IMBeR IPO-China 信息速递
Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office - China

September 2020, No. 7

In This Issue

New Publication
OceanObs'19 Survey
Capacity Building Online Resources
Events, Webinars, Conferences and Training
Jobs and Opportunities
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IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC
Editors: Kai QIN, Tracey Woodhouse and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPOs

Proofreader: Shan JIANG from SKLEC, ECNU
New Publication:  Integrated Ocean Management
经可持续海洋经济高级别小组秘书处审核,《海洋综合管理》蓝皮书及执行摘要在线发布(。这本蓝皮书梳理、归纳了美国、挪威、东南亚珊瑚三角区、塞舌尔和中国(厦门)5个国家和地区开展海洋综合管理实践的经验,提出海洋综合管理实践的步骤和指导原则,以及未来可持续发展的契机所在。点击查看下载蓝皮书 英文版 / 中文版,执行摘要 英文版 / 中文版,以及该高级别小组发布的其它涉及海洋经济可持续发展的专题蓝皮书
On 20 May 2020, the Blue Paper “Integrated Ocean Management” was launched via a webinar ‘Integrated Ocean Management’ featuring Blue Paper lead authors Jan-Gunnar Winther and Minhan Dai, contributing authors Marie Antonette Juinio-Meñez and Amy Trice, as well as Ocean Panel Sherpas from Portugal, Ricardo Serrão Santos, Minister of the Sea and Norway, Vidar Helgesen, Special Representative for the Ocean.
Along with the WRI blog ‘Integrated Ocean Management: 5 Success Stories of Ocean Health and Wealth’, by Blue Paper authors Jan-Gunnar Winther and Minhan Dai; Secretariat team members Eliza Northrop and Ines Aguiar Branco, lead author Jan-Gunnar Winther published ‘Integrated ocean management can accelerate blue growth’ on The Economist Group’s World Ocean Initiative. 
A version of the Blue Paper was published in Nature Ecology & Evolution on 17 August 2020. The Chinese version of the Blue Paper is available to download here.

Capacity Building Online Resources
IMECaN “海洋空间规划研讨会:社会、经济、文化和生态平衡发展研讨会于817-19日成功在线举行, 共有来自82个国家的近700名学者注册参加了研讨会。包含3个视频,总时长约12小时的会议录像现可在IMBeR优酷频道免费在线观看。欢迎订阅 IMECaN 资讯快报 以掌握最新进展!
IMECaN Maine Spatial Planning Workshop: Balancing social, economic, cultural and ecological objectives held successfully on 17-19 August. We had nearly 700 early career researchers from 82 countries register for the workshop. The ability to engage and connect with so many people from around the world was truly invigorating and inspiring. 3-days meeting recording videos (Runtime: ca. 12 hours) are available to watch on IMBeR Youku channel now! Click here to watch the videos. Welcome to subscribe IMECaN newsletter to follow up latest updates!

第五届 IMBeR ClimEco 暑期班课程在 IMBeR 优酷频道上线了!IMBeR 于2016年在巴西纳塔尔举办的暑期班课程录像共包含32个视频,总时长约20小时,点击免费在线学习
IMBeR ClimEco5 Summer School videos are available to watch on IMBeR YouKu channel now! There are 32 videos (Runtime: ca. 20 hours) from IMBeR ClimEco5 Summer School held in Natal, Brazil in 2016. Click here to start free online learning.

Events, Webinars,Conferences and Training

Jobs and Opportunities



联合国可持续发展目标SDG14水下生命卷征集稿件,联系人:Marisa Azul 教授(
Call for contributions to the volume on SDG14 Life Below Water in the Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Contact Prof. Marisa Azul soon if interested

IMBeR IPO-China信息速递的订阅读者为亚太地区的涉海科研人员,如果您希望在此投放您的招聘需求,请发送邮件至
Most our subscribers are IMBeR-related researchers in the Asia-Pacific region. If you would like to put some recruitment information in the IMBeR IPO – China e-News, please contact us through