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IMBeR IPO-China 信息速递

Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office - China

October 2022,

No. 29

In This Issue

Cover News

-The New IMBeR OCPC Poster - A Contribution to the Earth Information Day at COP 27


Kick-off Meeting of the IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group


Kick-off Meeting of

the IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group

---------------------------Editor Picks

-New Publications


Editor Picks


Events, Webinars and Conferences


Jobs and Opportunities

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IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC

Editors: GiHoon HONG, Kai QIN and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPO


Spillover Benefits from

the World’s Largest Fully Protected MPA

作者:Sarah Medoff, John Lynham and Jennifer Raynor




Fig. 1 Standardized difference in CPUE between regions near to and far from the PMNM.

The near region extends (0, x] nmi from the monument border and the far region extends (x, 2x] nmi from the monument border, with x equal to 100, 200, and 300 in rows 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Fishery footprint (fishery foot) refers to the full spatial extent of the Hawai’i-based deep-set longline fishery during the study period (2010 to 2019). (A, D, and G) Maps for each radius. (B, E, and H) Standardized differences between pre- and post-expansion CPUE over time. (C, F, and I) Standardized differences in CPUE before and after a monument expansion time placebo date (2010). For (B) and (C), (E) and (F), and (H) and (I), negative values indicate that CPUE was higher in the far area whereas positive values indicate CPUE was higher in the near area.

Previous research has cast doubt on the potential for marine protected areas (MPAs) to provide refuge and fishery spillover benefits for migratory species as most MPAs are small relative to the geographic range of these species. We test for evidence of spillover benefits accruing from the world’s largest fully protected MPA, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Using species-specific data collected by independent fishery observers, we examine changes in catch rates for individual vessels near to and far from the MPA before and after its expansion in 2016. We find evidence of spillover benefits for yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus).

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Protect Global Values of the Southern Ocean Ecosystem

作者:Cassandra M. Brooks, David G. Ainley, Jennifer Jacquet, Steven L. Chiwn, Luis R. Pertierra, Elizabeth Francis, Alex Rogers, Vasco Chavez-Molina, Louise Teh and U. Rashid Sumaila




The Southern Ocean, which comprises ~10% of the global ocean, is critically important to the homeostasis of the Earth system, exhibits distinctive marine biodiversity, and has tremendous scientific, diplomatic, and wilderness value. Yet, the region and its suite of global values are critically threatened by climate change, which is exacerbated by commercial fishing, an activity that provides value for relatively few industrial actors and compromises the greater values that the Southern Ocean ecosystem provides to the world. The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), the arm of the Antarctic Treaty System responsible for managing Southern Ocean marine living resources, meets in October–November 2022 and is under pressure to strengthen fisheries management, especially toward climate change resilience. We encourage improved management practices that account for the environmental externalities arising from trade-offs between fishing and the global contribution of the Southern Ocean ecosystem, including under a changing climate.

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Greater Consideration of Animals

Will Enhance Coastal Restoration Outcomes

作者:Michael Sievers, Christopher J Brown, Christina A Buelow, Robin Hale, Andria Ostrowski, Megan I Saunders, Brian R Silliman, Stephen E Swearer, Mischa P Turschwell, Stephanie R Valdez and Rod M Connolly




Fig. 2 Four key contexts (1–4) in which animals could be manipulated and supported within coastal restoration, the actions (A–D) that can lead to positive outcomes, and examples to illustrate links between contexts and actions.

As efforts to restore coastal habitats accelerate, it is critical that investments are targeted to most effectively mitigate and reverse habitat loss and its impacts on biodiversity. One likely but largely overlooked impediment to effective restoration of habitat-forming organisms is failing to explicitly consider non-habitat-forming animals in restoration planning, implementation, and monitoring. These animals can greatly enhance or degrade ecosystem function, persistence, and resilience. Bivalves, for instance, can reduce sulfide stress in seagrass habitats and increase drought tolerance of saltmarsh vegetation, whereas megaherbivores can detrimentally overgraze seagrass or improve seagrass seed germination, depending on the context. Therefore, understanding when, why, and how to directly manipulate or support animals can enhance coastal restoration outcomes. In support of this expanded restoration approach, we provide a conceptual framework, incorporating lessons from structured decision-making, and describe potential actions that could lead to better restoration outcomes using case studies to illustrate practical approaches.

