On 20 May 2020, the Blue Paper “Integrated Ocean Management” was launched via a webinar‘Integrated Ocean Management’ featuring Blue Paper lead authors Jan-Gunnar Winther and Minhan Dai, contributing authors Marie Antonette Juinio-Meñez and Amy Trice, as well as Ocean Panel Sherpas from Portugal, Ricardo Serrão Santos, Minister of the Sea and Norway, Vidar Helgesen, Special Representative for the Ocean.
A version of the Blue Paper was published in Nature Ecology & Evolution on 17 August 2020. The Chinese version of the Blue Paper is available to download here.
IMECaN Maine Spatial Planning Workshop: Balancing social, economic, cultural and ecological objectives held successfully on 17-19 August. We had nearly 700 early career researchers from 82 countries register for the workshop. The ability to engage and connect with so many people from around the world was truly invigorating and inspiring. 3-days meeting recording videos (Runtime: ca. 12 hours) are available to watch on IMBeR Youku channel now! Click here to watch the videos.Welcome to subscribe IMECaN newsletter to follow up latest updates!
IMBeR ClimEco5 Summer School videos are available to watch on IMBeR YouKu channel now! There are 32 videos (Runtime: ca. 20 hours) from IMBeR ClimEco5 Summer School held in Natal, Brazilin 2016. Click here to start free online learning.
Call for contributions to the volume on SDG14 Life Below Water in the Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Contact Prof. Marisa Azul soon if interested azul.anabelamarisa@gmail.com
Most our subscribers are IMBeR-related researchers in the Asia-Pacific region. If you would like to put some recruitment information in the IMBeR IPO – China e-News, please contact us through imber@ecnu.edu.cn.