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Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office - China

February 2023,

No. 33


IMBeR and Its Sponsors' Announcements

In This Issue

Cover News

-CLIOTOP Announced Its New Task Team

---------------------------IMBeR and Its Sponsors Announcements

-2023 ESSAS Annual Science Meeting

-IMBeR Young Scholar (IYS) Program

-IMECaN Webinar on Project Management

-Recap: Third IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group Meeting

-2023 Call for SCOR Working Group Proposals

-Call for nominations for the GlobalHAB Scientific Steering Committee

---------------------------Editor Picks

-New Publications


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北极与亚北极区海域生态系统研究项目(ESSAS)2023年科学年会:高纬度沿海系统的生态、社会和经济动态 将于 6月20至22日 在挪威卑尔根举行,请于 3月15日 前提交摘要

2023 ESSAS Annual Science Meeting: Ecological, Social and Economic Dynamics of High-latitude Coastal Systems, Bergen, Norway. 20-22 June. Submit an abstract by 15 March


IMBeR Young Scholar (IYS) Program: 2023 Applications Open

IMBeR跨学科海洋青年学者联盟(IMECaN)网络研讨会:海洋科学领域青年学者的项目管理 将于 3月7日 线上举行

IMECaN Webinar on Project Management for ECRs in Marine Science, 7 March, online


Recap: Third IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group Meeting Held on 20 January

国际海洋研究委员会(SCOR)征集2023年工作组提案,请于 5月12日 前提交

2023 Call for SCOR Working Group Proposals, submit by 12 May


全球变化下有害藻华研究计划(GlobalHAB)科学指导委员会征集提名,请于 3月1日 前提交

Call for Nominations for the GlobalHAB Scientific Steering Committee, submit by 1 March

IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC


Editor Picks

Editors: GiHoon HONG, Kai QIN and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPO, ShiFang Meng from IEC, ECNU



The Island Mass Effect: A Study of Wind-driven Nutrient Upwelling Around Reef Islands

作者:Jochen Kämpf, Luciana Möller, Ryan Baring, Alex Shute, Courtney Cheesman

期刊:Journal of Oceanography

通过使用过程导向模型方法,本研究探究了热带太平洋岛礁区域的风生上升流特征。研究将三维水动力模型与营养—浮游植物( NP)模型相耦合,以模拟风生上升流将营养物质带入真光层而引起的浮游植物水华。研究结果表明,持续2-5天的短期风事件(热带地区典型)可导致岛礁附近的浮游植物大量繁殖。这一发现同观察证据相吻合。多项对比研究表明,风速越高、风事件持续时间越长、岛礁面积越大,浮游植物的总生产力就越大,而随着密度跃层静态稳定性增强,其总生产力会下降。总体而言,研究结果表明,风力驱动的营养物质上升流能够支持较大的热带岛礁生态系统运转。



Fig. 1 Schematic illustrating the wind-driven upwelling process around a reef island of diameter D. The wind event creates an offshore Ekman volume transport Uek that is balanced by an upward volume transport over a distance R associated with a vertical upwelling velocity W

Using the method of process-oriented modelling, this study explores wind-driven upwelling features around reef islands of the tropical Pacific Ocean. The three-dimensional hydrodynamic model is coupled to a nutrient-phytoplankton (NP) model to simulate the creation of phytoplankton blooms initiated by the wind-driven upwelling of nutrients into the euphotic zone. Findings demonstrate that short-lived wind events of 2–5 days in duration, which are typical of tropical regions, can lead to significant phytoplankton blooms near reef islands. This finding agrees with observational evidence. Comparison studies reveal that the total phytoplankton production increases for higher wind speeds, longer durations of wind events and larger reef islands, and that it decreases with stronger static stability of the pycnocline. Overall, our findings indicate that wind-driven nutrient upwelling supports the ecosystem functioning around larger tropical reef islands.

