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Cultivating seaweed and sinking its biomass to the deep ocean for carbon sequestration has gained serious attention in the scientific community and private sectors as a potential ocean-based climate solution. However, there are still large knowledge gaps that hinder our ability to make well-informed decisions about the carbon sequestration efficacy of this approach and its ecological effects and impacts. Developed with partner Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, this new framework offers a globally applicable research framework intended to guide controlled field trials, observational, laboratory, and modeling efforts needed to estimate the effects of seaweed sinking programs at ‘climate-relevant’ scales (e.g., megatons or gigatons of carbon per year).
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Soundscape Enrichment Enhances Recruitment and Habitat Building on New Oyster Reef Restorations
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作者: Dominic McAfee, Brittany R. Williams, Lachlan McLeod, Andreas Reuter, Zak Wheaton and Sean D. Connell
期刊: Journal of Applied Ecology
在两个珊瑚礁修复工程中部署的安置板上,声景播放使牡蛎种群增长显著增加,10个地点中的8个地点的牡蛎种群增长,平均(±1 SE)增加5.1±1.9倍(每平方米增加5281±1384个幼虫),并增加多达18倍。5个月后,牡蛎覆盖的表面范围与有扬声器组和没有扬声器组没有区别。然而,声景播放似乎会影响牡蛎的早期种群增长, 导致每块巨石上的大牡蛎明显增多,相对于非扬声器组的对照,形成的三维生境建设平均为4.3±1.2倍。
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Fig. 2 Two reef restoration sites in Gulf St. Vincent, South Australia (bottom left): the 20-ha Windara Reef (circle) composed of 159 boulder reefs (dotted rectangles), and the 3-ha Glenelg Reef (diamond) composed of 14 reefs. Stars denote sites for the speaker (black stars) and control (white stars) treatments. Diagram of the self-constructed, low-cost speakers (bottom right) used to enrich soundscapes. | |
Marine soundscapes provide important navigational cues to dispersing larvae in search of suitable habitat. Yet, widespread habitat loss has degraded marine soundscapes and their functional role in recruitment. Habitat restoration efforts can provide suitable substrate for habitat regeneration, such as constructing reefs to facilitate recruitment and habitat growth by oysters, but typically occur where soundscapes are degraded and recruitment is limited. Enhancing marine soundscapes on newly constructed reefs using speaker technology may ensure sufficient recruitment to establish a trajectory of recovery for the desired habitat.
Across two of the largest oyster reef restorations in Australia, we deployed low-cost marine speakers at four sites and at three times throughout the recruitment season to test whether soundscape enrichment could boost recruitment and habitat formation by oysters. In the presence and absence of soundscape playback, we compared oyster recruitment rates to settlement panels across space and time, and oyster habitat cover and three-dimensional habitat building on newly constructed boulder reefs.
On the settlement panels deployed across the two reef restorations, soundscape playback significantly increased oyster recruitment at 8 of the 10 sites by an average (±1 SE) 5.1 ± 1.9 times (5281 ± 1384 more larvae per m2), and by as much as 18 times.
On boulders atop newly constructed reefs, where the restoration goal is for oysters to form three-dimensional habitat, the surface area covered by oysters after 5 months did not differ between speaker and control treatments. However, soundscape playback appeared to influence the earlier recruitment of oysters, resulting in significantly more large oysters per boulder that formed significantly more three-dimensional habitat building by an average 4.3 ± 1.2 times relative to nonspeaker controls.
Synthesis and applications. Our results show that using speakers to enrich marine soundscapes at new restoration sites can boost oyster recruitment, resulting in more larger oysters that form more three-dimensional habitat atop reef restorations. In accelerating the formation of these vertical growth forms, which provide the ecological functions that motivate restoration efforts, the early application of speaker technology on new reef restorations may help steer ecological succession on a trajectory of desired habitat recovery, potentially reducing the substantial cost of ongoing intervention.
