IMBeR IPO-China 信息速递
Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office - China

Fact Sheets: IMBeR announces remaining and emerging research priorities
for its Grand Challenges 2022-2025
February 2022,
No. 21

In This Issue

-IMBeR Grand Challenges' Fact Sheets
-New IMBeR National Contacts
-New Publications
-ESSAS Annual Science Meeting
-SCOR Booth at OSM2022
-Documentary Blue Ocean China
-Events, Webinars and Conferences
-Jobs and Opportunities
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IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC
Editors: Kai QIN and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPO

Academic adviser: Shan JIANG from SKLEC, ECNU
Welcome New IMBeR National Contacts
for Indonesia and Nigeria
A’an Johan Wahyudi
National contacts for Indonesia
A'an Johan Wahyudi 博士是印度尼西亚国家研究与创新署海洋学研究中心(原印度尼西亚科学研究所/LIPI)的科学家。他毕业于日本筑波大学可持续环境研究专业。他的研究兴趣是海洋生物地球化学,主要从事以下研究:
1. 海洋碳循环——海洋中的有机碳流动和碳酸盐系统
2. 气候变化、海洋酸化和海洋缺氧
3. 有机质来源——有机碳的时空变异
4. 海洋系统中的食物网生物地球化学
5. 蓝碳与蓝色经济
Dr. A’an Johan Wahyudi is a research scientist of the Research Center for Oceanography, National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, INDONESIA (formerly Indonesian Institute of Sciences/LIPI). He graduated from the Doctoral Program of Sustainable Environmental Studies (The University of Tsukuba, Japan). His research interest is marine biogeochemistry, especially dealing with the following issues:
1.    Ocean carbon cycle - organic carbon flow and carbonate system in the ocean
2.    Climate change, ocean acidification, deoxygenation
3.    Source origin of organic matter – spatio-temporal variability of organic carbon 
4.    Food web biogeochemistry in marine systems
5.    Blue carbon and blue economy
Kafayat Adetoun Fakoya
National contact for Nigeria
Kafayat Adetoun Fakoya 博士是尼日利亚拉各斯州立大学渔业系的副教授。她认为跨学科研究以及将地方知识与科学知识相结合是改进决策的关键。 Fakoya 博士参与了多个短期课程和会议并获得资助。她是联合国粮食及农业组织 “Illuminating Hidden Harvest” 尼日利亚小型渔业的案例研究作者和性别顾问。她参与过多个关于水产养殖和渔业政策、渔业改进项目和捕虾渔业预评估的国家认证研讨会。此外,她还为世界粮食安全委员会 (CFS) 关于粮食系统和营养自愿准则的立场声明、以及小型渔业准则的实施工作做出了贡献。Fakoya 博士在多个国内外学术组织中任职,包括 Too Big To Ignore, Seabreams, Snappers and Grunts 专家组,国际自然保护联盟 (IUCN), 尼日利亚渔业协会 (FISON), 发展中国家妇女科学家组织 (OWSD)和Mundus Maris (MM) 促进可持续发展的科学与艺术非营利组织。她有良好的出版记录并爱好阅读。她的研究兴趣涉及社会生态问题、渔业生物学和种群动态、渔民生计、粮食和营养、性别分析、气候变化和塑料污染。
Dr. Kafayat Adetoun Fakoya, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Fisheries, Lagos State University, Nigeria. She identifies transdisciplinary research and integration of local knowledge with scientific knowledge as key to improve decision-making. Dr. Fakoya has attended several short courses and conferences and also won several grants. She was a case study author and gender advisor in the Illuminating Hidden Harvests Nigeria small-scale fisheries. She has participated in national validation workshops for aquaculture and fisheries policies, fisheries improvement projects and shrimp fishery pre-assessment. Also, she has contributed to position statements on Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition, and implementation efforts on the SSF Fisheries Guidelines. Dr. Fakoya is a distinguished member of local and international professional associations including Too Big To Ignore, Specialist Group, Seabreams, Snappers and Grunts, International Union for Conservancy of Nature (IUCN), Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON), Organization of Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) and Mundus Maris (MM) Sciences and Arts for Sustainability asbl. Her research interests are socio-ecological issues, fisheries biology and population dynamics, fisheries-based livelihoods, food and nutrition, gender analysis, climate change and plastic pollution.

Reviews and Syntheses: Physical and Biogeochemical Processes Associated with Upwelling
in the Indian Ocean
作者:P.N. Vinayachandran, Yukio Masumoto, Michael J. Roberts, Jenny A. Huggett, Issufo Halo, Abhisek Chatterjee, Prakash Amol, Garuda V. M. Gupta, Arvind Singh, Arnab Mukherjee, Satya Prakash, Lynnath E. Beckley, Eric Jorden Raes, and Raleigh Hood
This paper reviews the phenomena of upwelling in the Indian Ocean, from the tip of Africa to the southern tip of the west coast of Australia. The topics covered relate to observed features of upwelling, governing processes, and the impacts on the marine ecosystem. Several new results that emerged from programs such as the Eastern Indian Ocean Upwelling Research Initiative (EIOURI), Western Indian Ocean Upwelling Research Initiative (WIOURI), coastal ADCP mooring network along the Indian coastline are highlights of the synthesis. The review identifies the considerable gap in our understanding of the space–time variability in upwelling in almost all the regions, due to the lack of systematic long-term data sets with sufficient resolution and coverage. The processes that drive upwelling are complicated and a quantitative account of the governing mechanisms are yet to be obtained for most upwelling systems. The review calls for a combined effort that includes systematic observations and focused model studies to address the outstanding issues. This review is a contribution from the Science Theme-2 of the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2).
Hydrodynamic Analysis
of Propulsion Process of Zebrafish
作者:Chun-yu Guo, Yun-fei Kuai, Yang Han, Peng Xu, Yi-wei Fan, and Chang-dong Yu
期刊:Physics of Fluids

This study analyzes the kinematic characteristics and flow field information of zebrafish in straight and steering acceleration states using time-resolved particle image velocimetry to explore how vortices are generated and controlled to achieve the desired motion. The important role of the high- and low-pressure zones in the wake of zebrafish wavy propulsion is also presented by quantifying the pressure field around the zebrafish. With their precise body and motion control, fish have a movement advantage that cannot be achieved by artificial machinery. Exploring the evolutionary process of the fish structure and surrounding flow field during zebrafish autonomous propulsion is helpful for understanding the active control means and propulsion mechanism of fish. Zebrafish were constrained in a transparent water tank, and laser and image acquisitions systems were used to capture their spontaneous movement behavior. The results show that the pull provided by the low-pressure area and the thrust provided by the high-pressure area together provide the forward power of the zebrafish. The findings from this analysis of the bending control and propulsion mechanism of the zebrafish body can facilitate the optimal design of underwater vehicle propulsion methods, such as the propulsion efficiency and maneuverability of a bionic propeller.

Events, Webinars and Conferences

2022上海国际碳中和技术、产品与成果博览会将于 6月15至18日 在国家会展中心(上海)举行
2022 Shanghai International Carbon Neutral Technology, Products and Achievements Expo, National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai), China, 15-18 June

Jobs and Opportunities
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