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Machine Learning Prediction of Connectivity,

Biodiversity and Resilience in the Coral Triangle

作者:Lyuba NoviAnnalisa Bracco

期刊:Communications Biology

到2100年,珊瑚礁生态系统将面临灾难性的后果,这样的预测甚至出现在了那些对未来持乐观态度的气候情景中。了解珊瑚礁的连通性、生物多样性和复原力如何受到气候变化的影响,将有助于提高建立可持续管理做法的机会。在这方面,生态区域化和连通性对于指定有效的海洋保护区是至关重要的。本研究将机器学习算法和物理直觉用于研究长达24年的海面温度异常数据,以选取生态区域,评估珊瑚三角区和周边海洋的连接性和白化恢复潜力。此外,该研究对厄尔尼诺-南方振荡现象(ENSO)对生物多样性和复原力的影响进行了量化分析。我们发现,赤道以北的珊瑚礁复原力更强,珊瑚三角区非凡的生物多样性在时间和空间上是动态的,并受益于厄尔尼诺 -南方振荡现象。在拉尼娜年,印度洋和珊瑚三角区之间的大规模遗传物质交换得到加强,而在中性条件下,珊瑚三角区和太平洋中部之间的交换也得到加强。通过机器学习,珊瑚三角区杰出的生物多样性、其演变和物种丰富度的增加在地质时代被情景化的同时,也为监测其未来提供了新的希望。



Fig. 2 Conceptual framework and workflow

Schematic representation of the proposed ecoregionalization, connectivity and resilience framework.

Even optimistic climate scenarios predict catastrophic consequences for coral reef ecosystems by 2100. Understanding how reef connectivity, biodiversity and resilience are shaped by climate variability would improve chances to establish sustainable management practices. In this regard, ecoregionalization and connectivity are pivotal to designating effective marine protected areas. Here, machine learning algorithms and physical intuition are applied to sea surface temperature anomaly data over a twenty-four-year period to extract ecoregions and assess connectivity and bleaching recovery potential in the Coral Triangle and surrounding oceans. Furthermore, the impacts of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on biodiversity and resilience are quantified. We find that resilience is higher for reefs north of the Equator and that the extraordinary biodiversity of the Coral Triangle is dynamic in time and space, and benefits from ENSO. The large-scale exchange of genetic material is enhanced between the Indian Ocean and the Coral Triangle during La Niña years, and between the Coral Triangle and the central Pacific in neutral conditions. Through machine learning the outstanding biodiversity of the Coral Triangle, its evolution and the increase of species richness are contextualized through geological times, while offering new hope for monitoring its future.

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Ecological Impacts of Unsustainable Sand Mining:

Urgent Lessons Learned from a Critically Endangered Freshwater Cetacean

作者:Yi HanWenjing XuJiajia LiuXinqiao ZhangKexiong WangDing Wang, Zhigang Mei

期刊:Proceedings of the Royal Society B

在过去二十年里,采砂量增加了两倍,成为全球生物多样性面临的新兴问题。然而,由于全球范围内采砂数据的缺乏,采砂的影响程度及其对野生动物种群和生态系统的影响无法了解,而这对于及时采取缓解和保护行动至关重要。综合十四年的遥感和实地调查,我们研究了采砂对中国洞庭湖中极度濒危的长江江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis)的影响。研究发现,采砂对洞庭湖造成了持续、广泛的干扰。江豚极力避开采矿点,尤其是采矿强度较高的地方。大规模的采砂活动大大缩小了江豚的活动范围,限制了它们在湖中的栖息地利用。运沙的水上交通进一步阻碍了该物种在长江与洞庭湖之间的活动,影响了种群的连通性。此外,近岸栖息地是江豚重要的觅食和育儿场所,但调查区域近70%的水道都出现了采砂引起的近岸栖息地丧失。以上研究结果为不受管制的采砂活动对物种分布的影响提供了首例实验论据。研究采用的时空数据可视化方法和研究结果为监管和保护提供了支持,为世界范围内的可持续采砂带来了更广泛的影响。



Fig. 3 Identification and illustration of sand mining activities. (a) The identification process of sand dredgers. The four panels from left to right, top to bottom show the location of the scene (obtained from the Landsat 8 OLI on 31 March 2013), and the scene displayed in a false-colour composite (red, NIR & SWIR-1), the true-colour composite (Red, Green & Blue), and the SWIR-2 band, respectively. Identified sand dredgers shown as bright dots are outlined for further classification. (b) Sightings of the porpoise in the 2006 survey (blue dots) and sand dredgers corresponding to the survey (red dots). Data were assigned to 1 km water segments. (Online version in colour.)