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Seagrass Ecosystem Multifunctionality
Under the Rise of a Flagship Marine Megaherbivore
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作者: Marjolijn J. A. Christianen, Fee O. H. Smulders, Jan Arie Vonk, Leontine E. Becking, Tjeerd J. Bouma, Sabine M. Engel, Rebecca K. James, Mabel I. Nava, Jaco C. de Smit, Jurjan P. van der Zee, Per J. Palsbøll and Elisabeth S. Bakker
期刊: Global Change Biology
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Fig. 3 (a) The number of publications on seagrass and green turtle grazing in peer-reviewed journals is accelerating over time (Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar 1960–2022, Supplementary information text S1) mirroring the recovery of green turtle populations. Arrow 1: (McRoy & Helfferich, 1977; Thayer et al., 1977); arrow 2: (Jackson, 1997), arrow 3: (Chaloupka et al., 2008; Mazaris et al., 2017; Weber et al., 2014). (b) A selection of sites illustrates that all three different grazing scenarios for green turtles occur in coastal (sub-)tropical seagrass ecosystems around the world, in all three ocean basins where green turtles are found. Green dots: global seagrass distribution (UNEP-WCMC & Short, 2021), blue: distribution of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas, (Kot et al., 2022). (Scenario 1) (Gaubert-Boussarie et al., 2021; Jackson, 1997; Jones et al., 2018; van der Laan & Wolff, 2006; Vonk et al., 2008); (Scenario 2) (Ballorain et al., 2010; Christianen et al., 2019; Gulick et al., 2020; Molina Hernández & van Tussenbroek, 2014; Rodriguez & Heck, 2020; Scott et al., 2020); (Scenario 3) (Christianen et al., 2014; Fourqurean et al., 2019; Gangal et al., 2021).
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Large grazers (megaherbivores) have a profound impact on ecosystem functioning. However, how ecosystem multifunctionality is affected by changes in megaherbivore populations remains poorly understood. Understanding the total impact on ecosystem multifunctionality requires an integrative ecosystem approach, which is especially challenging to obtain in marine systems. We assessed the effects of experimentally simulated grazing intensity scenarios on ecosystem functions and multifunctionality in a tropical Caribbean seagrass ecosystem. As a model, we selected a key marine megaherbivore, the green turtle, whose ecological role is rapidly unfolding in numerous foraging areas where populations are recovering through conservation after centuries of decline, with an increase in recorded overgrazing episodes. To quantify the effects, we employed a novel integrated index of seagrass ecosystem multifunctionality based upon multiple, well-recognized measures of seagrass ecosystem functions that reflect ecosystem services. Experiments revealed that intermediate turtle grazing resulted in the highest rates of nutrient cycling and carbon storage, while sediment stabilization, decomposition rates, epifauna richness, and fish biomass are highest in the absence of turtle grazing. In contrast, intense grazing resulted in disproportionally large effects on ecosystem functions and a collapse of multifunctionality. These results imply that (i) the return of a megaherbivore can exert strong effects on coastal ecosystem functions and multifunctionality, (ii) conservation efforts that are skewed toward megaherbivores, but ignore their key drivers like predators or habitat, will likely result in overgrazing-induced loss of multifunctionality, and (iii) the multifunctionality index shows great potential as a quantitative tool to assess ecosystem performance. Considerable and rapid alterations in megaherbivore abundance (both through extinction and conservation) cause an imbalance in ecosystem functioning and substantially alter or even compromise ecosystem services that help to negate global change effects. An integrative ecosystem approach in environmental management is urgently required to protect and enhance ecosystem multifunctionality.
