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Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office

IMBeR Welcomes New National Contacts for Iran and Pakistan

September 2024,

No. 45

IMBeR and Its Sponsors' News

In This Issue

Cover News

-IMBeR Welcomes New National Contacts

---------------------------IMBeR and Its Sponsors' News

-ESSAS Open Science Meeting 2025

-ECOP Engagement

-2024 SCOR Annual Meeting

-Webinar information

-Pathways Forum

---------------------------IMBeR IPO Host's Announcements

- Call for abstracts

- Associate Editors Recruitment

- International Workshop

---------------------------Editor Picks

-New Publications


Events, Webinars and Conferences


Jobs and Opportunities

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IMBeR is a Large-Scale Ocean Research Project under SCOR and a Global Research Network under Future Earth

Call for Session Proposals: ESSAS Open Science Meeting 2025 “Past, Present and Future of Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystems”, 24-26 June 2025, National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan. Submit session proposals by 30 September.

IMECaN actively joins Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences 2025 (XMAS 2025) Session 67: ECOP Engagement, 14-17 January 2025, Xiamen, China. Last day for abstract submissions!

Registration is still open for the 2024 SCOR Annual Meeting, 16-18 October, Qingdao, China. The Pre-Meeting Event will be organised in recognition of the 40th anniversary of the SCOR China-Beijing National Committee.

Charting the Course for the Next Decade of Sustainability Research and Innovation, 1 October 2024, Online.

Pathways Forum - Rethinking economics in a finite world: practical applications of social metabolism, 22 October 2024, Online. Register now!

IMBeR IPO Host's Announcements


Suhui QIAN, GiHoon HONG, Fang ZUO, Kai QIN from IMBeR IPO

Call for Abstracts: International conference on Dialogue between Land and Sea: Challenges and Solutions, 20-22 November 2024, Shanghai,China. Submit by 10 October 2024.

Anthropocene Coasts 

Recruiting Position:

Associate Editors

Anthropocene Coasts is a Golden Open Access journal hosted by East China Normal University, and published by Springer. The journal publishes multidisciplinary research addressing the interaction of human activities with our estuaries and coasts.

To help build on the success of Anthropocene Coasts and to expand the opportunities for international collaboration and contributions to the work of the journal, the journal is seeking more international Associate Editors.

Applications will continue until the position is filled.

The International Training Workshop on the Carbon Sequestration Estimate and Capacity Building of Coastal Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Maritime Silk Road Countries was carried out successfully in Shanghai, China from 7 to 21 September 2024 by the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research & Institute of Eco-Chongming, East China Normal University, and IMBeR IPO. Coastal blue carbon experts and students from thirteen countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Central America contributed to the workshop.

Editor Picks

This month's Editor Picks feature twelve interesting readings from physical oceanography, marine ecology, biodiversity, and biogeochemistry that contribute to a deeper comprehension of marine life and its intricate interactions with the physical and chemical surroundings, such as the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, continental shelves, coastal upwelling systems, and coral reefs

The picks include the oxygen generation from radiolysis at the polymetallic nodule surface in the deep sea floor, the reverse development of ctenophore, reconstruction of over six hundred years of Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation recorded in coral from the southwestern tropical Pacific (Fiji), siliceous arms race in pelagic plankton, solid earth forcing of Mesozoic oceanic anoxic events, teleconnections between North Atlantic temperature and the oxygen content variability in the northern tropical Pacific, the export of lipids to the deep ocean, and the predicted evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet over the next three centuries, among others.