Sand mining, which has tripled in the last two decades, is an emerging concern for global biodiversity. However, the paucity of sand mining data worldwide prevents understanding the extent of sand mining impacts and how it affects wildlife populations and ecosystems, which is critical for timely mitigation and conservation actions. Integrating remote sensing and field surveys over 14 years, we investigated mining impacts on the critically endangered Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) in Dongting Lake, China. We found that sand mining presented a consistent, widespread disturbance in Dongting Lake. Porpoises strongly avoided mining sites, especially those of higher mining intensity. The extensive sand mining significantly contracted the porpoise's range and restricted their habitat use in the lake. Water traffic for sand transportation further blocked the species's river–lake movements, affecting the population connectivity. In addition, mining-induced loss of near-shore habitats, a critical foraging and nursery ground for the porpoise, occurred in nearly 70% of the water channels of our study region. Our findings provide the first empirical evidence of the impacts of unregulated sand extractions on species distribution. Our spatio-temporally explicit approach and findings support regulation and conservation, yielding broader implications for sustainable sand mining worldwide.

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Boundary Exchange Completes the Marine Pb Cycle Jigsaw

作者:Mengli Chen, Gonzalo Carrasco, Ning Zhao, Xianfeng Wang, Jen Nie Lee, Jani T. I. Tanzil, Kogila Vani Annammala, Seng Chee Poh, Federico M. Lauro, Alan D. Ziegler, Decha Duangnamon, Edward A. Boyle





Fig. 4 (A) Fluvial discharge of sediments to the global ocean replotted from ref. 27. Numbers are mean annual suspended sediment discharges (million tons/year). Colour shades represent the illustrative catchment regions with major rivers highlighted. (B) The seawater sampling stations in this study (yellow circles) and seawater stations in the literature are shown for comparison [red circles, green rectangle, blue triangle (26, 28, 29)]. The rivers relevant to the sampling sites are highlighted in blue. The surface ocean currents are marked with arrows. (C) Sampling stations in the Johor River estuary with salinity values (pss) marked next to the station locations; the estuary is highlighted with a square in panel B.

Material fluxes at the land–ocean interface impact seawater composition and global cycling of elements. However, most attention has been focused on the fluvial dissolved fluxes. For elements like lead (Pb), whose fluvial particulate flux into the ocean is two orders of magnitude higher than the dissolved counterpart, the role of particulates in elemental cycling is potentially important but currently less appreciated. Using both chemical analyses on samples collected from around equatorial Southeast Asia and model simulations, we show that particulate-dissolved exchange is an important mechanism controlling the concentration and isotopic composition of dissolved Pb in the ocean. Our model indicates that Pb contributed from particulate-dissolved exchange at ocean boundaries is larger than, or at least comparable to, other major Pb sources to the seawater before the Anthropocene, when the anthropogenic Pb was absent. Our work highlights the importance of boundary exchange in understanding marine element cycling and weathering-climate feedback.

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Salp Blooms Drive Strong Increases

in Passive Carbon Export in the Southern Ocean

作者:Moira Décima, Michael R. Stukel, Scott D. Nodder, Andrés Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Karen E. Selph, Adriana Lopes dos Santos, Karl Safi, Thomas B. Kelly, Fenella Deans, Sergio E. Morales, Federico Baltar, Mikel Latasa, Maxim Y. Gorbunov, Matt Pinkerton

