IMBeR IPO-China 信息速递
Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office - China

July 2021,
No. 17

In This Issue

-APN Fourth Strategic Phase Report Highlights IMBeR Summer School
-IMBeR West Pacific Symposium
-Capacity Building Online Resources
-Events, Webinars and Conferences
-Jobs and Opportunities
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IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC
Editors: Kai QIN and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPO

Proofreader: Shan JIANG from SKLEC, ECNU
IMBeR West Pacific Symposium 2021
“Changing West Pacific Ocean: Science and Sustainability”
4 days | Online event | 22-25 November 2021
IMBeR中日韩学术研讨会(China-Japan-Korea IMBeR Symposium)围绕海洋生态系统这一主题在2002年至2018年间已成功举办了八届。该研讨会作为全球海洋生态系统动力学研究计划(GLOBEC)和国际海洋生物圈整合研究计划(IMBeR)区域学术活动的一部分,旨在回顾过往研究成果,并探讨西北太平洋地区海洋生态系统研究的发展方向。为回应参会者的期盼,IMBeR中日韩学术界经过讨论,将会议更名为西太平洋学术研讨会,以便在《IMBeR科学计划与实施策略2016-2025》的框架下更好地整合西太平洋区域的研究进展。更名后的首次线上研讨会将围绕生物圈及其生物地球化学研究,着眼于全球视角下的西太平洋,北至亚北极,南至南大洋太平洋扇区,及其与北极、南大洋和印度洋的连通性,对近海地区(河口、盐沼、珊瑚礁等)、陆架边缘海至深海和深海海底等海洋生境都有所关注。诚挚欢迎IMBeR区域项目、工作组和支持项目的专家学者和广大海洋届人士参会。

The China-Japan-Korea (CJK) IMBeR Symposium on marine ecosystem has been held eight times over the period from 2002 to 2018 to review the achievements and to set the future directions of international ecosystem research in the western North Pacific as a part of the past GLOBEC and the IMBeR regional activities. Responding to the growing needs, the CJK IMBeR community changed its name to the West Pacific Symposium to better assume for the entire West Pacific Ocean, as outlined in the IMBeR Science Plan and Implementation Strategy 2016-2025. This kick-off symposium centers around the marine biosphere and its biogeochemistry in the West Pacific Ocean from the Subarctic in the North to the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean and its connectivity with the Arctic, Southern Ocean, and the Indian Ocean to deepen a holistic hemispheric view. All marine habitats including coastal areas (estuaries, saltmarshes, coral reefs, etc.), continental shelf to the deep ocean and their seafloors are of interests. Participants in the IMBeR Regional Programmes, Working Groups, Endorsed Projects, and others are welcome to the symposium.
The symposium is organized by the following thematic sessions


截止日期 | Deadline
Abstract - 15 September
Registration - 15 November
Please note, there is no charge for this online event

Capacity Building Online Resources

Events, Webinars and Conferences

Jobs and Opportunities
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