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Moored Observations of the
Timor Passage Currents in the Indonesian Seas
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作者:Jing Wang, Zhengbei Zhang, Xiang Li, Zheng Wang, Yao Li, Jiajia Hao, Xia Zhao, Corry Corvianawatie, Dewi Surinati, Dongliang Yuan and Tengfei Xu
期刊:Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
本文基于2017年9月至2019年12月布放在帝汶海峡中心的潜标测量结果,对帝汶海峡海流的结构和变率进行研究。观测发现,年平均海流向西流入印度洋上层1400米,最大核心流速约在50米处。据估算,通过帝汶海峡进入印度洋的上层1400米的海流平均流量为−9.9 ± 1.0 Sv (1 Sv = 106立方米/秒),其中大部分流量集中在上层480米(-8.9Sv)。这一数值与1890米以上海流的努沙登加拉层结及输运的国际联合观测计划(INSTANT)估算值-7.5Sv显现出明显差异。2019年发生正位相印度洋偶极子事件期间,上层480米的流量仅略大于2018年正常年份的流量。帝汶海峡沿线流速的变率主要由上层150米海流的年循环和更低层海流的半年循环主导。上层海流的年循环主要受局部季风强迫驱动。在200米以下观测到的向下能量传播主要受来自印度洋的远程开尔文波驱动。帝汶海峡的流量变率由半年循环主导,该循环与赤道印度洋的半年环流有关,在年循环中上层和下层的流量基本相互抵消。
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Fig. 4 The subsurface mooring configuration in the Timor Passage (a) and data coverage during the mooring period (b). | |
The structure and variability of the currents in the Timor Passage are studied based on the measurements from a subsurface mooring deployed in the center of the passage from September 2017 to December 2019. The annual mean currents are found to flow westward into the Indian Ocean in the upper 1,400 m, with a maximum velocity core at ∼50 m. The mean volume transport through the Timor Passage into the Indian Ocean is estimated to be −9.9 ± 1.0 Sv (1 Sv=106m3s−1) in the upper 1,400 m with much of this transport concentrated in the upper 480 m (−8.9 Sv). This value contrasts with the estimate of −7.5 Sv above 1,890 m based on INSTANT measurements. The transport during the 2019 positive Indian Ocean Dipole event was only slightly larger than that during the 2018 normal year in the upper 480 m. The variability in the along-strait velocity in the Timor Passage is dominated by an annual cycle in the upper 150 m and a semiannual cycle in the lower layer. The annual cycle in the upper layer is mainly driven by local monsoonal forcing. Downward energy propagation is observed below 200 m, which is shown to be mainly driven by remote Kelvin waves from the Indian Ocean. The transport variability through the Timor Passage is dominated by a semiannual cycle, associated with the semiannual circulation over the equatorial Indian Ocean, with the transport in the upper and lower layers largely canceling each other in the annual cycle.
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Cell-specific Measurements Show Nitrogen Fixation
by Particle-attached Putative Non-cyanobacterial Diazotrophs
in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
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作者:Katie J. Harding, Kendra A. Turk-Kubo, Esther Wing Kwan Mak, Peter K. Weber, Xavier Mayali and Jonathan P. Zehr
期刊:Nature Communications
生物固氮是低营养表层海洋水体的一个重要的主要氮源。固氮蓝藻(即重氮营养蓝细菌)被认为是在这一过程中发挥了主要作用。尽管也有理论认为非蓝藻重氮营养菌也是含氧表层水体的重要氮来源,但这一论断尚未被证实。在该项研究中,我们同时使用15-N2同位素和13C-碳酸氢盐同位素标记的培植,结合纳米二次离子质谱分析,以颗粒附着度高和适宜细胞生存为标准,从北太平洋亚热带环流样本中筛选出数万个相关地区。这些双同位素培养使我们可以分辨非蓝藻类固氮微生物和蓝藻类固氮微生物,测量推定的细胞特定固氮速率。通过这种方法,我们发现在含氧海表海域中,推定的非蓝藻重氮营养菌有固氮作用,在采样的七个地点中,有两个地点与富含有机物的颗粒(尺寸小于210微米的部分)有关。固氮作用发生时,我们所分析的颗粒中,至少含一个活跃的推定非蓝藻重氮营养菌的比例高达4.1%。假定的非蓝藻重氮营养菌的固氮速率 (0.76 ± 1.60 fmol N cell−1 d−1)表明,这些生物能够在含氧的地表水中固氮,或至少附着在颗粒上时能够固氮,这或有助于海洋固氮。
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Fig. 5 Map inset shows stations (S) sampled across the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Bar chart shows community N2 fixation rates averages under natural-light (yellow) and all-dark (dark grey) conditions derived from biological triplicates. Individual N2 fixation rates values are shown as black circles for each station and light treatment. Error bars are the standard deviations of the averages (n = 3). The limit of detection (LOD) for the N2 fixation rates are shown with an X. Stations where the X is above the average are below the LOD but above the minimum quantifiable rate (MQR), all-dark values at S17 and S20 were below LOD and MQR (red), no data were available for S23 all-dark incubation. The lower pie charts show the relative proportion of cyanobacterial (green) and NCD (light grey) nifH sequences at each station. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. | |