期刊:Nature Communications

南大洋对全球生物碳泵(简称BCP)有很大贡献。生活在南大洋中的樽海鞘,尤其是纽鳃樽,是一种重要的植食性动物,能产生快速沉降的大颗粒粪球。本文通过对比几个存在樽海鞘大量繁殖现象和不存在该现象的地区,量化分析了樽海鞘大量繁殖对微生物动态和全球生物碳泵产生的影响。樽海鞘的大量繁殖与以硅藻和定鞭金藻为主的浮游植物的繁殖相吻合,都取决于水团特征。在大量繁殖的初期,樽海鞘的掠食能力与微型浮游动物相当,这导致初级生产力下降了约 1/3,且浮游植物的负生长率也与所有樽海鞘生存的海域有关系。相较于没有樽海鞘的区域,有该生物生存的水体颗粒物输出往往更高,是前者的2-8 倍(平均为5倍),能将高达46% 的初级生产力运输到透光层之外。在有樽海鞘的海域内,全球生物碳泵效率从5%提高到了28%,是全球海洋中这一数值的最高纪录之一。



Fig. 5  Patterns in carbon export flux

Mean±std of a export fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC), b carbon flux due to recognizable salp fecal pellets (FP), c relative contribution of intact salp FP to POC flux. Colors and symbols for experimental cycles are denoted in the legend in (a). d Ratio of POC flux between Salp and non-salp locations, with three comparisons for SA waters, and one for ST waters. Doted line indicates a ratio of 1. e EZ ratio, the ratio of POC flux: net primary production (NPP), as a function of T100 (POC flux at EZ+100m/POC flux). Numbers indicate locations compared in ref. 3: 1—North Atlantic Bloom Experiment (NABE) (spring, temperate North Atlantic), 2—Kiwi 7, 3—Kiwi 8 (Polar Front, Pacific sector, Southern Ocean), 4—K2 - D1 (subarctic NW Pacific), 5—K2 - D2 (subarctic, NW Pacific), 6—ALOHA (subtropical, central North Pacific), 7—EqPac (tropical, central Pacific), 8—OSP – Aug (summer, NE Pacific), 9—OSP – May (spring, NE Pacific). Circles are proportional to magnitude of NPP (see legend insert). Results from this study are in color: blue indicates non-salp locations, red indicates salp cycles during the SalpPOOP experiment.

The Southern Ocean contributes substantially to the global biological carbon pump (BCP). Salps in the Southern Ocean, in particular Salpa thompsoni, are important grazers that produce large, fast-sinking fecal pellets. Here, we quantify the salp bloom impacts on microbial dynamics and the BCP, by contrasting locations differing in salp bloom presence/absence. Salp blooms coincide with phytoplankton dominated by diatoms or prymnesiophytes, depending on water mass characteristics. Their grazing is comparable to microzooplankton during their early bloom, resulting in a decrease of ~1/3 of primary production, and negative phytoplankton rates of change are associated with all salp locations. Particle export in salp waters is always higher, ranging 2- to 8- fold (average 5-fold), compared to non-salp locations, exporting up to 46% of primary production out of the euphotic zone. BCP efficiency increases from 5 to 28% in salp areas, which is among the highest recorded in the global ocean.

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Monitoring and Modelling Marine Zooplankton in a Changing Climate

作者:Lavenia Ratnarajah, Rana Abu-Alhaija, Angus Atkinson, Sonia Batten, Nicholas J. Bax, Kim S. Bernard, Gabrielle Canonico, Astrid Cornils, Jason D. Everett, Maria Grigoratou, Nurul Huda Ahmad Ishak, David Johns, Fabien Lombard, Erik Muxagata, Clare Ostle, Sophie Pitois, Anthony J. Richardson, Katrin Schmidt, Lars Stemmann, Kerrie M. Swadling, Guang Yang, Lidia Yebra

期刊:Nature Communications




Fig. 6 a Zooplankton graze on phytoplankton, transferring carbon and nutrients. Excess nutrients in zooplankton are recycled via excretion and egestion either within the upper ocean or throughout the entire water column as some zooplankton undertake diel vertical migration. Unconsumed phytoplankton form aggregates, and together with zooplankton faecal pellets, these particles rapidly sink and are exported to deeper waters. However, bacteria remineralise much of these sinking particles along its descent. b The smaller figure showcases the potential direction of change on three zooplankton processes – respiration, grazing, and excretion and egestion, under ocean warming. Studies to date show that zooplankton respiration will increase under a future warmer ocean, however the magnitude of grazing and excretion and egestion are unclear. Consequently, the magnitude of carbon exported through zooplankton-related activities under ocean warming remains unclear. This figure was designed by Dr Stacey McCormack (Visual Knowledge).