Evidence of dark oxygen production at the abyssal seafloor

Authors: Andrew K. Sweetman, Alycia J. Smith, Danielle S. W. de Jonge, Tobias Hahn, Peter Schroedl, Michael Silverstein, Claire Andrade, R. Lawrence Edwards, Alastair J. M. Lough, Clare Woulds, William B. Homoky, Andrea Koschinsky, Sebastian Fuchs, Thomas Kuhn, Franz Geiger, and Jeffrey J. Marlow

Journal: Nature Geoscience

Deep-seafloor organisms consume oxygen, which can be measured by in situ benthic chamber experiments. Here we report such experiments at the polymetallic nodule-covered abyssal seafloor in the Pacific Ocean in which oxygen increased over two days to more than three times the background concentration, which from ex situ incubations we attribute to the polymetallic nodules. Given high voltage potentials (up to 0.95 V) on nodule surfaces, we hypothesize that seawater electrolysis may contribute to this dark oxygen production.

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Fig. 1: Oxygen concentrations in μmol l−1 measured by calibrated O2 optodes through time in h in the different benthic chamber incubations. a–c, The in situ benthic chamber lander deployments were made during the 5D (a), 5E (b) and 7A (c) cruises to the NORI-D license area (Extended Data Fig. 1). Nodules were present in all incubation experiments. The green hue, blue hue and red lines in the 5D figure (a) denote dead-algal biomass, dissolved inorganic carbon + NH4+ and filtered seawater treatments, respectively. The gap in the optode data in AKS279-Ch.3 was caused by the optode periodically not logging data. The black line indicates ambient O2 concentration measured on the outside of the benthic chambers during AKS273 on the 5D cruise. The green and yellow hue lines in the 5E (b) and 7A (c) figures denote the dead-algal biomass and control (no injection) treatments, respectively. The minor drops seen in some of the O2 concentration profiles at 28, 38 and 47 h are caused by the dilution of the chamber water with 50 ml of seawater that was entrained from the outside into the chamber through a 1.5 m (0.25 cm diameter) open tube when the syringe sampler collected seawater samples from within the chamber. The constant O2 concentration measured during the first 2 h of the 5D and 7A experiments was due to the stirrers being turned off for 1 h to allow the substrates (for example, dead-algal biomass) to sink to the sediment surface. Stirrers were turned on during the 5E expedition from the moment the lander was deployed until the lander returned and power to the stirrers was disconnected.

Sexually dimorphic eye size in dragonfishes, a response to a bioluminescent signalling gap

Authors: Thao Vu, Helena Ebeling, Valentina Di Santo and Christopher P. Kenaley

Journal: Biology Letters

Deep-sea fishes must overcome extremely large nearest-neighbour distances and darkness to find mates. Sexual dimorphism in the size of luminescent structures in many deep-sea taxa, including dragonfishes (family Stomiidae), indicates reproductive behaviours may be mediated by visual signalling. This presents a paradox: if male photophores are larger, females may find males at shorter distances than males find females. Solutions to this gap may include females closing this gap or by males gathering more photons with a larger eye. We examine the eye size of two species of dragonfishes (Malacosteus niger and Phostomias guernei) for sexual dimorphism and employ a model of detection distance to evaluate the potential for such dimorphism to bridge the detection gap. This model incorporates the flux of sexually dimorphic postorbital photophores and eye lens size to predict detection distances. In both species, we found a significant visual detection gap in which females find males before males find females and that male lens size is larger, marking the second known case of size dimorphism in the actinopterygian visual system. Our results indicate the larger eye affords males a significant improvement in detection distance. We conclude that this dimorphic phenotype may have evolved to close the detection gap.

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Ghost Channels and Ghost Cycles Guiding Long Transients in Dynamical Systems

Authors: D. Koch, A. Nandan, G. Ramesan, I. Tyukin, A. Gorban, and A. Koseska

Journal: Physical Review Letters

Dynamical descriptions and modeling of natural systems have generally focused on fixed points, with saddles and saddle-based phase-space objects such as heteroclinic channels or cycles being central concepts behind the emergence of quasistable long transients. Reliable and robust transient dynamics observed for real, inherently noisy systems is, however, not met by saddle-based dynamics, as demonstrated here. Generalizing the notion of ghost states, we provide a complementary framework that does not rely on the precise knowledge or existence of (un)stable fixed points, but rather on slow directed flows organized by ghost sets in ghost channels and ghost cycles. Moreover, we show that the appearance of these novel objects is an emergent property of a broad class of models typically used for description of natural systems.