Biological nitrogen fixation is a major important source of nitrogen for low-nutrient surface oceanic waters. Nitrogen-fixing (diazotrophic) cyanobacteria are believed to be the primary contributors to this process, but the contribution of non-cyanobacterial diazotrophic organisms in oxygenated surface water, while hypothesized to be important, has yet to be demonstrated. In this study, we used simultaneous 15N-dinitrogen and 13C-bicarbonate incubations combined with nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis to screen tens of thousands of mostly particle-associated, cell-like regions of interest collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. These dual isotope incubations allow us to distinguish between non-cyanobacterial and cyanobacterial nitrogen-fixing microorganisms and to measure putative cell-specific nitrogen fixation rates. With this approach, we detect nitrogen fixation by putative non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs in the oxygenated surface ocean, which are associated with organic-rich particles (<210 µm size fraction) at two out of seven locations sampled. When present, up to 4.1% of the analyzed particles contain at least one active putative non-cyanobacterial diazotroph. The putative non-cyanobacterial diazotroph nitrogen fixation rates (0.76 ± 1.60 fmol N cell−1 d−1) suggest that these organisms are capable of fixing dinitrogen in oxygenated surface water, at least when attached to particles, and may contribute to oceanic nitrogen fixation.
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Sea-level Rise Will Likely Accelerate Rock Coast Cliff Retreat Rates
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作者:Jennifer R. Shadrick, Dylan H. Rood, Martin D. Hurst, Matthew D. Piggott, Bethany G. Hebditch, Alexander J. Seal and Klaus M. Wilcken
期刊:Nature Communications
| | Fig. 6 a Measured 10Be concentrations at Bideford with distance from the cliff base (1σ). b Measured 10Be and 26Al concentrations at Scalby with distance from the cliff base (1σ). A shielded cliff sample was used to correct for any inherited CRNs present in the exposed platform rock samples to ensure that concentrations of 10Be and 26Al solely reflect the exposure time due to cliff retreat (Methods). c Inheritance-corrected 10Be and 26Al concentrations for Scalby. Slope of regression line = 6.70 ± 0.49 (1σ), and is comparable to the production rate ratio in quartz of ~6.75 ± 0.50 (1σ)49. Intercept = 795 ± 3301 26Al atoms g−1 (1σ). Concentration are corrected for chemistry background using process blank samples and inherited CRN concentrations using shielded cliff samples (at distance 0 m) with errors propagated in quadrature. | |
Coastal response to anthropogenic climate change is of central importance to the infrastructure and inhabitants in these areas. Despite being globally ubiquitous, the stability of rock coasts has been largely neglected, and the expected acceleration of cliff erosion following sea-level rise has not been tested with empirical data, until now. We have optimised a coastal evolution model to topographic and cosmogenic radionuclide data to quantify cliff retreat rates for the past 8000 years and forecast rates for the next century. Here we show that rates of cliff retreat will increase by up to an order of magnitude by 2100 according to current predictions of sea-level rise: an increase much greater than previously predicted. This study challenges conventional coastal management practices by revealing that even historically stable rock coasts are highly sensitive to sea-level rise and should be included in future planning for global climate change response.
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State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University
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