Zooplankton are major consumers of phytoplankton primary production in marine ecosystems. As such, they represent a critical link for energy and matter transfer between phytoplankton and bacterioplankton to higher trophic levels and play an important role in global biogeochemical cycles. In this Review, we discuss key responses of zooplankton to ocean warming, including shifts in phenology, range, and body size, and assess the implications to the biological carbon pump and interactions with higher trophic levels. Our synthesis highlights key knowledge gaps and geographic gaps in monitoring coverage that need to be urgently addressed. We also discuss an integrated sampling approach that combines traditional and novel techniques to improve zooplankton observation for the benefit of monitoring zooplankton populations and modelling future scenarios under global changes.

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Hydrothermal-derived Black Carbon 

as a Source of Recalcitrant Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Ocean

作者:Youhei Yamashita, Yutaro Mori, Hiroshi Ogawa

期刊:Science Advances

热成因的溶解性黑碳(DBC)是惰性溶解有机碳中的一种,深海热液喷口是这种DBC的一大可能来源,但是人们对热液成因的DBC在深海中的分布知之甚少。本文展示了东太平洋两个横断面上 DBC在洋盆尺度的分布,这些横断面位于东太平洋洋隆上喷射状热液羽流的之外。东太平洋深海DBC浓度与表观耗氧量(AOU)没有明显的线性相关性,这与之前在太平洋中部和西太平洋观察到的不同。通过对太平洋中部和西部观测到的DBC-AOU相互关系中DBC浓度偏差的量化分析发现,这一偏差与过量的3He(热液输入的示踪剂)呈线性关系,这表明深海中一部分DBC是从热液系统中经过长距离输送过来的。



Fig. 7 Spatial distribution of δ3He values at a depth of approximately 2500 m and the sampling sites. The δ3He data were derived from Jenkins et al. (30). The open circles are sampling sites with site numbers in the present study along a zonal transect in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean and a meridional transect in the eastern South Pacific Ocean. The closed circles are sampling sites from Yamashita et al. (16), which determined the linear relationship between the DBC concentration and AOU in the central and western Pacific Ocean. The black dashed line shows the position of the EPR axis (37). Two major helium jets extend westward from the EPR axis at 10°N and at 15°S (37).

Deep-sea hydrothermal vents are a possible source of thermogenic dissolved black carbon (DBC), which is a component of recalcitrant dissolved organic carbon, but little is known about the distribution of hydrothermal DBC in the deep ocean. Here, we show basin-scale distributions of DBC along two transects in the eastern Pacific Ocean, which are located outside the jet-like hydrothermal plumes from the East Pacific Rise. The DBC concentration in the deep waters did not show a strong linear relationship with apparent oxygen utilization (AOU), as previously observed in the central and western Pacific Ocean. Deviations in DBC concentration from the DBC-AOU relationship observed in the central and western Pacific Ocean were quantified. The deviation was linearly correlated with excess 3He, a tracer for hydrothermal input, indicating that a fraction of the DBC in the deep ocean is transported long distances from hydrothermal systems.

