IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC
Editors: Kai QIN, Tracey Woodhouse and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPOs
Proofreader: Shan JIANG from SKLEC, ECNU
Deep Sea Research Part II 出版
第二次国际印度洋考察计划 (IIOE-2) 研究专辑:
Deep Sea Research Part II: The Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2): Motivating New Exploration in a Poorly Understood Ocean Basin
第二次国际印度洋考察计划(IIOE-2)的论文专辑最近在 Deep Sea Research Part II 出版。专辑展示了当代印度洋研究的多样性,涉及物理海洋学、化学海洋学和生物海洋学,涵盖了从浮游植物到鲸类的不同营养级。专辑的成果展现了 IIOE-2 朝着实现其总体目标又迈进了一步,即“进一步认识造就印度洋地区复杂物理动力学的地质、海洋和大气过程之间的相互作用,并确定这些动力过程如何影响气候、极端事件、海洋生物地球化学循环、以及生态系统和人类”。
The recently published Deep-Sea Research II special issue of scientific papers emanating from the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2). It showcases a diverse body of contemporary Indian Ocean research and includes papers on physical, chemical and biological oceanography, and covers trophic levels from phytoplankton to whales. With this volume the IIOE-2 moves closer towards achieving its overarching goal – to “…advance our understanding of interactions between geologic, oceanic and atmospheric processes that give rise to the complex physical dynamics of the Indian Ocean region, and determine how those dynamics affect climate, extreme events, marine biogeochemical cycles, ecosystems and human populations”. Click to access IIOE-2 Special Issue Volume 3
Shan JIANG is a post-doctoral researcher at the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC) at the East China Normal University (ECNU) in Shanghai. He is a chemical oceanographer with a Master’s degree in ecology and PhD in biogeochemistry. During the past 10 years, Shan has studied the transport and transformation of nutrients and organic matter in several coastal/marine ecosystems (e.g. Rajang, Malaysia; Sanggou Bay, China; West Pacific Ocean). Shan’s current research interest focuses on the impacts of anthropogenic activities and climate change on nitrogen and carbon cycling in water and sediment environments.
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IMBeR at the Conference on Management of State Key Laboratories in Oceanic Fields and Development of Young Scientists
Group photo of Conference on Management of State Key Laboratories in Oceanic Fields and Development of Young Scientists
As the supporting institute of IMBeR International Project Office-China, SOED and its scientific research project “Marine Ecosystem Modeling and Forecasting System in the China Seas and Northwestern Pacific (MEMFiS)” team have been keeping close collaboration with IMBeR. Fang ZUO (Deputy Director of the IMBeR IPO-China), Kai QIN (Project Assistant of the IMBeR IPO-China) and Dr. Shan JIANG (member of the IMECaN Organising Committee) attended the conference.
Fang was invited to give a talk on synergy development between IMBeR IPO-China and SKLEC. She introduced IMBeR and the history of the IMBeR China office, successful stories of synergy development between IMBeR IPO and SKLEC, and how to improve value to IPO hosts. Click to know more about the conference
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