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Fig. 2: Schematics of phase-space objects. (a) Quasipotential landscape of a saddle fixed point. Gray dot: unstable fixed point localization. (b) Quasipotential landscape of a ghost state. Note the absence of a fixed point. Inset: time course of a trajectory with slow transition through the ghost. Schematic diagrams of scaffolds of connected (c) saddles (Si), i.e., heteroclinic channel, and (d) ghosts (Gi), i.e., ghost channel. Ai denotes the ghost-attracting set of Gi, and Bi its basin. (a)–(d) Black, gray, and magenta arrows represent (un)stable manifolds, flow direction and example trajectories, respectively.

Giant polyketide synthase enzymes in the biosynthesis of giant marine polyether toxins

Authors: Timothy R. Fallon, Vikram V. Shende, Igor H. Wierzbicki, Amanda L. Pendleton, Nathan F. Watervoort, Robert P. Auber, David J. Gonzalez, Jennifer H. Wisecaver, and Bradley S. Moore

Journal: Science

Prymnesium parvum are harmful haptophyte algae that cause massive environmental fish kills. Their polyketide polyether toxins, the prymnesins, are among the largest nonpolymeric compounds in nature and have biosynthetic origins that have remained enigmatic for more than 40 years. In this work, we report the “PKZILLAs,” massive P. parvum polyketide synthase (PKS) genes that have evaded previous detection. PKZILLA-1 and -2 encode giant protein products of 4.7 and 3.2 megadaltons that have 140 and 99 enzyme domains. Their predicted polyene product matches the proposed pre-prymnesin precursor of the 90-carbon–backbone A-type prymnesins. We further characterize the variant PKZILLA-B1, which is responsible for the shorter B-type analog prymnesin-B1, from P. parvum RCC3426 and thus establish a general model of haptophyte polyether biosynthetic logic. This work expands expectations of genetic and enzymatic size limits in biology.

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Reverse development in the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi

Authors: Joan J. Soto-Angel, Pawel Burkhardt

Journal: bioRxiv

Reverse development, or the ability to rejuvenate by morphological reorganization into the preceding life cycle stage is thought to be restricted to a few species within Cnidaria. To date, the cnidarian Turritopsis dohrnii is the only known species capable of undergoing reverse development after the onset of sexual reproduction. Here, we demonstrate that the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi is capable of reversal from mature lobate to early cydippid when fed following a period of stress. Our findings illuminate central aspects of ctenophore development, ecology, and evolution, and show the high potential of M. leidyi as a new model system to study reverse development and rejuvenation. Besides shedding light on the plasticity of developmental programs, our results raise fundamental questions about early animal development, body plans and life cycles.

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Fig. 3: Life cycle and main morphological changes of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi. (A) Ordinary downstream development (normal ontogenesis, clockwise) and reverse development (anticlockwise). Note the absence of tentacles in the fully transitioned lobate stage, and the presence of newly developed anatomical features (i.e. auricles and lobes) gradually appearing during metamorphosis of the cydippid stage and shrinking until disappearing during reverse development. Illustrations of the different life cycle stages by Nicholas Bezio. (B) Individual trajectories and morphological changes during reverse development for three M. leidyi specimens (two starved and one lobectomized) that fully reversed to a typical bitentaculate cydippid stage. Note the increase of prey items in the gut when tentacles regenerated. Scale bar: 5 mm for Day 0; all others 2 mm.