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Blooms Also Like It Cold

作者: Kaitlin L. Reinl, Ted D. Harris, Rebecca L. North, Pablo Almela, Stella A. Berger, Mina Bizic, Sarah H. Burnet, Hans-Peter Grossart, Bastiaan W Ibelings, Ellinor Jakobsson, Lesley B. Knoll, Brenda M. Lafrancois, Yvonne McElarney, Ana M. Morales-Williams, Ulrike Obertegger, Igor Ogashawara, Ma Cristina Paule-Mercado, Benjamin L. Peierls, James A. Rusak, Siddhartha Sarkar, Sapna Sharma, Jessica V. Trout-Haney, Pablo Urrutia-Cordero, Jason J. Venkiteswaran, Danielle J. Wain, Katelynn Warner, Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer, Kiyoko Yokota

期刊: Current Evidence

蓝藻水华对淡水生态系统有直接和间接的重大负面影响,包括释放毒素,阻挡其他生物所需的光线,以及消耗氧气。气候变化对蓝藻水华发生的可能促进作用日益引起关注,文献中充分记录了湖泊表层温度升高对蓝藻生长的正向效应,然而,越来越多的证据表明,在相对寒冷的水温(< 15°C),包括冰雪覆盖的条件下,蓝藻水华也会发生并持续存在。本文提供了淡水冷水蓝藻水华的证据,回顾了导致这些水华的非生物驱动因素和生理适应,提供了这些较少研究的冷水蓝藻水华的类型学,并讨论了它们在不断变化的气候条件下的发生。


Fig. 8 Photos of cold-water cyanobacterial surface scums including: (A) Planktothrix rubescens on the 11th of April 2020 in Lake Stechlin (Photo Credit: HPG, Doris Ilicic); (B) Aphanizomenon sp. on the 31st of October 2018 in Cross Reservoir, Kansas, USA (Photo Credit: TDH); (C) Dolichospermum sp. and Microcystis sp. on the1st of November 2018 in West Campus Lake, Kansas, USA (Photo Credit: TDH); (D) Dolichospermum circinalis and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae on the 1st of December 2020 in Devil's Lake, Wisconsin (Photo Credit: Richard Lathrop); and (E) Aphanizomenon sp. On the 9th of November 2020 in Salmon Lake, Maine (Photo Credit: DJW).

Cyanobacterial blooms have substantial direct and indirect negative impacts on freshwater ecosystems including releasing toxins, blocking light needed by other organisms, and depleting oxygen. There is growing concern over the potential for climate change to promote cyanobacterial blooms, as the positive effects of increasing lake surface temperature on cyanobacterial growth are well documented in the literature; however, there is increasing evidence that cyanobacterial blooms are also being initiated and persisting in relatively cold-water temperatures (< 15°C), including ice-covered conditions. In this work, we provide evidence of freshwater cold-water cyanobacterial blooms, review abiotic drivers and physiological adaptations leading to these blooms, offer a typology of these lesser-studied cold-water cyanobacterial blooms, and discuss their occurrence under changing climate conditions.

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Three Decades of Increasing Fish Biodiversity

Across the Northeast Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean

作者:Cesc Gordó-Vilaseca, Fabrice Stephenson, Marta Coll, Charles Lavin, Mark John Costello


我们观测到的许多物种的活动范围变化支持了气候变化模型的预测,即由于海洋变暖,物种的分布将向北转移到北极和亚北极海域。然而,这对物种丰富度的总体影响尚不明晰。本文分析了从 1994年到 2020年收集的从北海到北冰洋范围内的20670条科研拖网资料,包括193种鱼类。我们发现,在过去三十年里,在包括巴伦支海在内的一些北极地区,局部尺度的底栖鱼类物种丰富度增加了一倍,而邻近地区的增长率较低,区域尺度的物种丰富度和更替率有所增加。生物多样性的这些变化与海底温度的升高有关。在研究区域内,北极物种的出现概率普遍随着时间的推移而下降。然而,来自南纬度的物种增加,加之一些北极物种的增加,最终导致了北极和亚北极海洋动物的丰富,这是由于与气候变化一致的水温升高。



Fig. 9 Difference between mean species richness from 1994 to 1996 and 2017 to 2019 expressed as percentage of change. The orange polygon is the study area boundary. Dashed lines are latitude and longitude.

