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IMBeR 科学指导委员会(SSC)在2021年1月1日迎来4位新委员,SSC 负责 IMBeR 科学计划(2016-2025)的发展、规划和实施。点击了解更多 SSC 信息
IMBeR is delighted to introduce the four new members who joined the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) on 1 January 2021. The SSC is responsible for the development, planning and implementation of IMBeR science plan (2016-2025). Click here to access more information about the SSC
Nireka Weeratunge
Nireka 是斯里兰卡科伦坡民族研究国际中心(ICES)的研究员。她的研究领域是环境-社会交叉科学,关注本地知识和依赖海洋为生的社区,特别是在性别关系、生计策略、家庭决策和渔业社区的福祉等方面。
Nireka is a Research Fellow at the International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES) in Colombo, Sri Lanka. She works at the environment-society interface, focusing on local knowledge and how marine-dependent communities pursue their livelihoods, especially with regard to gender relations, livelihood strategies, household decision-making and wellbeing in fishing communities.
Andrea Belgrano
Andrea 是瑞典农业大学和哥德堡大学海洋环境研究院的副教授。他运用宏观生态学、食物网理论和进化的广泛概念来理解生态系统动力学的驱动要素。他近期的工作重点是生态系统功能多样性、海洋渔业、海洋治理、和可持续发展与恢复力。
Andrea Belgrano is Associate Professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment in Gothenburg. He uses broad concepts of macro-ecology, food web theory and evolution to understand the underlying rules governing ecosystem dynamics. His recent work focuses on functional biodiversity, marine fisheries, ocean governance, and sustainability and resilience.
Micaela Trimble
Micaela 在乌拉圭贝拉维斯塔的南美洲生态恢复和可持续研究所(SARAS)担任研究与合作协调员。她的研究关注自然资源管理的人文维度和社会-生态系统的治理,特别是小型渔业和海洋保护区。
Micaela Trimble is Research and Cooperation Coordinator at the South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (SARAS) in Bella Vista, Uruguay. Her research focus is the human dimensions of natural resources management and the governance of social-ecological systems, specifically regarding small-scale fisheries and marine protected areas.
Thorsten Blenckner
Thorsten 是瑞典斯德哥尔摩社会生态系统应变与发展研究中心的高级研究员,同时也是斯德哥尔摩大学的副教授。他的研究以理解全球变化动力学对海洋过程的影响,从而实现海洋的可持续发展。他的学术专长包括物种多样性、临界点分析和未来预测。
Thorsten is a Senior Researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, and also Associate Professor at Stockholm University in Sweden. His research aims to advance understanding of global change dynamics on ocean processes that can lead to sustainable oceans. His expertise includes species diversity, tipping point analysis and future projections.
January 2021,
No. 11

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New IMBeR Endorsed Project
IMBeR Experts at XMAS
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IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC
Editors: Kai QIN, Tracey Woodhouse and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPOs

Proofreader: Shan JIANG from SKLEC, ECNU
New IMBeR endorsed project: NoCRISES
-Negotiating Ocean Conflicts among Rivals for Sustainable and Equitable Solutions
IMBeR 很高兴地宣布其最新支持的项目:NoCRISES—以可持续和公平解决为目标的海洋利益冲突调解。
NoCRISES 是由澳大利亚霍巴特的联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)和海洋社会生态中心的 Ingrid van Putten 教授及其同事开展的一个为期三年的项目。
NoCRISES 项目旨在调查海洋冲突的根源、驱动因素和备选办法,揭示因利用海洋资源而产生冲突的复杂因果关系。项目应用一套综合的方法分析不同收入水平但同样面对生态与/或社会快速变化的六个案例(夏威夷、波罗的海、孟加拉国、塞舌尔、加那利群岛、斐济),以实现全球关联的研究和跨案例分析。
如需了解更多关于 NoCRISES 项目的信息,请登陆 IMBeR支持项目网页
IMBeR is delighted to announce its latest endorsed project: NoCRISES – Negotiating Ocean Conflicts among Rivals for Sustainable and Equitable Solutions.
NoCRISES is a three-year project undertaken by Prof. Ingrid van Putten and colleagues at the Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and Centre for Marine Socioecology, Hobart, Australia.
The NoCRISES project examines the origins, drivers, and options for ocean conflict mitigation, aims to uncover the complex causalities of conflicts over the use of the marine environment. A comprehensive methodological approach is used in six different case studies with diverse income levels and characterised by rapid ecological and/or social change (Hawaii, Baltic, Bangladesh, the Seychelles, the Canary Island, Fiji) to enable globally linked learning and cross-case analyses.
Read more about NoCRISES on the IMBeR endorsed projects website
IMBeR 前科学指导委员会委员 Laurent Bopp CLIOTOP 区域项目共同主席 Karen Evans 在第五届厦门海洋环境开放科学大会(XMAS)上做主旨报告
IMBeR Past SSC Member Laurent Bopp and
CLIOTOP Regional Programme Co-chair Karen Evans giving Keynotes at the Fifth Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences (XMAS)
IMBeR 前科学指导委员会委员、法国国家科学研究中心/Pierre-Simon Laplace 研究所 Laurent Bopp 高级研究员做大会主旨报告:21世纪海洋酸化、厌氧化与初级生产力下降——新一代地球系统模型的改进与减少模型不确定性的展望。
IMBeR Past SSC Member Laurent Bopp, senior scientist at the Institute Pierre-Simon Laplace/National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France, gave keynote speech entitled “Ocean acidification, deoxygenation and primary production decline in the 21st century: update with the latest generation of Earth System Models and prospects for reducing uncertainties”.
IMBeR 的气候对海洋顶级捕食者的影响研究(CLIOTOP)区域项目共同主席、澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织海洋与大气部 Karen Evans 高级研究员做大会主旨报告:多学科和多利益相关方视角下海洋解决方案的设计和产出。点击观看报告录像
IMBeR regional programme CLIOTOP Co-chair Karen Evans, senior scientist at CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, gave keynote speech entitled “Multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder collaborations for designing and delivering ocean solutions”.

Capacity Building Online Resources

Events, Webinars, Conferences
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Jobs and Opportunities

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