Coral Sr/Ca-SST reconstruction from Fiji extending to ~1370 CE reveals insights into the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation

Authors: Juan P. D’Olivo, Jens Zinke, Rishav Goyal, Matthew H. England, Ariaan Purich, Thierry Corrège, Eduardo Zorita, Denis Scholz, Michael Weber, and José D. Carriquiry

Journal: Science Advances

The southwestern tropical Pacific is a key center for the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), which regulates global climate. This study introduces a groundbreaking 627-year coral Sr/Ca sea surface temperature reconstruction from Fiji, representing the IPO’s southwestern pole. Merging this record with other Fiji and central tropical Pacific records, we reconstruct the SST gradient between the southwestern and central Pacific (SWCP), providing a reliable proxy for IPO variability from 1370 to 1997. This reconstruction reveals distinct centennial-scale temperature trends and insights into Pacific-wide climate impacts and teleconnections. Notably, the 20th century conditions, marked by simultaneous basin-scale warming and weak tropical Pacific zonal-meridional gradients, deviate from trends observed during the past six centuries. Combined with model simulations, our findings reveal that a weak SWCP gradient most markedly affects IPO-related rainfall patterns in the equatorial Pacific. Persistent synchronous western and central Pacific warming rates could lead to further drying climate across the Coral Sea region, adversely affecting Pacific Island nations.

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Fig. 4: Comparison of coral Sr/Ca-SST record with instrumental and reconstructed SST records. (A) ERSSTv5 average annual SST. The edge of the WPWP is indicated by the annual mean SST 28°C contour (yellow). (B) Annually averaged Sr/Ca-SSTs for coral core F14 from Fiji (red) compared to SSTs from ERSSTv5 (black) (r = 0.39, P < 0.001; 1883 to 1997). (C) Spatial correlation for the SWCP (purple rectangles) with the ERSSTv5 mean annual data. The green rectangles represent the zonal gradient of the SST between the western and eastern equatorial Pacific (57). (D) Annually averaged Sr/Ca-SSTs for coral core F14 from Fiji (red) compared to the Fiji composite coral record from records 1F and AB (23) (green) over their common period of 1781 to 1997. (E) Annual Fiji composite coral record (red) combining the records shown in (D) compared to the Ocean2K SST anomaly reconstruction for the western Pacific (24) (blue) and the SST from the PHYDA close to Fiji (17°S, 117°E) (21) (green). Also shown is the most recent SST data for Fiji from ERSSTv5 (1998 to 2021) shown in (E) (black). SST presented as anomalies relative to the period of 1883 to 1996. It should be noted that records 1F and AB (23) from Fiji are also included in the PHYDA and O2KWP reconstructions. Triangles in (D) and (E) denote the timing of major volcanic events (<−3.5 W/m2 values) (Fig. 2) (22) typically associated with a cooling response. Extended warm (cold) periods highlighted in (D) and (E) by red (blue) bars based on the change point analysis for the Fiji composite shown in (E) are indicated by dark red vertical lines; dark red horizontal lines indicate the mean for each period.

A siliceous arms race in pelagic plankton

Authors: Fredrik Ryderheim, Jørgen Olesen, and Thomas Kiørboe

Journal: PNAS

Coevolution between predator and prey plays a central role in shaping the pelagic realm and may have significant implications for marine ecosystems and nutrient cycling dynamics. The siliceous diatom frustule is often assumed to have coevolved with the silica-lined teeth of copepods, but empirical evidence of how this relationship drives natural selection and evolution is still lacking. Here, we show that feeding on diatoms causes significant wear and tear on copepod teeth and that this leads to copepods becoming selective feeders. Teeth from copepods feeding on thick-shelled diatoms were more likely to be broken or cracked than those feeding on a dinoflagellate. When fed a large diatom, all analyzed teeth had visible wear. Our results underscore the importance of the predator–prey arms race as a driving force in planktonic evolution and diversity.

