IMBeR IPO-China 信息速递
Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office - China

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June 2021,
No. 16

In This Issue

-New IMBeR Endorsed Project
-New Publication
-IMBeR West Pacific Workshop
-Capacity Building Online Resources
-Events, Webinars and Conferences
-Jobs and Opportunities
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IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC
Editors: Kai QIN and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPO

Proofreader: Shan JIANG from SKLEC, ECNU
New IMBeR endorsed project: CREPSUM
- Collaborative Research and Education Project
in Southeast Asia for Sustainable Use
of Marine Ecosystems
CREPSUM项目得到了日本学术振兴会(JSPS)"强强合作计划"(Core-to-Core Program)的资助,由东京大学大气海洋研究所的 Hiroaki SAITO 教授主持,进行为期三年的研究。该项目团队源自于各成员国长期的合作。目前来自印度尼西亚、日本、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国和越南的200多名科学家已经加入了CREPSUM项目。

  1. 建立东南亚海洋生态系统国际科教网络
  2. 在东南亚国家,推进海洋生态系统服务和可持续利用中的新兴问题的解决
  3. 为联合国“海洋科学促进可持续发展十年”(2021-2030)计划和联合国可持续发展目标14“水下生物”做出知识领域的贡献

IMBeR is delighted to announce its latest endorsed project: CREPSUM - Collaborative Research and Education Project in Southeast Asia for Sustainable Use of Marine Ecosystems.
CREPSUM is a three-year project coordinated by Prof. Hiroaki SAITO at the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) under its Core-to-Core Program. The project team was developed based on long-term collaboration of member countries, and more than 200 scientists join the CREPSUM from Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam.

Goals of CREPSUM are:
  1. Establish an international science and educational network for the Southeast Asia marine ecosystem
  2. Progress marine ecosystem studies on emergent issues for conservation and sustainable use of marine ecosystem services in Southeast Asia.
  3. Contribute to UN Decade of Ocean Sciences and UN SDG 14 “Life below water” by preparing best scientific knowledge.

Read more about CREPSUM on the IMBeR endorsed projects website
Assessing South Africa’s Potential
to Address Climate Change Impacts
and Adaptation in the Fisheries Sector
作者:Kelly Ortega-Cisneros, Kevern L. Cochrane, Nina Rivers, and Warwick H.H. Sauer
Schematic representation of the institutional arrangements for climate change and fisheries in South Africa. The figure shows a clear delineation between stakeholders, however in reality, there is an overlap between different institutions, mandates and roles which the figure does not show.
The marine fisheries sector is one of the most important income sectors in South Africa and plays an important role in food security for small-scale and subsistence fishers. Climate-driven impacts have resulted in distribution shifts and declines in abundance of important fisheries targets, with negative consequences to the users dependent on these resources. The sustainability of the sector depends on its readiness to adapt to climate change. The inclusion of climate change impacts and adaptation in fisheries management documents in South Africa is essential to ensure adequate climate adaptation responses are implemented at the short- and long-term. This study evaluates the extent to which fisheries management documents address climate change and adaptation. Results indicate that climate change impacts and adaptation are rarely incorporated in the main fisheries management documents, except for the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan for the agriculture, fisheries, and forestry sectors. However, this document is still waiting to be adopted. The only direct reference identified in all the fisheries documents that supports climate change adaptation was ‘conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity’. With regards to indirect references to climate change adaptation, ‘equity’, ‘participatory management’, and ‘capacity building’ were most frequently incorporated in fisheries management documents. There is a need to explicitly incorporate information on climate change impacts and adaptation in South African fisheries management documents and increase the human and financial capacity at national institutions to ensure that the fisheries sector can adequately adapt to climate change.

IMBeR is developing its West Pacific Workshop (virtually, late November to early December) – please stay tuned! 

Capacity Building Online Resources

Events, Webinars and Conferences

Jobs and Opportunities
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