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Carol Robinson 主席为 SCOR 2020 年会作 IMBeR 年度报告,
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Carol Robinson narrated IMBeR report on 2020 SCOR annual meeting.
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October 2020, No. 8

In This Issue

CAS-EurASc Frontier Forum
New Publication
Capacity Building Online Resources
Events, Webinars, Conferences and Training
Jobs and Opportunities
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IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC
Editors: Kai QIN, Tracey Woodhouse and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPOs

Proofreader: Shan JIANG from SKLEC, ECNU
CAS-EurASc Frontier Forum on Marine Sciences and Technologies held successfully on 20-21 October
1020日至21日,中国科学院学部科学与技术前沿论坛(第106次)在线上和线下(上海)成功举办。此次论坛主题为中-欧海洋科学与技术进展,由中国科学院和欧洲科学院资助。论坛执行主席为 Paul Tréguer教授、Louis Legendre教授和张经教授。论坛旨在比较系统地分析和总结中-欧之间近期在海洋科学与技术领域的主要进展情况,聚焦制约学科发展的关键瓶颈,寻求双方在海洋科学与技术方面进行深入合作的优先领域。论坛邀请了来自欧洲科学院、中国科学院、中国工程院、国内外高校和研究机构中从事海洋科学研究的专家和学者、国家自然科学基金委员会的管理专家、以及国际组织和科技出版单位的代表等近60位嘉宾。13位从事海洋科学与技术相关领域研究的院士、专家作主题报告,参会嘉宾进行了热烈的研讨。会议期间,亚洲、欧洲、非洲和北美洲等29个国家近2000人次在线观看。IMBeR国际项目办公室为论坛提供了会务支持。
The CAS-EurASc Frontier Forum on Marine Sciences and Technologies, co-sponsored by the Earth Sciences Divisions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the European Academy of Sciences (EurASc), held successfully in Shanghai and online on 20-21 October 2020. The Forum aims to provide a platform for marine scientists and engineers in China and Europe to share their knowledge and experience of frontier research methods and results, and to foster international and interdisciplinary collaboration. The Chairs are Prof. Paul Tréguer, Prof. Louis Legendre and Prof. Jing Zhang. Nealy 60 participants were invited, including scientists and experts from EurASc, CAS, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and other universities and research institutions, management experts from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, as well as delegates from international projects and academic journals. During the two days, 13 excellent invited talks and discussions have garnered up to 2000 views online from 29 counties in Asia, Europe, Africa and North America. IMBeR International Project Offices provided logistic support to this Forum.
IMBeR-Future Earth Coasts 陆架边缘海工作组最新成果:
New IMBeR-FEC CMWG publication:
Anthropogenic impacts on nutrient variability in the lower Yellow River
Relative contributions of various factors toward the total DIN, DIP, and DSi fluxes to the Yellow River
From 2001 to 2018, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and dissolved silicon (DSi) concentrations showed decreasing trends in the lower Yellow River. These trends may have been influenced by the continuous promotion of protection polices and an increase in public environmental awareness. Extremely low nutrient concentration events were observed since 2014 in response to the retention effect of dam construction, which significantly reduced the downstream water discharge and sediment load and increased phytoplankton uptake. Moreover, the nutrient loading to the Yellow River derived from environmental and societal impacts were quantified. The dominant controlling factors of the total nutrient influxes to the Yellow River for DIN, DIP, and DSi were fertilizer loss, sewage effluents, and runoff, respectively. Based on the main sources of nutrients, this work suggests to strictly control the amount of fertilizer and improve the application methods, improve sewage treatment technology, and vigorously promote “green travel”. It is possible to own a better water quality in the Yellow River with formulate strategies. Click to access the full text

该研究最初在IMBeR Future Oceans2开放科学大会上展示,为IMBeR-FEC 陆架边缘海工作组(Continental Margins Working Group)贡献了一份中国案例研究。第一作者吴念是IMBeR跨学科海洋青年学者联盟(IMECaN)的成员,来自中国海洋大学和青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室。
This study was presented firstly at IMBeR Future Oceans2, and contributes as an Chinese case study to the IMBeR-FEC CMWG. The first author Nian Wu is an IMECaN member from Ocean University of China and Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao).

Capacity Building Online Resources

Events, Webinars,Conferences and Training

Jobs and Opportunities

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