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Fig. 5: Mandible damage and feeding selectivity. Example gnathobases from copepods fed H. triquetra (A), C. radiatus (B), or T. weissflogii (C). The red arrows in (B and C) show examples of teeth damage. Note the row of blunt cusps in (B). (Scale bar, 10 µm.) (D and E) shows the fraction of H. triquetra or thin- or thick-shelled diatoms rejected following capture in copepods previously fed H. triquetra or either C. radiatus (D) or T. weissflogii (E). The bars show fraction of rejected cells from three copepods per treatment and error bars are 95% Wilson score interval (n = 130 to 281). P-values indicate the effect of previous diet on the fraction rejected. Odds ratios with 95% CI (from Left to Right): 1.01 [0.596, 1.715], 1.22 [0.77, 1.96] and 1.53 [1.00, 2.34] (D); 1.57 [1.06, 2.34] and 1.81 [1.26, 2.61] (E).

Long- and short-term coupling of sea surface temperature and atmospheric CO2 during the late Paleocene and early Eocene

Authors: Dustin T. Harper, Bärbel Hönisch, Gabriel J. Bowen, Richard E. Zeebe, Laura L. Haynes, Donald E. Penman, and James C. Zachos

Journal: PNAS

The late Paleocene and early Eocene (LPEE) are characterized by long-term (million years, Myr) global warming and by transient, abrupt (kiloyears, kyr) warming events, termed hyperthermals. Although both have been attributed to greenhouse (CO2) forcing, the longer-term trend in climate was likely influenced by additional forcing factors (i.e., tectonics) and the extent to which warming was driven by atmospheric CO2 remains unclear. Here, we use a suite of new and existing observations from planktic foraminifera collected at Pacific Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1209 and 1210 and inversion of a multiproxy Bayesian hierarchical model to quantify sea surface temperature (SST) and atmospheric CO2 over a 6-Myr interval. Our reconstructions span the initiation of long-term LPEE warming (~58 Ma), and the two largest Paleogene hyperthermals, the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, ~56 Ma) and Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM-2, ~54 Ma). Our results show strong coupling between CO2 and temperature over the long- (LPEE) and short-term (PETM and ETM-2) but differing Pacific climate sensitivities over the two timescales. Combined CO2 and carbon isotope trends imply the carbon source driving CO2 increase was likely methanogenic, organic, or mixed for the PETM and organic for ETM-2, whereas a source with higher δ13C values (e.g., volcanic degassing) is associated with the long-term LPEE. Reconstructed emissions for the PETM (5,800 Gt C) and ETM-2 (3,800 Gt C) are comparable in mass to future emission scenarios, reinforcing the value of these events as analogs of anthropogenic change.

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Solid Earth forcing of Mesozoic oceanic anoxic events

Authors: T. M. Gernon, B. J. W. Mills, T. K. Hincks, A. S. Merdith, L. J. Alcott, E. J. Rohling, and M. R. Palmer

Journal: Nature Geoscience

Oceanic anoxic events are geologically abrupt phases of extreme oxygen depletion in the oceans that disrupted marine ecosystems and brought about evolutionary turnover. Typically lasting ~1.5 million years, these events occurred frequently during the Mesozoic era, from about 183 to 85 million years ago, an interval associated with continental breakup and widespread large igneous province volcanism. One hypothesis suggests that anoxic events resulted from enhanced chemical weathering of Earth’s surface in a greenhouse world shaped by high volcanic carbon outgassing. Here we test this hypothesis using a combination of plate reconstructions, tectonic–geochemical analysis and global biogeochemical modelling. We show that enhanced weathering of mafic lithologies during continental breakup and nascent seafloor spreading can plausibly drive a succession of anoxic events. Weathering pulses collectively gave rise to substantial releases of the nutrient phosphorus to the oceans, stimulating biological primary production. This, in turn, enhanced organic carbon burial and caused widespread ocean deoxygenation on a scale sufficient to drive recurrent anoxia. This model complements volcanic outgassing-centred hypotheses for triggering these events by demonstrating well-quantified basaltic sources of phosphorus release during periods of intense weathering related to climate warmth. Our study highlights a close coupling between the solid Earth and biosphere during continental reorganization.

