IMBeR IPO-China 信息速递
Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office - China

SKLEC team conducted a field survey at the downstream site of
the Changjiang river during the flood in July.
July 2020, No. 5

In This Issue

MSP Virtual Workshop
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IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC
Editors: Kai QIN, Tracy Woodhouse and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPOs

Proofreader: Shan JIANG from SKLEC, ECNU
Maine Spatial Planning Workshop: Balancing social, economic, cultural and ecological objectives
欢迎各位青年学者和专家参加。请完成注册以便参会或收看活动录像。 注册网址:

Early career researchers and professionals are welcome to the workshop.
Register now! Live talks and discussions will be recorded and made available to participants.

海洋空间规划研讨会是 IMBeR 跨学科海洋青年学者联盟( Interdisciplinary Marine Early Career Network, IMECaN )组织的第三个能力建设活动。本次研讨会将于 8 17-19 日通过 Zoom 视频会议软件在线举行。每天三个小时的会议时间,包括学术报告和小组互动。为了方便不同时区的学者参与,会议的报告和讨论内容将被录像,以供后续观看。

This workshop is the third capacity building activity organised by IMECaN, the Interdisciplinary Marine Early Career Network of IMBeR. The virtual workshop will run for 3 hours each day from 17-19 August, including presentations and interactive group activities. Live talks and discussions will be recorded and made available to participants to encourage participation across all time zones.

Time and Theme

Day 1: Marine Spatial Planning
17 August 11am – 2pm UTC ( 北京时间 19:00-22:00 )

Day 2: The missing layers: social, cultural, and ecological objectives
18 August 2pm – 5pm UTC (北京时间 22:00-01:00)

Day 3: The role of governance
19 August 7am-10am UTC (北京时间 15:00-18:00)

Focus of the workshop

我们的海洋受各种人类活动影响,特别是捕鱼业和矿产开发。为了保护海洋资源和生态系统功能,《联合国可持续发展目标》和《生物多样性公约》设定了一个宏大目标,即到 2020 年将 10% 的沿海和海洋区域纳入海洋保护区。目前这一目标尚未达成。只有大约 5% 的海洋受到了保护。到 2030 年,保护世界三分之一的专属经济区已被确立为新的目标。
海洋空间规划( Marine spatial planning, MSP )对于有效实现此目标起着关键作用。 MSP 旨在兼顾海上活动的管理和海洋资源与生物多样性的保护。这一规划强调在生态保护和经济发展之间取得平衡以实现可持续发展。社会层面的目标使得这种平衡的实现更为复杂,因此在大多 MSP 研究中被选择性忽略。
为此,本研讨会旨在为青年学者提供关于 MSP 丰富的理论知识和应用实例,通过讲座和互动活动的结合来平衡不同目标间的需求。

Our oceans are almost entirely impacted by different anthropogenic activities such as fishing and mining. To protect marine resources and ecosystems, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Convention on Biological Diversity set a target to protect 10% of the oceans by 2020 through the establishment of Marine Protected Areas. This target has not been reached and only about 5% of the ocean is currently protected. Protecting a third of the world’s Economic Exclusive Zones by 2030 has been recently established as a new target. 
Marine spatial planning (MSP) plays a key role to achieving the effective implementation of this target. MSP aims to ensure the protection of marine resources and biodiversity while managing maritime activities. This highlights the importance of achieving a balance between ecological and economic objectives to achieve sustainable development. Social objectives add another layer of complexity to achieving this balance and have mostly been overlooked in MSP. 
To this end, this workshop aims to provide ECRs with a strong theoretical and applied understanding of MSP and the need to balance different objectives using a combination of lectures and interactive activities.
Topics to be covered

  • 海洋空间规划介绍 Introduction to Marine Spatial Planning
  • 海洋保护区设计中对气候变化的考虑 Climate change considerations in marine reserves design
  • 社会-生态系统与海洋空间规划的统一 Integrating socio-ecological systems in Marine Spatial Planning
  • 不同管理方式在海洋空间规划中的作用 Role of governance in Maine Spatial Planning
  • 区域渔业管理组织机构中基于生态系统的举措 Ecosystem-based approaches in Regional Fisheries Management Organisations
  • 世界各地的MSP研究案例 MSP case studies from all over the world


  • 海洋空间规划挑战2050 Maritime Spatial Planning Challenge 2050
  • 原住民视角下的去殖民地化 Decolonization from an indigenous perspective
  • 虚拟展板会场 Virtual Poster Session

Useful Information and Resources
IMBeR 伙伴项目 TBTI(Too Big To Ignore – Global Partnership for Samll-Scale Fisheries Research )发表电子书籍 Blue Justice for Small-Scale Fisheires – A Global Scan, 该书第一卷汇总了 14 个国家的 18 个案例故事,描述了小型化渔业所面对的各种不公正和不平等。

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