IMBeR IPO-China 信息速递
Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office - China

August 2021,
No. 18

In This Issue

-IPCC Sixth Assessment Report 
-New Publication
-IMBeR West Pacific Symposium 2021
-Expression of interest to join the IMECaN organizing committee
-Opportunity for Early Career Scientists to join ESSAS Steering Committee
-Capacity Building Online Resources
-Events, Webinars and Conferences
-Jobs and Opportunities
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IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC
Editors: Kai QIN and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPO

Academic adviser: Shan JIANG from SKLEC, ECNU
Global Connectivity of Southern Ocean Ecosystems
作者:Eugene J. Murphy, Nadine M. Johnston, Eileen E. Hofmann, Richard A. Phillips, Jennifer A. Jackson, Andrew J. Constable, Sian F. Henley, Jessica Melbourne-Thomas, Rowan Trebilco, Rachel D. Cavanagh, Geraint A. Tarling, Ryan A. Saunders, David K. A. Barnes, Daniel P. Costa, Stuart P. Corney, Ceridwen I. Fraser, Juan Höfer, Kevin A. Hughes, Chester J. Sands, Sally E. Thorpe, Philip N. Trathan and José C. Xavier

Southern Ocean ecosystems are often seen as largely separate from the rest of the global system. In this paper, we consider the degree of ecological connectivity at different trophic levels, linking Southern Ocean ecosystems with the global ocean, and their importance not only for the regional ecosystem but also the wider Earth system. We find that there are extensive ecological exchanges into and out of the Southern Ocean involving oceanographic processes and organism movement, resulting in transfers of nutrients, carbon and organisms. Millions of seabirds and hundreds of thousands of cetaceans move north out of polar waters in the austral autumn, and southwards in spring, interacting in food webs across the Southern Hemisphere. We also consider human activities in the Southern Ocean, which arise from nations across the world where they are important in local communities as well as national economic, scientific, and political systems. As a result of the extensive connectivity, future changes in Southern Ocean ecosystems will have consequences throughout the Earth system, affecting ecosystem services with socio-economic impacts across the world. Improving understanding of Southern Ocean ecosystems and their global connectivity is critical for interpreting current change and projecting impacts of future change.
IMBeR West Pacific Symposium 2021
“Changing West Pacific Ocean: Science and Sustainability”

4 days | Online event | 22-25 November 2021

截止日期 | Deadline
Abstract - 15 September
Registration - 15 November
Please note, there is no charge for this online event

Capacity Building Online Resources

Events, Webinars and Conferences

欢迎提交摘要至议题OB05:海洋溶解氧耗竭的驱动因素与后果:从河口到开阔大洋(联系人:朱卓毅 zhu.zhuoyi(at)
Welcome to submit an abstract to session OB05 Drivers and consequences of marine dissolved oxygen depletion: from estuaries to the open ocean (contact: Zhuoyi Zhu zhu.zhuoyi(at) 

Jobs and Opportunities



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