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Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office - China

NUTS&BOLTS 项目成员 Nadeeka Rathnayake (立) 和 Sonny Fatimatuj Zohara (坐)在爱尔兰
NUTS&BOLTS field survey: Nadeeka Rathnayake (standing) and Sonny Fatimatuj Zohara (seated) in Lough Furnace, Co. Mayo, Ireland on a nice cool February day.
Photo by Sheena Fennell.
August 2020, No. 6

In This Issue

New IMBeR Endoresd Project
MSP Virtual Workshop Recording Videos
Call for Nominations for the IMBeR SSC
SCOR Early Career Scientists Online Survey
Useful Information and Resources
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IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC
Editors: Kai QIN, Tracey Woodhouse and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPOs

Proofreader: Shan JIANG from SKLEC, ECNU
IMBeR最新支持项目 NUTS&BOLTS(爱尔兰)
New Irish IMBeR endorsed project: NUTS&BOLTS
– Importance of Physico-Chemical Cycling of Nutrients and Carbon in Marine Transitional Zones
NUTS&BOLTS项目得到了爱尔兰环境保护署和爱尔兰海洋研究所的联合资助,由爱尔兰国立高威大学Peter Croot教授和他的同事们进行为期四年的研究。

NUTS&BOLTS field survey: Sheen Fennell, Eoghan Daly, Sonny Fatimatuj Zohara and James Symons in Kinvara Bay, Co. Galway, Ireland in January 2020. Photo by Nadeeka Rathnayake.

IMBeR is delighted to announce its latest endorsed project: NUTS&BOLTS – Importance of Physico-Chemical Cycling of Nutrients and Carbon in Marine Transitional Zones.
NUTS&BOLTS is a four-year project undertaken by Prof. Peter Croot and colleagues at the National University of Ireland Galway, funded by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Marine Institute.
NUTS&BOLTS aims to address crucial knowledge gaps regarding the impacts of multiple environmental stressors on nutrient and carbon cycling in Ireland’s marine transitional zones (MTZs). Several novel applications will be used to improve our understanding, both qualitatively and quantitatively, of the physical and chemical processes, and their fluxes, that impact biological activity in Irish coastal marine and transitional waters.
Read more about NUTS&BOLTS on the IMBeR endorsed projects website

Maine Spatial Planning Workshop: Recording videos are now available on IMBeR Youku Channel
IMECaN Maine Spatial Planning Workshop: Balancing social, economic, cultural and ecological objectives held successfully on 17-19 Aug. 3-days meeting recording videos (Runtime: ca. 12 hours) are available to watch on IMBeR Youku channel now! Click here to watch the videos.

Call for Nominations for the IMBeR SSC
海洋生物圈整合研究计划(IMBeR,现面向全球招募科学指导委员会(Scientific Steering Committee, SSC)委员,任期将从202111日开始。科学指导委员会(SSC)负责IMBeR科学的发展、规划和实施。 点击查阅IMBeR科学计划与实施战略(2016-2025
科学指导委员会(SSC)委员任期为三年,或可连任两期。IMBeR SSCIMBeR的资助单位国际海洋研究委员会(SCOR)与未来地球计划(Future Earth)将综合考虑候选人的专业背景、地域与性别来确定新的SSC委员。特别欢迎目前缺乏代表的中美洲和南美洲的提名。点击查阅更多有关SSC的信息:IMBeR科学指导委员会
我们期望此次尚未获选的申请人可以选择作为国家联络人继续参与IMBeR。近期重启的IMBeR国家联络人网旨在扩大IMBeR相关研究的国际影响力。国家联络人可以将在各自国家进行的有关研究同国际IMBeR 联系起来。国家联络人的任期为三年,可以再连任三年。

The Integrated Marine Biosphere Research project (IMBeR, www.imber.infoinvites nominations for a position as a member of its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) for a term beginning on 1 January 2021.

The SSC is responsible for the development, planning and implementation of IMBeR science. The IMBeR science plan (2016-2025) is available at: IMBeR SPIS 2016-2025.

SSC members serve for a period of three years, with the potential of renewing for an additional 3-year term. The IMBeR SSC and sponsors, the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and Future Earth, will select the new SSC member based on expertise, and contribution to the geographic and gender balance of the SSC. Nominations from Central and South America, which are currently underrepresented, are especially welcome.

More information about the SSC is available at: IMBeR Scientific Steering Committee.

There is one position available on the SSC, and we seek nominations from individuals with the expertise to address aspects of the IMBeR Science Plan and in particular with experience in one of the following:
  • Processes, drivers and stressors underlying changing marine species diversity
  • Sequestration and storage of ‘blue’ carbon in the marine environment
  • Social and cultural anthropology of marine-dependent societies
  • Human interventions to reduce or limit the impacts of climate change on marine life

Nominations should include the following information: Name of the nominee, Affiliation, Contact information, Email, Website, Expertise keywords, Up to ten relevant publications, Nominated by (optional), Short, one-page CV, Brief description (200 words max.) of what/how the nominee would contribute to the IMBeR science plan.

We envisage that applicants who are not selected for the SSC position would automatically have the option to remain involved in IMBeR as a National Contact.

The recently reinvigorated IMBeR National Contacts Network aims to broaden the international reach of IMBeR-related research. National Contacts form a network linking relevant research undertaken in their respective countries to the international IMBeR community. National Contacts are appointed for a 3-year term that can be renewed for a further three years.

Please send nominations to the IMBeR International Project Office-Canada ( by Tuesday 15 September 2020.

SCOR Early Career Scientists Online Survey
致所有从事海洋研究的青年科学家:(转自SCOR执行主任Patricia Miloslavich
国际海洋研究委员会(SCOR) 执行委员会(EC)在2018年决定吸纳一名青年科学家作为增选委员。该职位每两年轮换一次,任务是更广泛地接触青年科学家群体,并使他们参与到SCOR的活动和项目中。

To all Early Career Scientists in Oceanic Research,
In 2018, the SCOR Executive Committee (EC) decided to incorporate an Early Career Scientist as one of the two co-opted members. This is a position that rotates in a two-years basis. The mission of this EC member is to reach out the broader early-career community and involve them in SCOR activities and projects.
SCOR has created an online survey aimed at gathering information that will facilitate the establishment of a network of networks, where all the early career marine scientists can be interconnected and together contribute to promote international cooperation in planning and conducting oceanographic research. Through this survey we are trying to pinpoint how SCOR can contribute in supporting the younger scientific community of marine scientists, and find the right channels to reach all the early career scientists associated someway to SCOR.
We would really appreciate if you could dedicate two minutes of your valuable time to fill this survey. Both SCOR and the early career scientists will benefit greatly from it.
Please feel free to forward this survey to other early career colleagues in ocean science. Wishing you all the best in your scientific careers, and good health in these difficult times.
Thanks and best regards,
Patricia Miloslavich           
SCOR Executive Director

Useful Information and Resources

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