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Unique Thermal Sensitivity Imposes

a Cold-water Energetic Barrier for Vertical Migrators

作者:Brad A. Seibel and Matthew A. Birk

期刊:Nature Climate Change



Fig. 3 Unique temperature sensitivities of metabolic traits in vertical migrators.

a–c, Standard metabolic rates (Y, SMR; a), critical oxygen pressures (Y, PcSMR; b) and the oxygen supply capacity (Y, α = SMR PcSMR−1; c) as a function of temperature (X) in tropical vertical migrators (red) and diverse coastal species (black; Supplementary Table 2). d, The temperature sensitivities (E) for SMR (X) and PcSMR (Y) are similar to each other (y = 0.94X + 0.21, n = 7 species; P = 0.06, two-tailed t-test; Supplementary Table 2), falling just above the dashed unity line. For coastal species, the SMR is more temperature sensitive than PcSMR (Supplementary Table 2y = 0.62X - 0.06, n = 20 species; P = 4.3 × 10−5, two-tailed t-test). Thus, in migrators, the oxygen supply capacity is higher (P = 1.76 × 10−9; two-tailed t-test) and relatively insensitive to temperature (P = 3.06 × 10−10, two-tailed t-test) compared with coastal marine animals.

Alterations of marine species’ ranges with climate change are often attributed to oxygen limitation in warming oceans. Here we report unique metabolic temperature sensitivities for the myriad of vertically migrating oceanic species that daily cross depth-related gradients in temperature and oxygen. In these taxa, selection favours high metabolic activity for predator–prey interactions in warm shallow water and hypoxia tolerance in the cold at depth. These diverging selective pressures result in thermal insensitivity of oxygen supply capacity and enhanced thermal sensitivity of active metabolic rate. Aerobic scope is diminished in the cold, well beyond thermodynamic influences and regardless of ambient oxygen levels, explaining the native distributions of tropical migrators and their recent range expansions following warming events. Cold waters currently constitute an energetic barrier to latitudinal range expansion in vertical migrators. As warming due to climate change approaches, and eventually surpasses, temperatures seen during past warming events, this energetic barrier will be relieved.

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声明:本版块为尝试性栏目,旨在传播分享最新科研动态。中文翻译仅供参考,中英文若有不符之处,请以英文为准。如有不妥之处,请联系 进行订正或要求撤稿。

Disclaimer: This column is a new trial to share cutting-edge research with wider academic community. The Chinese is not an official translation, while the English is invoked from original publication. If there is anything inappropriate, please contact to correct us or request for a retraction.


Events, Webinars and Conferences

第三届海洋空间规划国际会议 将于 11月22日至23日 在西班牙巴塞罗那和线上举行,点击线上参会

3rd International Conference on Marine Spatial Planning, 22-23 November. Online attendance only at this stage

海洋碳和生物地球化学项目(OCB)范围研讨会:与商业捕鱼团体合作,建立一个具有成本效益的沿海生物地球化学观测网络 将于  2023年1月18至20日 在美国伍兹霍尔举行

OCB Scoping Workshop: Building a Cost-effective Coastal Biogeochemical Observing Network in Collaboration with the Commercial Fishing Community, Woods Hole, MA USA. 18-20 January 2023

未来海岸海洋气候研讨会 将于 2023年2月21至23日 在英国利物浦举行,点击注册和提交摘要

Future Coastal Ocean Climates Workshop, 21-23 February 2023, Liverpool, UK. Register and submit abstracts now

2023年联合国水资源大会  将于 2023年3月22至24日 在美国纽约 举行

UN 2023 Water Conference, New York, USA. 22-24 March 2023

第五届气候变化对全球海洋的影响大会(ECCWO-5)将于 2023年4月17至21日 在挪威卑尔根和线上举行,请于11月5日 前提交摘要

5th Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans (ECCWO-5), Bergen, Norway and online. 17-21 April 2023. Submit an abstract by 5 November

2023年可持续发展研究与创新大会将于 2023年6月26至30日 在巴拿马巴拿马城和线上举行,现征集会议提案,请于 12月21日 前提交

Sustainability Research + Innovation 2023, Panama City, Panama and online. 26-30 June 2023. Submit a proposal by 21 December


Jobs and Opportunities

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IMBeR International Project Office - China
State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University
500 Dongchuan Rd., Shanghai 200241, China
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