Observed range shifts of numerous species support predictions of climate change models that species will shift their distribution northward into the Arctic and sub-Arctic seas due to ocean warming. However, how this is affecting overall species richness is unclear. Here we analyze 20,670 scientific research trawls from the North Sea to the Arctic Ocean collected from 1994 to 2020, including 193 fish species. We found that demersal fish species richness at the local scale has doubled in some Arctic regions, including the Barents Sea, and increased at a lower rate at adjacent regions in the last three decades, followed by an increase in species richness and turnover at a regional scale. These changes in biodiversity correlated with an increase in sea bottom temperature. Within the study area, Arctic species’ probability of occurrence generally declined over time. However, the increase in species from southern latitudes, together with an increase in some Arctic species, ultimately led to an enrichment of the Arctic and sub-Arctic marine fauna due to increasing water temperature consistent with climate change.

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Events, Webinars and Conferences

未来地球海岸(FEC)学术沙龙:动态海岸 将于 3月2日 线上举行,点击观看往期录像

FEC Fellows Session: Dynamic Coasts, 2 March, online. Watch the recording of past FEC Fellows Sessions

中国海洋学会2023海洋学术(国际)双年会 将于 4月17至18日 在中国厦门举行

Chinese Society for Oceanography International Ocean Science Biennial Conference 2023, 17-18 April, Xiamen, China

第46届仔鱼学术会议将于 5月7至11日 在葡萄牙里斯本举行,请于 3月3日 前提交摘要

The 46th Larval fish conference, 7-11 May, Lisbon, Portugal. Submit an abstract by 3 March

海洋中层带微生物的呼吸作用(ReMO)培训课程 将于 5月21至28日 在西班牙加那利群岛举行,请于 3月20日 前申请

ReMO Training course, 21-27 May, Canary Islands, Spain. Apply by 20 March

联合国教科文组织/全球海洋教师学院/国家海洋信息中心/国家海洋标准计量中心(IOC/OTGA/NMDIS/NCOSM)海洋信息技术培训课程 将于 5月15至30日 线上举行,请于 3月31日 前申请

Training Course: IOC/OTGA/NMDIS/NCOSM: Marine Information Technologies, 15-30 May, online. Apply by 31 March

第六届世界海洋生物多样性大会 将于 7月2至5日 在马来西亚槟城举行,早期注册截止至 3月15日

The 6th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, 2-5 July, Penang, Malaysia. Early bird rates available until 15 March

第七届地球系统科学大会 将于 7月5至7日 在中国上海举行,摘要提交和早期注册截止至 4月30日

The 7th Conference on Earth System Science (CESS), 5-7 July, Shanghai, China. Abstract submission and early bird registration by 30 April

南大洋观测系统(SOOS)研讨会:变化中的南大洋 将于 8月14至18日 在澳大利亚霍巴特举行,请于 3月24日 前提交摘要

SOOS Symposium: Southern Ocean in a Changing World, 14-18 August, Hobart, Australia. Submit an abstract by 24 March

国际海洋考察理事会(ICES)2023年年度科学大会 将于 9月11至14日 在西班牙毕尔巴鄂举行,请于 3月21日 前提交摘要

ICES Annual Scientific Conference 2023, 10-14 September, Bilbao, Spain. Submit an abstract by 21 March


Jobs and Opportunities

欢迎参加华东师范大学2023年度青年科学家(学者)国际论坛海洋科学分论坛,主论坛将于 3月2日 举行,海洋科学分论坛将于 3月31日 举行

2023 ECNU International Forum for Young Scientists (Scholars) - Marine Sciences Subforum. The forum will be held on 2 March, and Marine Sciences Subforum will be held on 31 March.


SKLEC. ECNU sincerely invites young talents in China to apply for the 2023 Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program


2023 International Graduate Programs at SKLEC, ECNU

国际海洋考察理事会(ICES)海洋科学杂志“科技写作”指导项目,请于 3月17日 前申请

ICES Journal of Marine Science mentorship programme: Scientific writing. Apply by 17 March 


Project call: Open Discovery Ideas Channel, ESA’s Open Space Innovation Platform (OSIP)

日本财团(Nippon Foundation)- 全球海洋观测伙伴关系(POGO)2023年船上培训访问奖学金

2023 Open call: NF-POGO Visiting fellowships for shipboard training

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