connect us to someone in your state who would be interested in pioneering this work with us, please contact Kathleen Fitzpatrick .
Effective Practice Scaling
This workgroup will be sharing the rubric they developed for STEM program administrators, designers, implementers and funders to identify critical equity attributes to ensure success for underrepresented students. They will present their work at the upcoming National Summit for Educational Equity in Washington DC April 28-May 2, 2019. For more information or to register, visit . If you cannot attend the conference, they will also share their work at our next network meeting, scheduled for May 22, 2019 from 5-6:30pm ET.
Pilot Monitoring
This workgroup continues to monitor NAPE’s professional development efforts in the six states. NAPE received a grant from Motorola Solutions Foundation to conduct Micromessaging to Reach and Teach Every Student professional development in the Salt Lake City, UT region this spring. Contact Kathleen Fitzpatrick at for more information.
What's going on Around the network?

Challenger Learning Center of Colorado offers a variety of simulated space missions – either at their facility or delivered to classrooms as distance learning e-Missions. They also offer an array of other programs, including their traveling planetarium, student design challenges, and teacher professional development opportunities. Hands-on simulations and activities take students far beyond traditional educational experiences and transport them to a world where learning is fun and teamwork essential. Challenger programs and curriculum evoke critical and creative thinking and instill a love for learning that results in increased achievement in the classroom and interest in ever-growing STEM fields. The Challenger Learning Center offers school programs for kids in kindergarten through grade 12 that range in length from 30-minutes to full day.

(719) 598-9755


Teams from across the country competed in the Idaho FIRST Robotics Competition Regional in Nampa in March. The competition challenges high school students to build up to 120 lb. robots to solve playing field challenges in fast paced matches. This year’s challenge, Destination: Deep Space, involved teams collecting samples on Planet Primus. Two competing alliances had to combat unpredictable terrain and weather patterns, making remote robot operation essential to their mission on the planet. With only two minutes and thirty seconds until liftoff, the alliances had to gather as many cargo pods as possible and prepare their spaceships for departure before the next sandstorm arrived. The Ammoknights were the regional winner and will compete in the World Competition in Houston in April. The Idaho Regional is committed to inspiring young people to become passionate about careers in STEM. 

On April 6, 2019, the Southern Nevada technology community held the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Awards Ceremony honoring the talented women and girls who accelerate innovation and transform industries with game-changing ideas. Besides honoring influential women, the Las Vegas (LV) Techie Awards honored male allies and corporations devoted to spurring diversity in technology and STEM careers. The Aspirations Awards meanwhile, recognized girls in middle school and high school who aspire to careers in computing and technology. This year, a new awards category, the Inspirations Awards, was introduced to encourage middle school girls to consider careers in technology.
At the NAPE National Summit for Educational Equity in Arlington, VA on Tuesday, April 29, 2019, Snehal Bhakta, CTE Administrator with the Clark County School District in Las Vegas, Nevada, will be receiving the Rising Star award. This award honors a person with 10 years or less of work experience, who has demonstrated exemplary leadership at an early career point to promote access, equity, and/or diversity in education and/or the workforce. Congratulations Snehal!

Snehal Bhakta
(702) 799-8462 ext. 5055
New Mexico

12 Months of Math is a community resource to explore and celebrate math’s importance to the community and to our lives by helping families engage with math and prepare youth for careers in the STEM and healthcare industries. Monthly themes are presented in four sections: Parents’ Corner, Events and Activities, Career Connections, and Fun Math Resources. In the Parents’ Corner, learn ways to talk to your kids about math. Find a calendar of events and activities to do at home that relate to the current month’s theme in the Events and Activities section. Career Connections showcases theme-based careers and people who work in theme-related industries. Then discover, play, and learn math skills in the Fun Math Resources section.

Renee Ruybal


Logan High School junior and Utah STEM Ambassador Taylor Fang last year launched Girls Explore Tech (GET), a successful series of free afterschool technology classes she started as a sophomore. Over the past year, Taylor has further expanded GET, extending it from five to seven weeks and impacting about 35 middle school students – expanded from 20 girls reached in its pilot year. Taylor enjoys giving kids exposure to STEM and hopes that girls walk away more confident in their abilities and more inspired to be leaders themselves. The program is run in collaboration with the Boys & Girls Club of Northern Utah, and funded by a Community Impact Grant from the nonprofit AI4ALL. This past summer, Taylor directed a 10-hour coding summer camp for 34 Girl Scouts where participants were the first to receive “Think Like a Programmer” badges in Utah. Taylor also co-founded Allgirlithm (, a collaborative blog with resources and opportunities, including curriculum she uses for GET. Go Taylor!


