IMBeR IPO-China 信息速递
Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office - China

September 2021,
No. 19

In This Issue

-SCOR 2021 Annual Meeting
-New Publication
-IMBeR West Pacific Symposium 2021
-Open Call for Chair/Co-Chairs of IMBeR SSC
-IMBeR ClimEco7 Summer School Lectures
-Events, Webinars and Conferences
-Jobs and Opportunities
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IMBeR IPO - China is fully sponsored by ECNU and SKLEC
Editors: Kai QIN and Fang ZUO from IMBeR IPO

Academic adviser: Shan JIANG from SKLEC, ECNU
Equity in science: advocating for
a triple-blind review system
作者:Stephanie Brodie, André Frainer, Maria Grazia Pennino, Shan Jiang, Laura Kaikkonen, Jon Lopez, Kelly Ortega Cisneros, Carl Peters, Samiya Selim and Natasa Vaidianu
期刊:Trends in Ecology & Evolution

We propose 'triple-blind review' for peer-reviewed journals - a process that keeps author identities and affiliations blind to manuscript editors until after first appraisal. Blinded appraisal will help to reduce the biases that negatively affect under-represented and minority scientists, ultimately better supporting equity in scientific publishing.
IMECaN 欢迎处于职业发展早期的海洋研究人员加入!目前,IMECaN 已在96个国家拥有816位成员,赶快点击加入我们吧!
IMECaN is open to marine science students (Masters and PhDs), and early career researchers (less than eight years post-PhD, and less than six years since their first research appointment). The network currently has 816 members from 96 countries. 
IMBeR West Pacific Symposium 2021
Abstract Submission Deadline Extended: 10 October
4 days | Online event | 22-25 November 2021

IMBeR West Pacific Symposium 2021 is now an endorsed United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development activity.
In response to many requests of submission deadline extension, we have decided to postpone the due date to 10 October 2021. We sincerely appreciate all of you who have submitted by the first deadline. Welcome to join us wherever you are!
Confirmed keynote speakers

  • Peter J. Mumby, University of Queensland
  • Makoto Tsuchiya, University of the Ryukyus
  • Shakuntala Thilsted, WorldFish Center
  • Fan Wang, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Michelle La Rue, University of Canterbury
  • Jie Yin, East China Normal University

截止日期 | Deadline
Abstract - Extended to 10 October
Registration - 15 November
Please note, there is no charge for this online event

第七届IMBeR ClimEco暑期班课程
IMBeR ClimEco7 summer school 
lectures are free online
第七届ClimEco暑期班课程在IMBeR优酷频道上线啦!第七届ClimEco暑期班于 2021 年 8 月 9 至 13 日在线举行,作为联合国“海洋十年”的支持活动,该课程涉及多项促进可持续发展的主题,其中包括跨学科海洋科学、气候变化和世界海洋、海洋模型和管理等。点击开始在线学习
The ClimEco7 summer school was held online on 9-13 August 2021. The summer school was endorsed as a United Nations Ocean Decade Event! ClimEco7 covered topics such as interdisciplinary ocean science for sustainable development, climate change and the world’s oceans, an introduction to modelling and management, and science and policy. All the lectures from the ClimEco7 summer school are available on the IMBeR Youku channel now!

Events, Webinars and Conferences

AQUA NOVA Forum season 2 releases schedule! Tencent meeting ID: 64743664318

刘权兴 研究员 “迷人的图形:用数学模型解释自然界的法则”,2021年10月14日
Amazing Patterning: Untie Underlying Principle by Theoretical Models, Prof. Quanxing Liu, 14 October

张文霞 副研究员 “大河口区域的季节性低氧”,2021年10月28日
Seasonal Hypoxia off Mega Estuarine Regions, Prof. Wenxia Zhang, 28 October

Welcome to submit an abstract to Special Session on Ocean observations for the Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
FF02 Climate Impacts on Marine Fish, Fisheries, and Protected Species (contact: Stephanie Brodie, stephanie.brodie(at)

Session OB05 Drivers and consequences of marine dissolved oxygen depletion: from estuaries to the open ocean (contact: Zhuoyi Zhu, zhu.zhuoyi(at) 

Session OB12 Coupling the silica cycle to marine macronutrient and trace metal biogeochemical cycles (contact: Su Mei Liu,

OB15 The Wizard of O2 
(contact: Carol Robinson, Carol.Robinson(at)

OC09 Seasonal-to-decadal forecasting of the marine environment (contacts: Alistair Hobday, Alistair.Hobday(at), Stephanie Brodie, stephanie.brodie(at)

OS09 Oceans of Confl ict and Climate Change: In Search of Pathways forSustainable and Equitable Oceans and Coasts (contact: Michael Gilek, michael.gilek(at)

PI06 Marine Animals as Ecosystem Indicators (contact: Stephanie Brodie, stephanie.brodie(at)

Jobs and Opportunities



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