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Fig. 6: Global distribution of OAE sedimentary deposits and plate boundary features. a,b, Plate-tectonic reconstructions (Methods) showing the main palaeogeographic features, MORs and exposed large igneous provinces, as well as the approximate distribution of OAE-related sequences in the Toarcian OAE at about 183–182 Ma (with OAE sites from ref.49 and references therein) (a) and Turonian at about 90 Ma (with OAE sites from ref.50 and references therein) (b). Note that shallow seas include epicontinental seaways, including the Western Interior Seaway of North America. CIE, carbon isotope excursion; HALIP, High Arctic Large Igneous Province.

Evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Over the Next Three Centuries From an ISMIP6 Model Ensemble

Authors: Hélène Seroussi, Tyler Pelle, William H. Lipscomb, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Torsten Albrecht, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, Xylar Asay-Davis, Jean-Baptiste Barre, Constantijn J. Berends, Jorge Bernales, Javier Blasco, Justine Caillet, David M. Chandler, Violaine Coulon, Richard Cullather, Christophe Dumas, Benjamin K. Galton-Fenzi, Julius Garbe, Fabien Gillet-Chaulet, Rupert Gladstone, Heiko Goelzer, Nicholas Golledge, Ralf Greve, G. Hilmar Gudmundsson, Holly Kyeore Han, Trevor R. Hillebrand, Matthew J. Hoffman, Philippe Huybrechts, Nicolas C. Jourdain, Ann Kristin Klose, Petra M. Langebroek, Gunter R. Leguy, Daniel P. Lowry, Pierre Mathiot, Marisa Montoya, Mathieu Morlighem, Sophie Nowicki, Frank Pattyn, Antony J. Payne, Aurélien Quiquet, Ronja Reese, Alexander Robinson, Leopekka Saraste, Erika G. Simon, Sainan Sun, Jake P. Twarog, Luke D. Trusel, Benoit Urruty, Jonas Van Breedam, Roderik S. W. van de Wal, Yu Wang, Chen Zhao, Thomas Zwinger

Journal: Earth's Future

The Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6) is the primary effort of CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project–Phase 6) focusing on ice sheets, designed to provide an ensemble of process-based projections of the ice-sheet contribution to sea-level rise over the twenty-first century. However, the behavior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet beyond 2100 remains largely unknown: several instability mechanisms can develop on longer time scales, potentially destabilizing large parts of Antarctica. Projections of Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution until 2300 are presented here, using an ensemble of 16 ice-flow models and forcing from global climate models. Under high-emission scenarios, the Antarctic sea-level contribution is limited to less than 30 cm sea-level equivalent (SLE) by 2100, but increases rapidly thereafter to reach up to 4.4 m SLE by 2300. Simulations including ice-shelf collapse lead to an additional 1.1 m SLE on average by 2300, and can reach 6.9 m SLE. Widespread retreat is observed on that timescale in most West Antarctic basins, leading to a collapse of large sectors of West Antarctica by 2300 in 30%–40% of the ensemble. While the onset date of retreat varies among ice models, the rate of upstream propagation is highly consistent once retreat begins. Calculations of sea-level contribution including water density corrections lead to an additional ∼10% sea level and up to 50% for contributions accounting for bedrock uplift in response to ice loading. Overall, these results highlight large sea-level contributions from Antarctica and suggest that the choice of ice sheet model remains the leading source of uncertainty in multi-century projections.