Thanks to successful community partnerships, Wyoming is able to offer Think Make Create (TMC) Mobile Labs to foster tinkering and hands-on expanded STEM learning opportunities for students of all ages. The “lab” is a 6 x 12-foot trailer that can easily be transported for use at afterschool program sites and community-based learning sites. The interior of the trailer has been specifically designed to maximize storage of supplies and projects. Tinkering and making occurs outside of the trailer – either outside the trailer utilizing TMC tables and pop-up canopies or inside a building. TMC Labs are designed to be a low-cost entry point for Wyoming youth to tinker, explore, and problem-solve while helping to promote long-term sustainability for rural programs. 
Linda Barton
Wyoming Afterschool Alliance
(307) 335-9922
2019 Million Women Mentors Leaders to Learn From
As Million Women Mentors (MWM) embarks on their fifth year in operation, they are excited to build on the progress they have made and share authentic insight into the world of mentoring through their #BeyondtheBuzzword campaign. Part of this work is showcasing the leaders who have paved the way for women across industries and set a true example for girls and women across the globe. MWM knows that leadership comes in many forms and that there are many avenues to success. The 2019 Million Women Mentors Leaders to Learn From series showcases the career paths of STEM leaders who have followed unique pathways to attain their current statues. Every month they will celebrate the story of a new trailblazer who beat the odds and define what it means to be a role model. These profiles will celebrate individuals who persevere against convention and remind young people and seasoned veterans alike that there is no longer a “traditional” means to career success.

CSforALL Summit 2019
On October 21-23, 2019, the national computer science education community will convene in Salt Lake City, Utah to celebrate progress on the Computer Science for ALL (CSforALL) movement and announce new commitments to reach the goal of access to rigorous, inclusive, and sustainable computer science education for all U.S. students. Visit the Summit Site   for more information on the Commitment process as well as a CSforALL FAQ. The call for commitments will open in mid-April. Interested in making a #CSforALL commitment? Join their open office hours at 4PM ET on April 16th [ RSVP ].

5 Ways to Increase the Number of Women in the Manufacturing Industry
While women were introduced into the manufacturing workforce with World War I, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014) notes that while women represent nearly half of the total U.S. labor force (47%), they comprise less than a third (27%) of the manufacturing jobs. In nearly 100 years, there has been a meager 8% increase in the number of female employees in the manufacturing industry. Not the kind of stellar advancement anyone would like to see. This article suggests that we can increase the number of women in the manufacturing industry by 1) talking to parents and educators so students have support in considering opportunities in this industry, 2) having mentors to bring more women to manufacturing, 3) increasing STEM education participation and proficiency for girls starting in elementary school with hands-on experiences, 4) helping millennials understand that innovation and technology plays an important role in manufacturing, and 5) pointing out that the manufacturing industry is meaningful work and that they will have the chance to make a difference. February 22, 2019.

Rosen, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Building Blocks of STEM Act
U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV), a member of the Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation, introduced the bipartisan Building Blocks of STEM Act with Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Brian Schatz (D-HI), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), and Deb Fischer (R-NE). The bill would create and expand upon STEM education initiatives at the National Science Foundation (NSF) for young children, including new research grants to increase the participation of girls in computer science. In the House, Congresswoman Haley Stevens (D-MI) and Congressman Jim Baird (R-IN) – respectively, the Chair and Ranking Member of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee’s Subcommittee on Research and Technology - are introducing companion legislation to the bipartisan Rosen bill. All individuals involved agree that it is so important for young children, especially our girls, to be introduced to opportunities available to them in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. The bipartisan legislation will help ensure that children are prepared with the education necessary to succeed in a 21 st -century economy while also taking steps to close the gender gap in STEM. March 12, 2019.

Million Women Mentors State of the States: A Report to the Nation 2018-2019
The Million Women Mentors State of the States: A Report to the Nation 2018-2019 highlights events that took place across the country to drive impact for women and girls in STEM careers. The report is organized by state and contains the state’s completed mentor relationships, steering committee, honorary chair (if applicable), 2018 events and updates, and actions and plans for 2019. The hope is that states can learn from each other and share within their own state what they have accomplished.
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IM STEM is a network of STEM educators and leaders across six states (CO, ID, NM, NV, UT, and WY) working to support STEM equity at key transition points (middle school to high school and high school to college).
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1744472. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.