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Fig. 7: Evolution of volume above floatation (VAF) converted into mass (in Gt and m sea-level equivalent [SLE]) for experiments with high emission scenario and forcing simulated until 2300 (expAE02–expAE05). Cumulative evolution of VAF during 2015–2300 including only the main submissions (a) and all ensemble members (c). Bars on the right show the spread of results in 2300 for simulations forced by each climate model. Change of ice VAF in 2300 compared to 2015 and converted into mass (in Gt and m SLE) for each ice flow model for the four high-emission scenarios with 2300 forcing (expAE02–expAE05) including only the main submissions (b) and all ensemble members (d).

North Atlantic temperature control on deoxygenation in the northern tropical Pacific

Authors: Laetitia E. Pichevin, Massimo Bollasina, Alexandra J. Nederbragt, and Raja S. Ganeshram

Journal: Nature Communications


Ocean oxygen content is decreasing with global change. A major challenge for modelling future declines in oxygen concentration is our lack of knowledge of the natural variability associated with marine oxygen inventory on interannual and multidecadal timescales. Here, we present 10 annually resolved 200 year-long records of denitrification, a marker of deoxygenation, from a varved sedimentary archive in the North Pacific oxygen minimum zone covering key periods over the last glacial-interglacial cycle. Spectral analyses on these records reveal strong signals at periodicities typical of today’s Atlantic multidecadal oscillation. Modern subsurface circulation reanalyses regressed on the positive Atlantic and Pacific Climatic Oscillation indices further confirm that North Atlantic temperature patterns are the main control on the subsurface zonal circulation and therefore the most likely dominant driver of oxygen variability in the tropical Pacific. With currently increasing temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere high latitudes and North Atlantic, we suggest deoxygenation will intensify in the region.

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Fig. 8: Schematic summary. Impact of A positive and B negative AMO phases on North Pacific sea surface temperatures (SSTs, SODA, from Fig. 4) and stratification, equatorial biological productivity and oxidant demand, and the Equatorial Under Current (EUC) eastward velocity (SODA). Strong stratification in the North Pacific surface during positive AMO (A) results in warmer SSTs and decreased oxygen penetration into the western EUC3, decreased stratification in the Equatorial Pacific promotes biological productivity (orange dots) and oxidant demand in the East while reduced EUC eastward transport limits oxygen supply to the eastern tropical Pacific resulting in the expansion of the eastern Pacific oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). The anomalies are reversed during negative AMO phases (B). Water column oxygen was drawn using Ocean Data View (ODV46) from World Ocean Atlas 2013 data.

Microbial dietary preference and interactions affect the export of lipids to the deep ocean

Authors: Lars Behrendt, Uria Alcolombri, Jonathan E. Hunter, Steven Smriga, Tracy Mincer, Daniel P. Lowenstein, Yutaka Yawata, François J. Peaudecerf, Vicente I. Fernandez, Helen F. Fredricks, Henrik Almblad, Joe J. Harrison, Roman Stocker, and Benjamin A. S. Van Mooy

Journal: Science

Lipids comprise a significant fraction of sinking organic matter in the ocean and play a crucial role in the carbon cycle. Despite this, our understanding of the processes that control lipid degradation is limited. We combined nanolipidomics and imaging to study the bacterial degradation of diverse algal lipid droplets and found that bacteria isolated from marine particles exhibited distinct dietary preferences, ranging from selective to promiscuous degraders. Dietary preference was associated with a distinct set of lipid degradation genes rather than with taxonomic origin. Using synthetic communities composed of isolates with distinct dietary preferences, we showed that lipid degradation is modulated by microbial interactions. A particle export model incorporating these dynamics indicates that metabolic specialization and community dynamics may influence lipid transport efficiency in the ocean’s mesopelagic zone.

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Fig. 9: Bacterial degradation affects export of sinking lipids from phytoplankton. (Left) Lipid droplets containing diverse molecules were extracted from phytoplankton. (Middle) Droplets were exposed to bacteria that exhibited preferences for degrading lipid molecules at different rates, which changed when bacteria interacted. (Right) Modeled droplets (with ballast to cause sinking) showed how preferences and interactions might affect lipid export in the ocean.

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